Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 377 Self-injury and stop-loss

Any language needs to be used frequently to become proficient. In the memory provided by Bob Ogden, members of the Gunter family can use Parseltongue at will and talk like a human language.

This is a rare and hereditary ability that normal Parseltongues use when confronting snakes or statues. People usually think of Parseltongue as being associated with dark wizards, dark witchcraft, and of the most malevolent kind, often associated with bad guys throughout history.

However, its discoverer in the 16th century was the famous alchemist and medical genius Palaser. The double snake rod represents alchemy, and the single snake rod represents medicine. black magic. Killing or saving people is only a matter of thought. Harry knew Parseltongue and became a dark wizard. Good and evil do not depend on what others say.

Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. God told them that all the fruits in the garden were edible, except the fruits of two trees. One was the fruit of the tree of life, and the other was the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

But Eve couldn't stand the temptation of the snake, and ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil together with Adam. From then on, people knew good, evil and shame, and were expelled from the Garden of Eden by God. to Paradise.

Creating man is the last and most sacred work of God, but he finally gave this power to women. This power is blessed and cursed. The sin of stealing the forbidden fruit is usually borne by women. Voldemort's mother Merope Just for example.

Dumbledore sometimes let her look at the memories he had collected, and he seemed to think that doing so would teach her something - not to be deceived by a man's handsome appearance.

But Dumbledore obviously didn't expect that even if a man is not handsome, he can be as cold and ruthless as old Tom Riddle.

Some people say that the living can never compete with the dead, and what they get can never compete with what they can't get. Although Lily is dead, she lives in everyone's heart.

Pomona felt distraught, she couldn't think well, Hermione was overwhelmed by what happened to Ron, and Pomona was the same, but she needed the strength to think now, she heard Rusha's Parseltongue just now , that is obviously a kind of black magic.

Ginny remembered when she was controlled and she didn't remember, but at that time Tom Riddle kept the diary in Harry's hands, and Salazar Slytherin only listened to the descendants of the Gaunt family when it came to the basilisk.

It wasn't until Riddle's diary was destroyed that Ginny got rid of the control. If she didn't find out where the soul fragment that controlled Pomona was, then Pomona must be careful to be controlled by the Dark Lord.

Occlumency requires concentration. She was too busy kissing the Potions Professor just now, so she couldn't concentrate at all, and then she was attacked.

She was powerless to stop the Dark Lord, and he let her go.

Worst guess, Severus, like Luna's dad, was threatened by the Dark Lord to prepare a resurrection potion for his rebirth, and the potion prepared by the potion master is of course better than Pete Pediru, the kind of snake The phenomenon of the face may not appear again.

What puzzled Pomona the most was the scar on Harry's head. Harry awakened when he was 10 years old. The glass faded, a boa constrictor crawled out and caused chaos, and Sirius didn't want to miss anything about Harry, so Pomona took him to the zoo.

A Muggle photographer took a picture of them, and Sirius put it in his room on Guihua Street. It was all over, but Hermione deduced from the signs in the room that Sirius didn't live in the old man of Black's house. House.

And Severus thought that Stupid Dog lived at 12 Grimmauld Place, which was Sirius' home. Where did he live if he didn't live in his own room? Severus has always come and gone to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix in a hurry. The Death Eater mark on his arm may reveal the location, and it turned out to be Hermione Granger again. When she took Ron and Harry Apparated Straight into 12 Grimmauld Place, Death Eater Yaxley grabbed her, the Order of the Phoenix's loyalty spell was broken, as long as she wasn't so panicked, she could Apparate outside the house without revealing the identity of the headquarters. Location.

Once a smart person messes up anything, it's a big mess. Ron screwed up at most by spitting snot, or he would lose his life.

Pomona is very violent now. The last time the two of them quarreled was also because of Sirius. If it wasn't because he ran out on impulse, Wormtail wouldn't have attacked Pomona when she was pregnant and her body was at its weakest. Wormtail The wand of the Dark Lord's yew phoenix feather was used, which only recognized Tom Riddle as its master, and it and Harry's wand of holly wood phoenix feather were twin cores.

According to an ancient book, Salazar Slytherin used the horn of the basilisk as the core of his wand.

The basilisk, like the eight-eyed spider, is divided into male and female. The male basilisk has a red feather on its head, and Salazar Slytherin uses that red feather to make the staff core.

This is still not present in Newt Scamander's Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them book, it's hidden knowledge.

Around the 17th century, basilisks became extinct in Britain, at least without record of sightings. Breeding basilisks has always been considered illegal, but this behavior is very hidden, because people only need to come before someone from the Department of Magical Creatures Regulation and Control. Just remove the egg from under the toad.

Neither the basilisk nor the eight-eyed spider is life. Although the basilisk can also lay eggs through mating like the eight-eyed spider, they are indeed not life, but artificial life.

This is another restricted area. It is not a day or two since human beings try to use alchemy to create human bodies and other life forms. Men cannot have children, and roosters cannot lay eggs, but Hypor has done it. If he can make roosters lay eggs, who knows he Can a man have children.

The venom of the basilisk does not disappear and dry up after death like the venom of ordinary poisonous snakes. Even if the body of the basilisk has been turned into bones, the venom it originally produced can still be used to destroy Horcruxes, and the sword of Gryffindor can destroy Horcruxes. The Horcrux is because Harry used it to kill the Slytherin's basilisk in the second grade, and the venom absorbed by the blade allows it to destroy the Horcrux.

That is to say, now the sword that looks like silver, inlaid with rubies, and looks very righteous has become a poisonous poisonous sword. It will be poisoned if it is cut by its front, and it can kill you in a few minutes. A person, it can make people groggy, blurred vision, and hallucinations before death. What's worse is that this sword has no scabbard. Sword man.

Merlin told King Arthur that although the King's Sword is powerful, its scabbard is extremely valuable. When the King's Sword wears the scabbard, it will never bleed. Later, King Arthur lost the scabbard. But he died with his nephew knight Mordred.

The spell morsmordre reappears from the bones, composed of mors (death) and mordre (Mordred), when a group of frogs greedy for status and wealth delusional to become kings of all England, the sword in the stone rejected them.

The Sword in the Stone blessed a teenager as he ran to protect his brother's life and honor.

After King Arthur became an adult, he was keen on duels and failed God's expectations, causing the Sword in the Stone to be broken during the duel of King Bolino. Later, God decided to give him another chance, and let Merlin take King Arthur to get the Sword in the Lake. When Merlin asked King Arthur whether he liked the sword or the scabbard, King Arthur chose the sword. This choice made him lose his protection. The king's sword without the scabbard was invincible, but it created too many sins. Merlin predicted that there would be a man named Mordred The boy would destroy Britain, but because King Arthur didn't know what he looked like, he ordered all the children of Mordred's age to be put adrift in a small boat.

Mordred killed King Arthur. Most people who liked King Arthur thought he was a villain, but in Welsh legend, he is a hero.

In the process of destroying the Horcruxes, Slytherin also contributed, but the winners after the war didn't care so much. Even the portrait of Severus Snape was not allowed to hang in the principal's office. portraits are only allowed to appear at Hogwarts.

Some people didn't learn Muggle's self-motivation and self-motivation. Instead, they learned a lot about their greed and stupidity. The people in the Lion House have always had little desire for knowledge, and they don't like reading the most.

The basilisk is very difficult to destroy. There is only one sword of Gryffindor. The basilisk cannot be destroyed by expelliarmus. Albus Dumbledore cheated in the duel of fate, Gryffindor This was a lucky victory. If the lions continue to be so arrogant and press on step by step, the poisonous snakes will die together, and release those basilisks collected since the Middle Ages from a certain secret space. Petrified, now there is no phoenix tear and mandrake resurrection potion to detoxify them.

A cornered person will do anything, and if someone knew there was at least one shard of Voldemort's soul out there, they would try to resurrect Voldemort and go head to head with the League Against the Dark Arts without a White Wizard.

When the wizards are almost done fighting, werewolves can reap the benefits of fishermen and rule the world instead of wizards. Without wizards and patron saints, Muggle humans will be used as food by dementors. up.

If you want to erase the poisonous snake from the surface of the earth, it depends on whether you have the intelligence and strength. After ten years of dormancy, the Dark Lord used Nagini to make a Horcrux. Maybe he is no longer attached to the magical number 7.

As for how many Horcruxes the Dark Lord made, Dumbledore tried his best to get outdated information from Slughorn, but the Dark Lord after splitting his soul was already insane, and only the symbol on the Death Eater's arm could tell. Make sure he's back.

Continuing to discriminate against those people is asking for death, although no one will believe Pomona because she attended the Halloween party at Malfoy Manor on October 31, 2004, and she has been labeled as a pro-Death Eater tagged, and that day was exactly 23 years after October 31, 1981, when the Dark Lord went to Godric's Hollow to kill the savior Harry Potter's parents.

Will Harry still speak Parseltongue after the Battle of Hogwarts? Pomona asked aloud to another living, panting person in the house.

No one answered her.

Angrily, she took out her wand and was about to blow open his door, but the old bat suddenly opened the door.

I'm in a bad mood, how about killing some monsters?

No problem. Pomona took the initiative to hold his arm, I've wanted to.

Are you going to pretend to be a student again? He asked, looking at the school robe on her body.

Pomona didn't bother to pay attention to him, and directly dragged Mr. Principal to Apparate.

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