Chapter 323 Disarming the Alarm

Before Princess Wencheng came to Tibet, Princess Chizun from Nepal came to LS first. She wanted to build a temple in the Neiwutang area to enshrine the eight-year-old Buddha's full body, but it has not been successful. Buildings built during the day are destroyed by ghosts and gods at night. Hearing that Princess Datang is proficient in geographical survey, she asked Princess Wencheng to determine the best place to build a temple on her behalf.

Princess Wencheng performed divination according to the geographical survey method of the Central Plains, and calculated the terrain of XZ in the snowy area - just like the shape of a Rakshasa witch lying on her back. And LS Wotang Lake is the witch's heart, and Red Mountain, Tieshan Mountain, and Mopan Mountain are the veins on the witch's heart orifice. Wotang Lake should be filled up and a Sakyamuni temple should be built to suppress it.

XZ is not a place suitable for couples to hold hands and go on a date. It is dangerous there. After nearly a year of traveling in XZ, they went to Mongolia. The native Japanese Kabbah is everywhere in Mongolia.

These are just the tip of the dunghill. China's territory is almost the sum of the entire Europe. Curiosity can kill a cat. Cats have nine lives. Keeping a distance from Chinese wizards is good for everyone.

"What did you screw up?" Draco Malfoy gloated at his godmother.

"Come on." Pomona poured herself a glass of sherry, which she needed now. "What do you feel, Draco?"

"Feel what?"

"That sign, do you feel it?"

"I don't feel anything." Draco shook his head. "When will the godfather come back?"

"I don't know, Draco, I touched his Dark Mark and it's hot."

Draco looked calm, not panicked.

"I didn't expect that one day the godfather would be as eager to someone as a Bowtruckle pounces on a vixen's egg, but he's really crazy to let you touch the Dark Mark."

"You really didn't feel anything?"

"Nothing." Draco said, looking into her eyes, "Really."

"How much do you know about the Room of Requirement?" Pomona controlled her emotions.

"Rookwood taught me how to open it."

"Do you know how to take it off?" Pomona touched her black swan necklace, "The Blacks have one too."

"What?" Draco was stunned.

"It's not as big as Hogwarts. Arcturus donated a large sum of money to the Ministry of Magic. It may be a gift along with the Order of Merlin. There are many books on black magic in it. You are half Black , Krich likes you very much, remove it from Black's old house, and return it to Severus after he elects a new Black family master, and that house will be used by Harry and Ginny in the future."

"It's ridiculous." Draco showed a weird smile, "The Potter family lived in the old house of the Black family?"

"It is not safe for him to continue living in Godric's Hollow."

"So you're still going to take care of him? You're my godparents, not the Scarheads!" Draco looked away. "Sometimes I wish he'd died that night so we could all be clean." gone."

"No one deserves to be killed!"

"You should tell those werewolves about this, are they human or animals!" Draco said excitedly, "Dad won't let me go to the conference room, in his eyes I haven't grown up yet!"

"You are in charge of solving the dragon's problem. You are cooperating with your father. If the goblin and the werewolf make trouble together, it will be a big war. We can't afford this now."

"How long will it take for that dragon to get to Hogwarts?" Draco said impatiently.

"Have you set up the arena for the gladiatorial battle? Nobetta is more ferocious than the Hungarian Horntail, and the defensive magic of the Leaky Cauldron Bar, these are enough for you." Pomona regained her composure and began to think about good memories. Need to leave a message for Severus.

No one can catch him, all she needs to worry about is not being a burden to him.

Calling Guardian is a difficult spell for gloomy people, and Harry could learn it easily because his heart was full of love and joy, which Draco lacked.

He is very lonely, although he is rich, he has many followers but no friends, the only person he can turn to for help is the godfather, unlike Harry who has many friends.

Originally, her swan patron saint was created because of Lily, but now she is jealous of the fiery red-haired woman, and it is no longer possible to call the patron saint based on the memory of feeding the swans. Silver-white smoke, she never thought that she would fail to use the spell one day.

She is very good at hiding. She will not be the first to succeed in Charms, but she will never fall out of the top ten. She has always been a top student, even though she is from Hufflepuff College.

Ravenclaw never thought that Hufflepuff would be his opponent in the exam.

They came from the quiet lake, where there were swans, but Hufflepuff came from the thick forest, and there were no swans in the lush forest.

She doesn't want to be a deer either, it's beautiful, but that's Lily's patron saint, that woman who everyone praises and thinks she's as perfect as the Virgin has taken away her love, the most important thing for a woman, she Why should he be tolerant and magnanimous, tolerating that he has another woman in his heart.

She even demeaned herself, which is wrong, beauty is also a kind of power, and Fleur set off a madness in Hogwarts.

Pomona wants to be her, she uses a maple wand, which is usually chosen for natural travelers and explorers, it is not suitable for everyday household magic, and yet Fleur is now Bill Weasley's wife, a housewife, She lived happily, living happily in that shell hut by the sea.

The owner of the beech wand is more intelligent than her peers. Adults will have rich experience and tolerance. Ollivander did not try other wands for her at all, and directly gave her this very beech wand with Veela hair .

No one can use the call god guard as soon as they pick up the wand, what was the first magic she used?

She thought back carefully, and there were blooming flowers everywhere, and it was not Pete who accompanied her to buy a wand, but an old man with a white beard, Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts.

"That's your talent." His blue eyes looked at her through half-moon glasses. "You were born to work with herbs. Don't waste your talent. A beech master can make a glorious reputation."

But that's not what I want, human wizard.

Her happiest time was her six years of seclusion. Occasionally, she would leave the house to collect honey or mushrooms in the forest. There was a small lake deep in the forest. In the lake, a pair of swans crossed their necks and floated on the surface of the mirror-like lake. above, forming a silly heart, just like those tacky couple ornaments.

"No!" She refused to accept this memory, and she would become Dorcus every time the Invoker used it!

However, more smoke was emitted from the end of the wand, and finally condensed into a swan. Pomona suddenly felt that this bird was very stupid, although it looked very elegant and noble, with the air of a princess.

Congratulations, Pomona Sprout, you've managed to become the type of person you hate the most, as pompous a fool as the gorgeous Malfoy and Lockhart.

"Why did you call out the Patronus?" Draco said, looking at the gracefully flying swan Patronus.

"Tell your godfather that we're going to Black's house." Pomona grabbed Master Malfoy's hand and walked towards the fireplace.

"Who is Padfoot?"

"Your uncle, Sirius Black." Pomona said blankly. "He wasted twelve years in Azkaban. He should have persuaded your aunt not to follow the Dark Lord."

That was the only reason Pomona could think of for Dumbledore not saving Sirius.

He let Sirius practice his speaking and presentation skills in Azkaban, just like him and Grindelwald, who are good at using their tongues to deceive people and make those Death Eaters who are loyal to the Dark Lord loyal to him.

Even if Dumbledore likes the same sex, he is still a man. This kind of ambition for power is the same as that of all men in the world.

As the green light flashes, she reappears when Bill and Fleur are in the living room of the Blakes' house, and it appears that her husband has been whispering to someone without her knowing.

"Are you...Professor Sprout?" Bill looked into her face in shock and said, "My Herbal Professor?"

"Why do we come here?" Furong asked in French-sounding English.

"Clean up the room." Pomona petrified a flying vixen with her wand. "Harry is going to live in. We need to help him clean up the house."

Fu Rong shook her head, and was about to say something when the door slammed "嗙" from downstairs.

Immediately after, hurried footsteps were heard, and it didn't take long for Severus Snape to stride, dragging his jet-black robe, and appear at the door of the living room.

His face was stiff, and he still looked bloodless, not at all like a newlywed groom.

"Don't do that next time," he warned her, then turned his gaze to Bill. "I heard you're a good spellbreaker?"

"That's right." Bill shrugged. "Why did Malfoy appear at the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix?"

"My mother is Black, and this is the Black family..."

"Quiet, Draco," Severus interrupted slowly. "Lovely bite mark, do you enjoy walking on full moon nights as much as Lupine now, Bill?"

"Not as cute as the bite mark on your neck." Bill pursed his lips and smiled. "I heard you died. How did you come back to life?"

"There are no so-called secrets in this world, only the hidden truth, and the truth is often beautiful and terrifying." Severus said slipperyly, "Your wife, like mine, is a half-breed Veela, It's just that she was lucky to live in a much better time than ours, thanks to the efforts of Albus Dumbledore, a brilliant and great wizard, I am grateful to him, but I don't want to be burdened by fame, I Just want an ordinary life, just like you."

Pomona looked at the actor in shock.

"I don't see what that has to do with being beautiful and scary?" Bill said with a laugh.

"Would you still love her if she didn't have a beautiful face?" Severus said with a smile. "Fleur ages like humans, but my wife doesn't. Can you tell she's older than me?"

Fleur looked at Pomona in shock.

"Eternal youth and beauty are what humans, especially women, dream of, but she hopes to exchange them with Furong. Don't you wonder why?"

Bill looked at Severus coldly.

"Honey, show us the transformation."

"No!" Pomona directly refused.

"What are you afraid of, I've seen it all." Draco said arrogantly, "You don't know what kind of monster you married, do you, Weasley?"

"Don't say that word." Severus smiled sarcastically. "She's your godmother."

Fleur immediately hid behind Bill.

"You are a lucky man, Bill. Even though your face is ruined like this, Fleur still hasn't abandoned you. Now, it's your turn to tolerate her." Severus pointed his wand at his head, flashing a series of flashes. The memory of the white light was extracted from his mind. "Put it in the pensieve, and you'll know what you're dealing with."

"How did you allow him to treat you like this?" Furong looked at Pomona in pain.

"I'm not Irene." Pomona looked at her and whispered, "If I became like her, I'd rather die."

Fleur was even more confused.

"Did no one come for you?" asked Pomona.

"The alarm is off, don't be so naughty next time." He snorted coldly, pulled his robe and left the living room, "You two come down with me."

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