Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 459: Chanel's Attitude

Do you want to go out with us, Kreacher?

No, mistress, Kreacher wants to stay home, said the house-elf with the broken Slytherin locket, and going out to play wasn't play for an elderly person.

Then is there anything you want? We can bring it back to you.

Kreacher hesitated for a moment, rubbed his hands and said, May the mistress give Kreacher some white oil essence? The protective layer of Blake's Mistress's portrait is dirty, and Kreacher wants to change it for him.

No problem. Pomona said happily, Do you want to change the protective layer of the other portraits? How about I buy you some more?

Thank you, mistress. Kreacher bowed to her, and Pomona didn't stop him.

Kreacher accepted what she was offering and didn't feel insulted, and that was enough.

Yet as soon as they walked out the door, the first thing they saw was a statue of Raconao, with his ass facing her.

Change it. Pomona couldn't bear to look straight in the face and said, Or do you want me to see other men's naked bodies?

Severus sullenly took her by the hand and took her down the elevator.

This kind of elevator is not only like the Titanic, but also like the elevator of the Ministry of Magic. Although the statue of Brothers Fountain is very innocent, but the sculpture of magic is power is even more annoying. If there is oppression, there will be resistance. Most people don't have a deep understanding of freedom. Freedom is not doing whatever they want. Anyone who stands in the way of doing what they want will be disgusted, let alone oppression.

After greeting Alfonso, they walked on the empty streets in the evening against the sleet.

There are actually few people in the rich area, just because there are occasional tourists near the palace, the wine will make people warm, and it will feel less cold after walking for a while.

Their plan was to go to a movie and then go to the Leaky Cauldron to see how it was being rebuilt, but because of Kreacher's request, they seemed to be going to Diagon Alley again.

After apparating in the shadow of a street lamp, they arrived at the movie theater where they had seen the movie last time.

In the same city center, there were many more people in the business district. Except for a stray dog, no one noticed that two people appeared out of nowhere in the crowd.

We can't stay at home tomorrow, I'm going to the museum! she protested.

You want to make out in public? he asked, squinting sinisterly.

She was so angry that she punched him.

Of course you have to pay attention to your words and deeds in public, but you can’t concentrate at all when reading at home. It’s understandable that a handsome man is a temptation, but it’s hard to understand why a bad guy is so Hate!

There are still some movie theaters playing Titanic. The British like nostalgia. Besides, there are many Hollywood popcorn movies. One of them is called The Day After Tomorrow. It is a disaster movie. An unprecedented climate disaster has plunged the northern hemisphere into a second ice age. Many Muggles still have a sense of crisis, but after watching the movie, more people are discussing special effects. No one really takes climate warming seriously. thing.

The Titanic is about love, and the day after tomorrow is about family affection. The scene in the trailer where the father takes risks in order to save his son is very touching. Which one should she watch?

Everyone is a small person in the face of a disaster, and the sincere feelings between such small people make people's hearts warm.

Although young people always get into trouble, they are also trustworthy sometimes, especially Audio-Technica. Every time there is an accident, there are always three of them, and it is they who stumble and solve the problem in the end.

The light from the Deluminator was so blinding that it made the darkest hours of the morning almost as bright as day.

If the sun really almost disappears in history and the weather becomes severe cold, it will replace the sun and bring light to human beings, and plants can still photosynthesize, so it will not be like the end of the world in 536.

Look who we ran into, Severus said coldly.

Pomona followed his line of sight and saw Zhang Tao, who had met once at the city hall, was standing under the streetlight outside the cinema, with a red telephone booth next to him.

Wearing a long dark gray trench coat, he grinned friendlyly and waved at the two of them, looking very suspicious.

Although it's a bit early, we can eat dinner early and watch a movie next time. She looked back at Severus who had used the Disguise Technique. I have a question I want to ask him.

I hate the way they do it. Severus gritted his teeth and said, Why don't you tell the whole thing at once, and let us guess slowly.

It's part of the induction, Pomona said desperately. We find it easier to believe than what he tells us.

From the bottom of his heart, Severus didn't want to see anyone related to the White Wizard, but he left the cinema without saying anything, taking Pomona's hand.

The oriental body odor is not so strong, so there is no need to wear perfume, but when Pomona approached Zhang Tao, she still smelled a fragrance.

It's not floral or fruity, but the aroma of sandalwood. There is nothing special about it except that it makes people feel clear-headed. He is thinner than when he was seen in the exhibition hall before. When he smiles, his eyes are like crescent moons, and he is as amiable as Dumbledore .

This kind of person is more terrifying than those who are usually fierce at first glance.

Good evening, young friends, have you eaten? Zhang Tao asked in a very eastern way.

No, not yet. Pomona answered frankly, and offered her hand.

Zhang Tao moved half of his body away, signaling the two to move forward.

If you want to say something, say it now. Severus said rudely, in case everyone's appetite is affected by an unpleasant conversation.

Zhang Tao looked up at the incandescent lamps. Unlike other street lamps filled with modern styles, many of the street lamps in Westminster City are made by Chanel, and there are brass Chanel double-c logos on the black iron lampposts.

In the late 1920s, Britain's second Duke of Westminster met Coco Chanel at a party, and then fell into the abyss of unrequited love.

He engraved his title mark w and Chanel's trademark on the street lamps in his territory, and proposed to the Queen of Fashion. But Ms. Chanel rejected the nobleman's marriage proposal, and threw out a sentence as the reason for turning off the lights: There are many Dukes of Westminster in history, but there is only one Chanel.

The vast majority of passers-by in a hurry did not pay attention to these street lights, let alone know the interesting stories hidden in these street furniture with luxury imprints, even if they stop a London native, they will dismiss them when they pay attention to these black pillars Gu, without looking back, the story about it was told to Pomona by Mrs. Evans.

Mrs. Evans likes Chanel very much, not because Chanel's things are expensive and luxury goods, she just likes Ms. Chanel very much, and her words.

There are so many colors, I was shocked, and I couldn't figure it out, all kinds of yellow, green, and electric blue... All the elegant and luxurious elements were introduced into the fashion design by Paul Poiret. This made me Nausea.

She thinks that the designer's use of bright colors is just taking advantage of women's fashion mentality, even if these colors are unreasonable, so Ms. Chanel thought of the orphanage she lived in when she was a child, and the nuns' nuns.

The biggest misconception most people have about black is that it is a cheap color.

Every season of Chanel's fashion show must have black and white suits. This black represents a strong solemnity and a symbol of humility to the world. Although Chanel's little black dress looks plain on the surface, this rich and pure Black is also a kind of noble, not so easy to imitate, and when people are tired of looking at all kinds of colors, black will look special.

It was the little black dress that liberated women. Black represents elegance and abandons vanity. Mrs. Evans boldly let Lily go to the magic school and Petunia went to London to learn typing and live the life she wanted. I stayed in Cokeworth, wearing a floral skirt, bringing natural green to the city full of industrial waste water.

Ms. Chanel said that white should not look dull like cream, or sickly pale, but sparkle like pearls.

Chanel is a work of art, not a commodity, and it should be unique, which is why Pomona threw that mass-produced bottle of Chanel No. 5 on the street.

That will be a long story, and we may have to stand in the cold wind for a long time. Zhang Tao said with a hoarse voice like a cold.

Severus hugged Pomona tightly, When it's cold, hug another person to keep you warm. You should find someone to hug, old man.

Beep. A red double-decker bus honked its horn and drove past at a high speed. The continuous flow of vehicles and crowds covered the voice of the corner of the street.

Some secrets don't have to be whispered in a dark room, they are kept right under people's noses.

And these secrets attract people to keep exploring, wanting to know what will happen next.

That's the beauty of art.

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