Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3164 Sea of ​​Dreams (5)

It's not just the Hogwarts Express that departs from King's Cross Station. The scenery seen from the windows of the Grand Magic Train is also different from what you see on the Hogwarts Express.

Looking back now, the reason why they were able to live in that ancient Renaissance house and she also got an antique skirt that she wore into this world was because they saved the Duke of Lorraine.

Too many years had passed, and if it hadn't been for that long trip, neither Pomona nor Severus would have known that the popularity of witch hunting was divided into regions.

Before the final battle between Hector and Achilles, Hector tried to negotiate with Achilles. One of them would fall first. Hector hoped to be able to do so in the presence of the gods. He swore an oath that he would not insult Achilles' body, but would only take away the armor that represented his honor, and that the body would be returned to the Achaeans, and he asked Achilles to do the same to him.

However, Achilles refused. Just as there is no oath between a lion and a man, there is no harmony between a wolf and a sheep.

Polyphemus also wants to reconcile with Odysseus, but the Cyclops talks about giving gifts.

He said this twice, once before he was blinded, and once after he was blinded. Before being blinded, Polyphemus regarded eating no one last as a gift, and the second time after he was blinded. , even the fallen gods cannot be equal to humans and sign any oath. Naturally, Polyphemus will not let the gods witness the oath like Hector did, which has a mandatory effect.

But he prayed to Poseidon to prevent Odysseus from suffering on his way home.

So when Carolan came back to tell them that the prisoners had refused their offer of hot soup, Georgiana wasn't surprised at all.

The Unforgivable Curse is not only prohibited by law, sometimes people think that as long as they apologize well, they can be forgiven.

If one apology doesn't work, then apologize several times, or give a gift as compensation.

Unforgivable means that the life before committing the unforgivable sin can no longer be returned, although they had a deep friendship before, or had the opportunity to coexist peacefully.

It was a shame, so it was important to stop the situation from getting worse before it caused irreversible consequences, and that was why she turned against Voldemort.

North winds from the Adriatic blew Italian ships toward the east coast, where Albania is now located.

Not only in ancient times, but even in the Middle Ages, Albanian piracy was very active. Whether the Greek, Roman or Ottoman empires tried to combat piracy.

However, due to Albania's geographical conditions, the task of preventing piracy was extremely difficult. In order to protect the ships passing by, Venice established a powerful navy.

Later, this fleet became more and more powerful, allowing the Venetians to leave the Adriatic Sea and go further afield. As the Ottoman Empire strengthened its rule over the Balkans, it gradually controlled the coastal areas of Albania and gained strong naval power.

As people's requirements for security and order increase, their tolerance for pirates decreases.

It would be great if there was no Voldemort in this world, so that the wizarding world would always have only adventure and joy.

If a dead person cannot be resurrected, why can't he stay in the state of death and have to be resurrected and come back?

Many people wanted to believe that, so when the newspapers said Harry was a liar, people believed it.

Harry just wanted to attract attention. This was still the case after the Second Wizarding War. Harry occasionally said that his scar hurt, but people rumored that his scar disappeared.

Pomona believed that Harry was not the seventh Horcrux, and that there was one that had yet to be found.

When the equation is constructed in the mind and the logic of 3+2=5 is formed, people no longer need to look for materials from the real world, and the external world does not even need to exist.

Crassus used the eleventh day law to kill 4,000 people. Wouldn't the soldiers mutiny? When Caesar suppressed the mutiny, the legion totaled only 4,000 men.

After the suppression was completed, Caesar also promised land to the soldiers. However, Appian was a financial officer and was good at counting gold coins. 4000 and 400 people just meant less and more 0.

Rabastan spoke in a very aggressive tone just now, although he seemed to be polite. If Georgiana really asked him to send the captives to a warm place, he would probably say casually, You'd better go back to the palace in Compiègne. It's warm there and it's so icy and snowy. It's better to leave it to me. Bar.

Whether in the Iliad or the Odyssey, Athena appears too many times, and she interferes too much in human affairs.

The other was Apollo, who guided Paris to shoot Achilles in the ankle.

Because Agamemnon was unwilling to release his spoils of war, Apollo sent a plague upon his army. Achilles held a citizens' meeting to support Agamemnon in handing over the spoils allocated to him and to appease Apollo's anger. Why would Apollo let Paris's arrow hit his only fatal weakness?

As the son of the goddess, Achilles was the top among humans, even Agamemnon didn't take him seriously.

The Achaeans admired Achilles and felt that without him there was no chance of victory.

This is actually a request made by Achilles' mother to Zeus, because the Achaeans did not give Achilles the glory he deserved, and Zeus would not let the Achaeans win.

But Hector said to Achilles, if Zeus granted him victory, how could Zeus grant victory to Hector?

However, Athena could no longer count on it. The whole story started because Thetis did not invite the goddess of dispute to her wedding. Thetis married a mortal and did not accept Zeus's love. However, Thetis got married, even though Zeus I still miss my old love, but I don't dare to do that to a human woman, because Thetis is still a goddess no matter how low her status is. Dike, who represents worldly justice, has no control over disputes between gods and humans. Themis, who represents the laws of the divine realm... Dike is the daughter of Zeus and Themis. Hera can't control Zeus, but Themis can?

The goddess of strife then found the golden apple and made Prince Paris the judge.

The golden apple actually appeared at the wedding of Hera and Zeus. It was a wedding gift given to them by Gaia.

Paris thought that power and rule could wait until he succeeded his father on the throne, so he rejected the jealous Hera.

This reasoning has a premise, which is that the Kingdom of Troy still exists, regardless of the order of succession.

Hector is the brother of Paris. He protects Troy like a hero, while Paris brings disaster to Troy.

Hera appears much less often than Athena, but every time she uses her methods, she always leads Troy to a desperate situation.

Love is the most suitable weapon for women, and beauty is indispensable. Hector did not follow the advice of other generals and defend the city of Troy, but attacked the ships of the Greek coalition.

While the two sides were fighting fiercely on the seashore, Hera began to bathe and dress up.

She put on a gorgeous robe, which was sewn for her by Athena, and hung dark red earrings on her soft earlobes, making her look bright and beautiful.

After she finished dressing up, she walked out of the bedroom and greeted Aphrodite, another winner of the golden apple, who was waiting at the door.

Hera asked Aphrodite to leave the other gods and give Hera the power of love and charm.

Then she asked the God of Sleep for the power to put the gods to sleep, but the God of Sleep did not dare. He had seen Zeus's rage. As long as Zeus woke up and found that he was not the one who ordered the God of Sleep to put him to sleep.

Hera promised him to marry one of the three Graces, and swore by the waters of the Styx and all the Titans in Tartarus, that he agreed to help Hera.

Hera beguiled Zeus with her love, and the god of sleep made him sleep soundly. Then she sent a message to Poseidon to help the Achaeans gain honor.

In the end, the waves caused by the tsunami and the north wind roared towards the coast, and the fires in the valleys and forests were extinguished.

Hector, who was fighting, saw this scene and knew that there was no chance of winning. He almost fell in the dust, but was rescued and dragged away by the nearby Trojans.

Another time is the reconciliation between Agamemnon and Achilles. If Achilles does not participate in the war, the Greeks will not be able to win, but he is still alive, which is what Thetis hopes. In order to keep her son alive, she even let him soak in the water of the River Styx and asked the lame Vulcan to make a shield for him.

Hera gave the horse the ability to speak and told Achilles, Go and fight. Today you are brought back safely, but your appointed time has come, not because of us, but because of fate.

Achilles fought against the river god Xanthus. He divided the river into two parts, and rushed one part from the plain to the city, following the panicked escape route of the Achaeans who were killed by Hector the day before. The Trojans fled in panic, but the goddess Hera sent down a thick fog that made them unable to identify their direction, and then the Trojans fell into the rolling river one after another.

It is said that jealous women are often like snakes and scorpions. When Aphrodite returned to Olympus, she said to Athena, Look, that dog tick is taking the murderer Ares out of the battlefield. Go and catch up. them.

Then Athena, the goddess of wisdom, chased after her excitedly and aimed a punch at Aphrodite. Aphrodite was no match for Athena and fell to the ground immediately.

After beating the man, Athena said, If all the gods who sided with the Trojans and fought against the Argives could be like Aphrodite, she came to fight with me so firmly and kindly in order to help Ares. Brave, then we would have ended the cruel war on the battlefield and destroyed this fortified capital.

When Athena spoke, Hera smiled and said nothing.

So why did Aphrodite accept the golden apple? If she didn't accept it, she wouldn't be beaten. It was her turn to watch the fight between Hera and Athena.

Although Athena was the daughter of Zeus, she was not born by Hera, but was born in Zeus's head, and she hurt him for a long time.

Poseidon said to Apollo, Other gods have taken action. Why should we stand by and watch? It's not honorable. Now you take action first. You are younger than me.

Apollo ignored him and said to Poseidon, Let us make an immediate truce and let mortals kill each other.

Then Apollo left the battlefield handsomely.

The goddess of the hunt screamed You ran away! You idiot... balabala

Apollo ignored him, but Hera was angry first, Shameless mad dog, how dare you go against me today.

Most women would grab their hair when fighting, but Hera knew that Artemis was powerful with arrows, so she reached out to grab Artemis' wrist.

Artemis, who was always like a girl, had seen the power of the shrew. She cried and turned into a mountain pigeon, dropped her bow and arrows and ran away.

Then Apollo came to the battlefield of Troy, and Achilles was killing the Trojans non-stop, like an angry god burning the city.

Apollo was responsible for building the walls of Troy. In order to prevent Achilles from bringing suffering and sorrow to the Trojans, Apollo went out to fight and gave the Trojans who were chased by Achilles a chance to enter the city.

So are Hera and Apollo opposites? Because one of them wants to destroy Troy, and the other wants to protect Troy.

Now that they have rejected our offer, what are we going to do? Rabastan asked.

Wait. Georgiana stood up, I'll talk about it after I get some sleep.

She yawned as she spoke.

Rabastan did not say that she had just woken up and fell asleep again, and then said, I forgot to ask yesterday, what will happen if they refuse to accept prisoners?

What else can I do? Of course I'll kill them. She said lazily, It will help them get rid of it.

Rabastan looked at her silently.

Imagine that the Cyclops has lost his only eye and can only be in the dark with no family around, only some goats for company, and can only listen to their bleating all day long. Before losing his sight, he could at least see the rose fingers. The color of the sky and the color of wine. Georgiana said helplessly, Odysseus spared him life just so that the giant could tell passers-by who did this, as if he were a talking monument, and that meant to him It’s not a kind of torture.”

But those prisoners were not giants, said Rabastan.

Isn't it the same? They've become homeless, said Georgiana.

Rabastan didn't quite understand, and she couldn't explain it clearly.

If she were still the silly girl who jumped around in the train compartment and was happy about dog sledding for a long time, she would not be able to give such a cruel order.

If they want revenge, come to me.

She smiled bitterly.

In fact, Avada Kedavra is like falling asleep.

Just wait and see, Rabastan advised.

Let's talk about it after I wake up.

As soon as she finished speaking, the crow sitting on the tree screamed strangely, flapped its wings and flew away, shaking the white snow from the treetops.

She stared in the direction it flew away.

Rabastan looked at it too.

Animagus? Rabastan asked.

Maybe it's just an ordinary raven, Georgiana said, then turned back to the tent.

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