Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3186 Giant Whale and Elephant (10)

Well done! Cedric!

Cedric Diggory, who got the golden egg, was surrounded by people like a hero, but Gryffindor was obviously more enthusiastic, and they lifted Harry Potter up.

Everyone was very happy. Although the first level was thrilling, they passed it safely.

Pomona felt very proud. Whether it was Victor Krum or Fleur Delacour, they all found ways to make the dragon close its eyes. As long as the dragon could not see or fell asleep, they did not use the invisibility spell on themselves. It's not a foul either.

Open this golden egg and look at it, someone said to Cedric.

Cedric glanced at Pomona first.

When she thought of the mermaid's song in the golden egg, she frowned subconsciously.

Let's wait until I check it, Cedric said to everyone. We have to make sure it's safe.

Everyone was a little disappointed, but did not persist and continued to crowd Cedric back to the lounge, where a celebration party was waiting for him.


Close your eyes. Georgiana asked Bonaparte to lie down on the sofa in the study, and then said to him.

He obeyed obediently.

The entire study was dark, illuminated only by the fire in the fireplace.

She revealed her original form.

Sometimes she forgets that she is not human, except when she is particularly emotional.

Mermaid singing is difficult to learn because they sing in the water, but you can still hear it if you listen carefully in the Slytherin common room at the bottom of the Black Lake.

She sang a song that she didn't know where she heard, as if she could sing it since she was born.

He wanted to open his eyes, but they were covered by her hands.

Be obedient and close your eyes, Georgiana continued.

Then he stopped struggling and lay on the sofa again.

The sound of birdsong also depends on the species of bird. At least few people find the sound of crows pleasant.

By the time the song was finished, she was in no rush to get back to her original state.

Can I open my eyes? he asked with his eyes closed.

It was no coincidence that Napoleon appeared every time Josephine ate in the restaurant. The reputation gained by the Portuguese coup did not help in social activities or even politics. Instead, it made him more isolated and helpless. Only Josephine would still compliment him.

This is also the reason why he likes Milan so much. It is estimated that only Milan in Italy has a good impression of the French, and they are not willing to leave.

What is your relationship with Miss Campini? she began to interrogate.

He laughed.

She pecked him hard with her sharp beak.

This may hurt a little because there is blood.

She was back to herself before he opened his eyes.

He glanced at the back of his injured hand, then glared at Georgiana, who was wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth.

I have nothing to do with her. He said seriously, That's what others said.

She bullied me to the point where she said I was short in front of so many people! She poked his chest and said, When you met her, didn't Josephine make no mistakes?

Really not. He explained painfully.

But she laughed.

Why are you laughing? he said unhappily.

You know what other playboys would say? Georgiana said with a smile. They would swear and say, 'I only love you.'

He studied her expression carefully.

Can you swear? Bocculiu said that in his time, oaths were useless. Georgiana said with a smile.

That's the Italians. The French still take their oaths very seriously. He said calmly.

Can you swear? she asked again.

He held up his bleeding hand.

On my honor, I am innocent in this matter.

Where is the young Corsican woman you just rescued from Austria? Georgiana asked with hatred.

I'm just saving people in danger! he said, scratching his neck.

She glared at him.

I know you don't believe it, that's why I didn't explain. He put down his hand.

She raised her fist and hit him hard.

He didn't move, as if he wasn't made of flesh.

I'm so angry! she said, covering her hands.

You hit me with something. He said with a playful smile, Where's that little wooden stick you just used?

That's called a magic wand. She sat on the other end of the sofa. If I hit you with it, do you think you'd still be alive?

He immediately came over and leaned against her affectionately.

How did you come up with the sculpture just now? he asked enthusiastically.

In order to obtain greater political benefits, the Pope of the Borgia family married his illegitimate daughter three times. The second marriage also involved divorce. This was a very dishonorable thing, but the Pope still initiated the process. His daughter was forced to live in a convent.

However, the third marriage, also to the Duke of Ferrara, seemed to be really protected by the goddess of fate. Even though Alexander VI died the second year after the two got married, the Duke still loved his beautiful bride.

Spaccio della bestia trionfante. She leaned against the back of the sofa and played with the hair on the back of his neck with her fingers.

What is that? he asked confused.

Latin, meaning Drive out the proud beasts, was written by Bruno. When Zeus announced the position occupied by Hercules in the constellation sequence, the goddess of fate came to the Olympus gods and told them Ask yourself for the place occupied by Hercules.

Then what? he asked, looking into her eyes.

Zeus said to the Fates, 'Though nowhere in the universe can a wandering and capricious person such as you be prevented, yet in this position of Heracles was given courage, where truth, law, and just judgment would prevail. Where status is concerned, courage is indispensable. Courage is the shelter of all other virtues. It is the shield of justice and the tower of truth. It is not attacked by bad habits, does not bow down due to suffering, is not afraid of danger, suppresses desires and surrenders fate. She used his The tips of the hair scratched his neck The power of human will made Heracles the tamer of fate.

Then who is the beast? he asked.

I'm thinking about Galileo's trial information. Is it necessary to disclose it? She let go of his hair.

Bring me that book, he ordered.

Georgiana shook her head.

Then help me cover the wound. He raised his hand to show her.

It's Christmas, I don't want to read that stuff. She raised her hand, and a book from the shelf was summoned to her hand.

Divine Comedy? he said, looking at the cover of the book.

I just suddenly wanted to read it. She said while flipping through the book.

He lay on her lap.

Read it to me, he said with his eyes closed.

If it were someone else...

But Georgiana did as he asked.

“Now is the time when the sailor, on the day when he bids farewell to his dear friends, longs for his native land and is filled with tenderness, and when the traveler on his new journey hears the distant bells that seem to mourn the day, they are At this moment when homesickness stung me, I stopped using my hearing and watched one of the souls stand up...

There was a sudden muffled sound outside, which startled her.

It's just fireworks. He still closed his eyes and said, Keep reading.

Georgiana looked out the window, and a huge firework exploded.

Merry Christmas!

There was a chorus of shouts from downstairs, which sounded distant.

It's New Year's Day, said Georgiana.

He didn't answer, as if he was asleep.

So she took the book and continued reading the Purgatory.

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