Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 487: One Game, One Dream

During the period of the Republic of China, there were four sons, all of whom were famous political and military dignitaries, the most famous of which was Zhang Zuolin's son Zhang Xueliang.

The Xi’an Incident promoted the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and Zhang Xueliang contributed a lot. He is a well-known prodigal son.

There was such an incident in the Chinese circle. One day, while drinking in a nightclub, a white man who didn't know whether he was drunk or deliberately said some inappropriate remarks. At that time, all the Chinese people at the scene heard it, but they didn't make a sound. A rich young man wearing a famous brand walked over. He took out a wad of US dollar cash and said to the white man with a smile, I will teach you to learn Chinese. As long as you learn it well, The money is yours.

What he said to that person was: Dad, I was wrong, and I will never dare to do it again next time.

Don't say ten thousand dollars? 20,000, keep adding until you are willing to say, anyway, the young master has plenty of money.

He did a lot when slapping people in the face with money, but it was a special relief that time, and it was spread in the Chinese circle. This kind of person is more popular with the elders than the Chinese elite who claims that I am from New York.

People can be as humble as dirt, but they cannot be distorted like maggots. Although soil is humble, it has virtue and can bear all things.

Even if a person who loves and hates blood is an ignorant person, he can still play a role at a critical moment in history. Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty, was an ignorant person. If it weren't for him, the Six Kingdoms After the nobles overthrew Qin, they wanted to return to their fiefs and continue to be kings.

He distributed those vassal states to his brothers who followed him to fight the world, and later took them back with extremely dirty means, and distributed them to his relatives. This kind of management method was implemented when Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty caused the chaos of the Seven Kingdoms After pacification, it was the turn of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to ascend the throne. He implemented the Tweet Order to turn the big vassal state into a small vassal state, gradually weakening the strength of relatives so that they could not compete with themselves, and many descendants of the Liu surname changed from princes to princes. Common people, he was simply a farmer when Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu of the Han Dynasty arrived.

When Wang Mang's army besieged Chongling in Nanyang County, there was a meteor shower. None of these meteors missed, and they all fell on the positions of the Xinmang army. I thought Liu Xiu was gone. The morale of the Green Forest Army was greatly boosted, and finally helped the Han Dynasty.

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, because foreign relatives almost ruined the world, the emperor began to appoint eunuchs as his cronies to hold power.

Nietzsche said that people's desire to destroy and possess will stimulate people's creativity. The counselors in the Three Kingdoms period each planned for their own masters, just to occupy the world and reunify the divided China. Therefore, various conspiracies emerge in endlessly. Many people must read the famous book, the Port of Liverpool relies on water like the Battle of Chibi, and her strategy is a comprehensive version of the straw boat borrowing arrows and burning the company.

The thick fog will affect people's sight, let alone irrational werewolves. As long as Liverpool's Lantern Festival can be held on board, she can set up traps, catch those irrational werewolves with devil's net, and then set them on fire A clean sheet, but the premise is that the Chinese are willing to cooperate.

Chinatown in London is very uncooperative. The Chinese are very rich, and the Chinese in Liverpool are also the richest people in the area.

The western world has entered a new round of enlightenment and post-modernism. After injecting male hormones into the overly feminine Western civilization after the Renaissance, a new round of competition for supremacy has begun.

Quidditch matches are only interesting with close opponents, and Gryffindor and Slytherin matches are much more interesting than Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

Lao Tzu said: Keep soft and be strong. Compared with Qiu Zhang, a westernized girl, Ma Qingchen has a more oriental temperament. She is very gentle. When she pours tea for them, she is like a quiet painting. The fragrance of tea is overflowing. When she came, no matter how restless she was, her heart was quiet. Even Pomona, who is also a woman, thought she was a beauty, but she pitied Ma Qingchen's fate because she had a black wizard brother.

Go down.


Ma Qingchen shook her head, turned and left the living room. When she walked, the gait on her waist made a crisp and pleasant sound, but to Pomona's ears, the sound made by the impact of the pearls and jade was the same as the sound of the iron chains of the fetters.

Do you think I shouldn't do that? Zhang Tao said suddenly.


She is not free at all. You Westerners like to liberate others the most. Zhang Tao picked up his teacup and took a sip of tea.

I don't think freedom without any restraint is correct. Without any rules and guidelines, human nature will fall into darkness. We are now in an era of too much freedom and lack of correct guidance, so we can be used to some evil things, and even think that' Reality' should be like this.

You don't believe in 'reality'? Zhang Tao put down his teacup.

My mentor taught me to believe in love and to have compassion for those who live without love.

Who is your mentor?

Albus Dumbledore. She replied calmly. You said that day in the City Hall that killing cannot make us feel strong and pity those who are weak. Was that your speech or did you really feel that way?

We call this kind of pity for the weak by the strong as 'benevolence'. People should help each other, love and sympathize with each other. What is lacking in your civilization is this.

She wasn't surprised at all. The Emperor of Japan always has Jin in his name, but that country merged with Western civilization faster, but they were dying.

It is not destroyed by external forces, but by internal factors. Men are so indifferent that they no longer have lust for women. What they are facing is a catastrophic population decline.

In about twenty years, as the Heisei waste enters middle age, Japan's crisis will become more prominent.

Those of that generation practiced a loose education, unwilling to learn for themselves, unwilling to struggle, afraid to take risks from other aspects, not interested in the country and society at all, only enjoying the present, not thinking about the future, even if it is ** There is no way to arouse their fighting spirit.

In the TV news, there are old men with white hair still wearing the uniforms of the Japanese army of World War II showing off their power, and the young people are almost invisible.

Schools in the Heisei era were like playgrounds for children to play, and Hogwarts became like that after the First Wizarding War, so that no Auror was bred in three years, only Tonks was born Animagus made an exception and admitted.

In the 1960s, the Americans conducted a dark experiment of mouse utopia. The small world in the laboratory can drink water and food without limit, and scientists will clean it regularly, so there is no threat of large-scale infectious diseases. At the beginning, the number of mice increased dramatically. It doubles every 55 days, and after 315 days, the reproduction speed of the exam drops rapidly, doubling every 145 days.

The number of rats reached its peak on day 560, and the entire population began to decline from then on. The last cub was born on the 600th day, and there was no more mouse cubs in the entire mouse utopia, or signs of pregnancy.

Scientists divided rats into four periods, social struggle period, rapid expansion period, population balance period, and extinction period. During the extinction period, all mice began to stop all social behaviors. Male mice gradually stopped all violence and courtship behaviors, and female mice slowly stopped. Birth has stopped slowly, territorial conflicts have become less and less, and their daily behaviors are only eating, sleeping, and dressing themselves.

Male mice who dress themselves up are very popular, but they have no urge to mate with female mice, and they have no idea how to fight and protect their territory. Their eyes look bright and their bodies are strong, but their brains degenerates to the point where it cannot handle any special case.

Even if they were placed in a new environment with a very low mouse density, they did not recover their instincts, and they did not have the desire to mate when they were placed with normal female mice. By the end of the experiment in 1588 days, only 27 infertile mice remained in the entire population. Old mice, including 23 female mice and 4 male mice.

Today's Japan is like a mouse utopia in its dying period. Today's Japanese men are similar to the stage of beautiful male mice. They dress themselves up to be popular with girls, but they don't have any impulse. They are called Buddhist youths , it is over without waiting for Japan to sink that country.

The Matthew effect is contrary to the way of balance. It is very unfair to the weak, but it can inspire people to struggle.

Absolute balance will create an ecological environment like a mouse utopia. There is a saying in China that people live in sorrow and die in peace. If you live too comfortably, you will die slowly like sardines. At this time, you need to put a ferocious catfish in. Everyone starts swimming to get the sardines moving and alive to the port.

A person without an ego has no motivation to pursue satisfaction and pleasure. How can one move forward without this kind of biological instinct energy?

That's why we need to be against each other. Have you watched Life of Pi? Zhang Tao said with a smile.

No, what are you talking about?

A young boy and a Bengal tiger were shipwrecked and had to live together on a lifeboat. If there was no Bengal tiger prodding Pai to hunt for food, Pai would not have the motivation to survive. Without Pai, the Bengal tiger would be hungry too. Die, we'll never be as close as family, like Pi and Tiger.

Enemies often know you better than friends. Pomona said with a smile. Who do you think is a man and who is a beast?

Please drink tea. Zhang Tao pointed to the tea in front of Pomona and said, it is different from British black tea, it does not add any sugar or milk, it is served in a white porcelain cup, it looks like old wine, showing An amber color like a tiger's eye.

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