Chapter 3197 Flashing Mosaic (5)

Voltaire once wrote a story about an "honest man". One day he broke into the magnificent "palace" next door. In fact, it was the home of a baron. He had a wife who weighed 350 pounds, and a girl who was only 17 years old. Years old, fat and tender daughter.

This lady refused to marry the squire's son because his old family's lineage could only be traced back to the 71st generation, and the rest of the family tree had been lost over the years.

The honest man arrived at the baron's house and was amazed when he saw the beautiful lady. However, he did not have the courage to do anything to her. He was studying with the baron's son and listened to the master's lectures along the way. He thought that he could make a big difference in the future.

There is a forest outside the castle that can be used as a small hunting ground. The young lady became good friends with a very handsome brown-haired girl, and the two did physics experiments together. One day, on her way back to the castle, she met an honest man after class, and she couldn't help but blush. , Candide also blushed, she said hello to him without saying anything, but Candide answered her without knowing what she meant.

After lunch the next day, when they left the table, the lady led the honest man behind the screen and deliberately dropped the handkerchief on the floor.

After all, the honest man was not completely stupid. He knew how to help the young lady pick it up. She "unintentionally" held his hand. The honest man "unintentionally" kissed the girl's hand, and then their mouths touched.

It happened that the baron was passing by the screen at this time. When he saw the result, he immediately kicked Candide's ass and drove him out of the door. The young lady fainted on the spot and woke up and was slapped by her 350-pound mother.

After being "kicked out of the paradise on earth", the honest man walked aimlessly for a long time, crying and looking at the sky. When he was freezing, he came to a small town. There was a tavern in the town, and he was starving to death. , when he was extremely tired, a man in blue clothes suddenly said to him.

"Young man, I see that you are both talented and beautiful, and have the talents of heaven and man. May I ask if you are five and a half feet tall?"

The honest man nodded, "Yes, that's right, I'm exactly five and a half feet tall."

The man in blue immediately took him to sit down and eat. After two glasses of wine, the honest man became the pillar of Bulgaria.

The atmosphere in the French court was such that even Voltaire had to "adapt to the environment", but when he arrived at the Prussian court, this sense of humor was not so popular.

All in all, in order to make the atmosphere less rigid, Georgiana had to "find another way". There happened to be so many actors backstage, so she asked them to recreate the scene in the painting.

Of course, they are not replicas of those without clothes, which are considered "deviant" even in salons.

She chose one by the Dutch genre painter Ostad, who had participated in painting the interior of the Louvre.

At that time, Louis XIV was still repairing Versailles, and he was also using troops abroad, so the budget was limited. Not all the materials in the Louvre were real. What looks like oak and marble is actually painted, which is not unusual in France, where there are specialized professions for this.

Leonardo da Vinci rarely painted after moving to France in 1515. He mainly engaged in scientific research, and Francois I also supported him. So Leonardo left a lot of manuscripts and sketches, and of course, Georgiana wanted to sell them without stepping over someone's body.

In the era in which Ostad lived, the Baroque style had already taken shape, and many of the interiors of the Louvre were in that style.

Ostad's paintings are very influenced by Rembrandt and are full of spotlight effects and dramatic scenes. She chose his painting "Tooth Extraction".

She didn't know whether the actors were really extracting teeth or acting. It was daytime, so it wasn't as good as the effect of being by the fireplace at night, but the people on the stage were clearly screaming, but the audience was laughing.

This painting was sold for 2,000 francs, which is already a good price. After all, Ostad is not as famous as Titian and Rubens, and his pigments are also cheap.

Because it is cheap, it can be used in a wide range of applications. You cannot use ground lapis lazuli as a background like Titian. In light of the material cost, it cannot be used by ordinary families.

The color of ocher determines that it cannot be a bright color, so it can only be remedied in other ways. Ostad painted almost all happy scenes in the countryside, which was different from the court paintings that served the upper class.

Ruben rarely painted delicate girls. The women he painted were all "fat" adult women, strong and lively, as if they had endless energy to express their passionate vitality and confidence in life.

Titian painted several sets of Christ on the cross. When he was in his prime, the paintings were full of violence and pain. In his old age, they became "serene". He himself was not interested in the contrast between light and dark. His "harmony of colors" "It's not based on light.

What remains in the Louvre is the one painted by Titian in his old age, when his use of color was more mature. Although it is also a night scene painting, the color is provided by the red robe on his body, not the blood.

After Titian became famous, more people came to him to paint. If he painted every painting himself, even if he lived for 80 years, it would not be enough. Large decorative paintings usually use assistants. Some paintings were modeled by the model and then painted by the artist, but as long as the artist signed them, it was enough, even if the master never touched the pen from the beginning to the end.

Once, it is said that Charles V went to Titian's home to watch him paint. Titian's pen happened to fall, and the emperor picked it up for him. Later, it was said that "the greatest emperor serves the greatest painter."

When Charles V visited Mantua, Giulio Romano designed many masks and fancy costumes to decorate the equestrian competitions. Only with the support of the emperor could they have "unlimited creative freedom", otherwise they would be taken to the Inquisition for questioning like Veronese.

Compared with the flying lion statue brought back from Venice, the impact of the Inquisition documents Napoleon brought back from Rome was not great, even though it cost 600,000 francs to move those documents.

At that time, some of these materials were burned when they were moved to Paris, and some fell into the river when they were transported to Paris. The church sent a special envoy to ask Barbier, the director of the Paris Library, to return them. He almost died from crying.

When in court, a woman's age is no secret.

Some mistakes cannot be made even once. If Josephine had not lost her "legitimacy", how could a little girl like Georgina dare to move forward?

The laughter outside seemed to have nothing to do with Georgiana. The beautiful and sexy Miss Georgina would not play the role of a village girl in those rural genre paintings. Other actors were taking turns on the stage, but she did not move.

She didn't provoke, and of course Georgiana had no reason to take action. It seemed like there was an invisible wall between the two of them, and neither one took the initiative to speak.

At this time, Chateaubriand also finished writing the manuscript and handed it to Denon.

There was a banishment law in ancient Greece. People would hang the name of the person who they thought should be banished on a tree. Then no matter who the person was, he would be banished. The dictator took over this power.

When those who want to stay can't stay and those who want to leave can't leave, this in Georgiana's eyes means losing freedom.

Augustine said that freedom is the source of human misfortune and the source of human happiness, if we can use it correctly.

In fact, she should have walked with him that day at the opera house, but she just wanted to prove the dictator that he was wrong.

The causes of resentment are two basic forms, one is the inability to resist, and the other is the inability to forget.

She didn't want to internalize her resentment, sacrifice the most precious part of her life, and become like Voldemort.

Did he really lose to love? Or lost to luck? This was the greatest fortune Harry had ever inherited from his father.

"Ha, you're here." Bougainville walked to the backstage door and said, "I've been looking for you for a long time, sailor."

"What do you want from me, captain?" Georgiana asked with a smile.

"I'm afraid you're lost," Bougainville said.

"I'm the lookout."

"I remember that you loved watching stars, right? There is a guest you should meet."

"Who?" asked Georgiana.

"A hermit who likes to look at the stars." Bougainville waved to her. "I don't know what wind brought him here. He actually left the observatory. He didn't even go to the day when the Republic of the Southern Alps was founded."

"Italian?" asked Georgiana.

"He is from Milan. You should have heard of him. He discovered Ceres." Bougainville said.

Georgiana was still reminiscing when she left the stage. She seemed to have heard the name of the discoverer of Ceres, but who was it?

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