Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3176 game changer

That vampire, is he crazy? Severus said after closing the door after returning to his residence in Venice.

What? Pomona asked confused.

No wonder he stayed in the Muggle world for so long. He said in a sarcastic tone.

Pomona still didn't understand what he was talking about, but she was very tired and just wanted to take off her clothes and go to bed.

The antique dress that the Muggle girl had remodeled was very nice, but the zipper was a bit difficult to pull. Just as she was struggling to hook the lock on her back, Severus came over and helped her a little.

But he didn't go away. Instead, he got close to her neck and sniffed her for a long time, as if she were food with an alluring smell.

I'm tired, she reminded him.

The vampire compares himself to a god, Severus whispered in her ear, and wants to involve us.

She actually wasn't listening that seriously, she closed her eyes and leaned in his arms.

He doesn't know who he is anymore. Severus held her in his arms and swayed slightly, as if dancing.

She seemed to understand a little bit what he was talking about.

Too many people worship vampires, thinking they can stay young like immortal gods.

But gods are immortal, and vampires have ways to be killed, and they are also mortal.

The vampire Giovanni lives in a dream-like hallucination and ignores some things. Muggles have begun to abandon them and pursue other ways of immortality because they have awakened from their dreams and know that vampires will not divide the power of immortality. Give it to them.

The Greek word Eudaimonia is often translated as happiness in English. Plato believed that this word describes the perfect, immortal self. In the process of growth and socialization, people discover their own happiness through interactions with others. Inadequate, constantly adjust oneself, and establish the self-concept in the eyes of others.

In Camus's play, there are no mirrors in the secret room, and all the people in the secret room need to feel themselves through the eyes of others.

Neither can they be alone, so that they are free from the sight of others and free from that hell, nor can they get what they want from others.

Once Giovanni wakes up from that nihilistic dream, he will fall into hell. Vampires are not Titans imprisoned in eternal enjoyment and happiness, so isolated from the world that they live in seclusion. It’s just that Giovanni is not like other people yet. A vampire who rents out his castle to pay the bills.

Sometimes wizards are not so clear-headed. Pomona had never thought in this direction when she heard Giovanni's metaphor just now.

Let's go to bed, he said in her ear.

She agreed without hesitation.

Although the sky was already a little white at this time, it could no longer be said to be night.


Georgiana walks alone in the palace of Compiègne holding a cake.

In fact, not everything here is as magnificent as Versailles. Many places are decorated in neoclassical style. The restaurant where the banquet was held last time was actually a ballroom.

Napoleon also did not live in the King's Suite, it is said that he hated the place where others lived. His bedroom was next to the study, and he could work in the study as long as he came out of the bedroom.

It's just that the ministers waiting in the map hall need to pass through his bedroom to go to the study. She feels that this flow of movement is very unreasonable. The bedroom should be a more private place. The study should be outside and the bedroom should be inside.

But as long as you think of the cumbersome getting-up ceremony, perhaps this arrangement has its reasons.

Then she raised her head and looked at the decorations on the wall. They were all moved from Louis XV's room. Whether they were oil paintings or tapestries, they all depicted scenes of his hunting.

The understanding of Eudaimonia in the Epicurean school is to describe the care from a certain god, as if the person is happy as the darling of a certain god.

Raphael painted Epicurus in the School of Athens in the Vatican, but in a very private position, behind a pillar, and blocked by books and ivy. The painting was still a profile.

His theory is easily misunderstood, that the good life is a series of joys worth remembering, like these paintings hanging in Compiègne.

However, for humans, hunting is joyful, but the animals being hunted do not think so. People at the bottom of the class don't live as well as the dogs of the nobles. Even if they can't wear jewelry like some pet dogs, at least they don't have to worry about food and housing, and there are people to take care of them.

If you are out of sight and out of mind, you will always remain happy. Happiness should be endless banquets and carnivals. In the oil paintings recording the meals of the nobles, the guests always look so happy and comfortable, without any complicated etiquette.

Understand that Epicurus has to think about death every day and face pain and death again and again. This kind of life will indeed make people feel depressed and cannot help people live better.

Most people would rather not think about the concept of death, because death is foreign to most people and is not a part of life. People from different cultural backgrounds mourn the dead but refuse to remind themselves that life is limited.

Children who say die get beaten by adults, or at least don't laugh like in The Emperor's New Clothes. However, death was a part of life for people during the spread of the Black Death. Death has become a part of life. No one knows which one will come first, death or dinner.

In this case, people have different choices. They are to live with happiness, treat every day as the last day of life, and enjoy it when possible, because tomorrow is uncertain, or hope to go to heaven early and enjoy the afterlife hapiness.

During the reign of Voldemort, the wizarding world was full of despair and fear. Weasley's trick shop was still open and they brought happiness to people.

In the face of fear, some people chose to succumb, while others laughed loudly and said funny to the Boggart.

When we have no happiness, only pain, only then do we need happiness.

Memento mori, all men are mortal.

Epicurus felt that death has nothing to do with us, because when the body is reduced to its constituent elements it has no sensation, and what is insensible has nothing to do with us.

The first time Voldemort failed and the body disappeared, the Avada Kedavra Curse did not have the ability of the Obliteration Curse.

Stars also die. In the past, Pomona held popcorn and could not connect it with herself. One day she died, and her body would decompose into fertilizer, allowing plants to grow vigorously.

Dialogue literature was very popular in the 16th century. There is a book that says:

A: Fear of death is rational, because even if I don’t feel pain and joy after death, once I die, I won’t feel the beauty of life.

E: When you die, you don't lose anything because there is no longer you who could have lost anything.

A: But when I die, I will no longer have happiness. The earlier I die, the less happiness I will have. If I die at 80, I will have more happiness than if I die at 20. If I don’t die, , I will have more happiness than dying.

E: If limits are measured by calculation, infinite time contains as much happiness as finite time. When a happiness is perfect, extending it will not make it more perfect.

A: Suppose I am facing imminent death, and I find that my life is a failure. Death is coming and I can do nothing about it. Then I have no plans for the future. This is the horror of death. The reason is that even if you don't fear anything after death, death will cancel any possibility of correction. Death has no future. Death cuts off all possibilities.

E: Get rid of those erroneous opinions brought about by the gods or other bullshit that actually infest you.

The most famous symbol of Stoicism is not to think wildly about things that are beyond your control, just like a person holding a bow and arrow. He has no control over whether he hits or misses. A gust of wind may blow the arrow away.

The surrounding audience will boo, and such a result will certainly not lead to a championship.

According to Hobbes's description in Leviathan, the laws of the country are like the rules of the game, and all participants agree that it is not unfair to everyone.

When Voldemort was strong, no one dared to resist. He had no power anymore, and the Death Eaters were miserably oppressed, and the contribution of Slytherin was forgotten.

And if the rules of this game are only beneficial to one person, and he is the only one who wins, and everyone else loses, then he is the only one who finds this game interesting, and other players are eager for this game to end soon.

Georgiana did not find Bonaparte in the study, and the adjutant told her that he was playing billiards with others in the games room.

This meant that she had traveled so far in vain. Her room was actually very close to the playroom.

Then she fell back again, and passed a hall on the way. There was no furniture in it, so the only sculpture was particularly eye-catching.

It was a beautiful girl holding a big snake in her arms, as if using her own body temperature to warm the snake's frozen body.

She didn't know if the snake would bite the girl after waking up. After all, in the eyes of the snake, there was no difference between a farmer and a beautiful woman.

Then she moved on, Epicurus's atomism was based on Democritus's development. Atoms, whether they are the lightest or the heaviest, fall straight down at the same speed in the void. However, due to their own reasons, they deviate from the original trajectory and collide with other atoms to create everything.

Epicurus did not say whether this free action originated from free will or other factors. However, the uncertainty caused by this impact made the actors unable to control it, causing the overall structure to change in an unexpected direction. Although In a sense, this deviation from the initial vector provided by the actor is within its control.


When Georgiana came to the games room, another game of pool began.

There were not many people accompanying the First Consul. Unlike the king who was always surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside, there was still plenty of space on the first floor to set up a stage for performing magic, drama and concerts.

The rest of the people in the playroom noticed Georgiana's presence and left silently.

In the end, only the two of them were left.

What do you want to do? He asked knowingly when he saw the cake in her hand.

Teach me how to play billiards. She put the cake on the table nearby.

The cake is not for me? he said teasingly.

Are you hungry? she asked.

He didn't dwell on the topic and asked her to come over and teach her step by step how to play billiards.

At this time, she suddenly remembered a problem. Atoms of the same nature are more likely to fuse with each other, which is opposite to the magnetic poles.

How could she separate two beads with the same fire attribute?

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