Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3190 tiger’s eye

Buddy Crouch Sr. is dead, but Fudge feels the game will go on.

What did Dumbledore say? Pomona asked.

But the person who came to tell her the news completely ignored what she said and just wanted to kiss her.

Because of someone's certain lack of knowledge, she hasn't actually lost her virginity.

But she felt that now was not the time to consider these issues.

Get up, I want to talk to you! She pushed him hard.

Snape, who looked like an adolescent boy, sat back down with a frustrated look on his face, his pale face actually turning a little red due to excitement.

If old Buddy Crouch dies, who will be the referee? she continued to ask.

How do I know? I'm just a humble teacher. He said in a sarcastic tone.

Do you really not know, or...

I've been thinking about you. He raised his hand and stroked her cheek. Do you miss me?

She looked into those dark eyes.

She knew many, many stories and precedents about what would happen if one tasted the forbidden fruit without any status.

Even getting married and divorced, how hard it is to be a single mother.

Come to me in the greenhouse at night. She said seriously. It's daytime now.

Although he wasn't too happy, he agreed, stood up from the sofa, and left her office.

When she was done cleaning up, Cedric came in, and he looked at her in a way that made her feel uncomfortable.

What's the matter? she continued to ask with a smile.

I just saw Professor Snape. Cedric said expressionlessly, What is he here for?

Just come here...there's something I want to tell you. Pomona stopped smiling and said seriously, The original referee, old Buddy Crouch, is dead. You can't tell anyone about this, even though it's Soon everyone will know.

Who else knows? Cedric asked.

Potter, he found the body, Pomona said.

There was no smile on Cedric's face and he walked away in silence.

She felt this was a bad sign and maybe she should stop the match from continuing or convince Cedric to quit.

But then she thought, if the bad guys had any purpose, the target must be Harry Potter, and Cedric was safe.

If he wins the trophy, it will be good for himself and the entire academy.

So she put the matter behind her and thought about what to do at night.


The creations of nature are not perfect. Even Lucrezia, who walks on the clouds, is said to have a bit of a big mouth. Fortunately, her teeth are white and dazzling, and her neck is long and white, which is in extremely beautiful proportion to her breasts.

Hermione's teeth stick out a bit, but she could actually use braces, as her parents, who are dentists, must know.

However, wearing braces would affect her appearance. Fortunately, she used magic to correct them during the Christmas ball, and she also made her fluffy hair very smooth.

She didn't know what others thought. Dating Victor must be the dream of many girls, but Ron broke Hermione's heart, even though he was at the bottom of the list and still wore that kind of clothes on the day of the prom.

And his relationship with Lavender is also off-putting.

Hermione is obviously such a smart girl, why would she choose Ron?

Dante's Divine Comedy was written between 1307 and 1321, before Beatrice died.

Dante died before her, and by the time Beatrice died, copies of the Divine Comedy had been circulated everywhere.

That era respected female widowhood, just like the secret garden she had seen in Mechelen, which was a testament to the chastity of the abbot and the widows.

Dante and Nino were friends, and of course he hoped that Beatrice would always love him. After his death, the coffin was engraved with Nino's family crest, and he said that the latter one was not as good as the former one, so Beatrice had to put it in hers. Two clan emblems are engraved on the coffin.

So the question of why Visconti didn't treat his sister well should be asked to Dante, who would be gone if Beatrice remarried.

There are always wars between Florence and the Duchy of Milan. Since they support Judge Nino and support his daughter, they deny the legitimacy of the Visconti family.

Illegitimate children are not absolutely illegal. For example, Visconti's illegitimate son Gabriele later inherited Pisa. He received the territory in the will of Gian Galeazzo Visconti, but that happened after Dante's death. Something happened.

Later, Pisa was sold to Florence, and Pisa continued to try to become independent until Florence conquered Pisa again. This historical event in the past century is known as the War of the Soul.

Titian has a painting that depicts the Heavenly God of Love and the Earthly God of Love. The heavenly God of Love is naked and looks free, while the earthly God of Love is tightly wrapped.

In some paintings, angels are wearing clothes while humans are naked.

They were either driven out of the Garden of Eden or were about to undergo the Doomsday Judgment.

On the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, there is God creating Adam. Theoretically, the one wearing clothes represents God, and the one without clothes, as if he has just woken up, is the original Adam.

But it is human beings who age. How could the immortal God be in the image of an old man?

The survival situation of female artists is more difficult than that of men. Artesia was once hurt, but no one in the entire Roman court upheld justice for her. She poured her pain and anger into her works. Her works are filled with shocking violence and are not as calming as those of Raphael.

After taking her away from the scene, he did not take her to the empty room, but to the place where the vanishing cabinet was stored.

Why didn't you tell me there was such a thing earlier? he said with a smile.

What do you want to do with it? asked Georgiana.

I can use it to go home. He stroked the body of the disappearing cabinet and said, This way I can go back at any time when I go on an expedition.

She really didn't expect... that he actually planned to use the disappearing cabinet like this.

Don't you intend to use it for some other purpose? asked Georgiana.

What about? he asked seemingly carelessly.

She couldn't say it. Maybe he didn't have any idea in this regard, but he had it because of her tips.

Have you read the letter I wrote to you? he said suddenly.

Didn't you destroy it? she said.

How do you know I destroyed it? he asked.

She shut up.

Look, if you have this cabinet, you can say anything you want in person. Letters will always be lost when they are passed around. He smiled softly. How about taking the other cabinet back to France?

That won't do, Georgiana said quietly.

Why not? He was a little unhappy.

Because Brick owes me a life debt, and things related to the life debt cannot be changed casually. Georgiana said.

You're lying. He frowned and his eyes turned as golden as a lion.

I have been wondering why all this happened to me. Pomona looked at him without fear and said, A wizard owes the life of another wizard, and there is a certain connection between them. I I think this relationship is more than just who saved whose life, I owe my student a life, and now I have to protect another student.”

Do you think this way the life debt can be evened? he asked arrogantly.

No, no matter how many lives I save, that child will never come back. She smiled bitterly, I just don't want to owe more lives.

He fell silent.

I want to take Padma home. Pomona sighed. If I find another disappearing cabinet in the future, I will...

He raised his hand to stop her from continuing.

Why can't you act like a normal woman? he said tiredly.

He also asked me this, why don't you find a normal woman to fall in love with? Pomona asked.

He looked at her silently.

You are a good person, Li Ang. She said with a smile, If others heard it, they would think I was crazy.

Maybe it's because they are too stupid. He rubbed his nose as if he was addicted to cigarettes.

How about you go back and continue writing? Not writing novels, but writing down your thoughts, like Frederick the Great did, Pomona said.

Can you read? he asked casually.

I have already read your 'masterpiece'. She laughed. Do you think girls will really be the same as those in your novels?

What kind?

She still felt it was better not to say anything.

He really doesn't know what he missed. Li Ang looked at her.

It doesn't matter anymore. She reached out to him, Let's go back.

He shook his head.

In two days, just think we're on vacation, he said tiredly.

Okay. She agreed easily, unlike a wise minister who advised the king to do diligent work.

Only then did he come over and hold her hand, leaving the room where the cabinet was.

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