Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 559 Sugar and Tobacco

Have you ever thought about writing a cookbook? Everyone knows you're good at food magic.

Severus seemed to have forgotten the original purpose of coming to Hogwarts this time—seeing that Harry forgot, he brought a lot of food from the kitchen to the greenhouse, an area that would not be shown on the Marauder's Map , sometimes Harry just has that kind of magical ability, he can always smash through things, even Mr. Draco Malfoy has bumped into the scene of the two of them dating, these little monsters don't seem to know what is privacy.

I don't know. She said, sitting on the table, shaking the elf brew under the quilt. Do you think anyone will read it?

There are a lot of people who have eaten the food you made, and I think a lot of people miss the start-of-school banquet. He directly tore the grilled lamb chops with his hands. If he had done it before, Pomona would have stopped him for his lack of aristocratic etiquette. Eating appearance, but now, he is her husband, so she can only watch his ugly eating appearance.

What is the difference between a man before marriage and after marriage? Ensure that women feel that they have married the wrong person after marriage.

Severus stopped exercising after his seclusion, and as he entered middle age, his waistline began to change rapidly.

Yes, men want a loyal, loving wife who never grows old, and women want a husband who will never lose shape, do housework hard, earn money, be romantic, and never go bald, but that is it possible?

I can tolerate your baldness so don't dislike my waistline, accept the reality, sir (ma'am).

I can try it. Pomona said pretending to be relaxed, and then took a bite of chocolate, raspberry and crushed nut ice cream. The advantage of being a wizard is that you don't have to worry about diabetes, and the Black Death, which is deadly to Muggles Wizards are harmless, dragon pox is harmless to Muggles, and disease keeps the race apart.

Aren't you curious why I suggested you write a book? He tugged on the cloak, letting it draw a graceful arc, and said smoothly while leaning against the railing beside her.

Appeared, Slytherin's persuasion.

Pomona asked with a smirk, Why did you suggest that I write a book?

Before the 18th century, sugar was a drug sold in pharmacies. It was a luxury product. It was cookbooks that widely promoted sugar to thousands of households. He paused and said, Can you imagine? Status matters, and only gentlemen and nobles can enjoy it.

Oh, really? Pomona pretended to be surprised and opened her eyes wide.

Can you imagine an English afternoon tea without sugar? Speaking of which, what did you think of the last afternoon tea with Iris at the British Museum?

I had a great time, he's a great company. She went on with a smirk, I loved the Inuit stories he told, the aurora, the white arctic fox, and the Animagus, it was so romantic .”

How about I tell you a funny story? Have you ever heard of Jesse Livermore?

Jesse Livermore, also known as the Bear of Wall Street, was once one of the richest men in the world, rich enough to buy the entire United States.

In the era when Livermore lived, listed companies rarely disclosed accurate financial statements, and it took a lot of effort to even understand the current stock quotes, and various operations in the market were extremely rampant. Livermore's big bets were his shorts before the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Wall Street's Black Thursday in 1929, legendary trades that made him one of the greatest investors of all time.

Born in a poor family, Livermore started to learn to write at the age of 3 and a half. At the age of 14, Livermore's father asked him to drop out of school and help on the farm, but with the encouragement of his mother, he left. Go out and wander around the house. Livermore thus started his investment career, when his entire net worth was only a few hundred dollars.

His first pot of gold was earned by gambling, but he said to his mother that it was not gambling but speculation. He tried to disguise himself and then sneaked into the market, but he was expelled after being discovered. Livermore had to come to Wall Street with $10,000 to work hard.

The San Francisco earthquake, which measured 8.6 on the Richter scale, did not cause many casualties, but it cut off traffic and damaged San Francisco International Airport. Roads, bridges, airports, and the Gulf Express were temporarily closed. In San Francisco and its vicinity, high-rise buildings swayed from side to side, and shards of glass scattered everywhere. A building collapsed in the Bay Area. Several fires broke out in the city, and the Marina district was blazing. Water pipes were damaged and firefighting efforts were hampered.

The day before the San Francisco earthquake, he had been heavily shorting Union Pacific stock when a friend of Livermore persuaded him not to stop shorting, and he lost $40,000.

San Francisco is a world-class metropolis with 410,000 residents. At the dawn of the new century, citizens are filled with great vision for the future with boundless pride and strong confidence. The very existence of San Francisco is a triumph of ideal over reality. In 1846, most of the land here was still a desert, full of shifting sand dunes, severely wind-eroded oak trees were dwarfed and withered, and countless fleas afflicted the residents and livestock here. It took people 60 years to achieve the current scale, not only the United States, but the whole world is amazed. However, the earthquake was so violent that the houses inside and outside the urban area collapsed one after another like a building made of cards, and the thick underground water pipes buried in the ground were all broken. An urban area of ​​about 10 square kilometers. The firefighters made up their minds, gritted their teeth and used gunpowder to blow up a wide fire separation zone around the fire area, and finally controlled the fire.

During the earthquake, the city hall was like a shoddy set. It was reduced to a flat ground in a few seconds, and the beautiful Greco-Roman columns supporting the roof collapsed and turned into a pile of chaotic rocks. This place was originally a swamp with soft ground, which was already extremely vulnerable to a major earthquake, but the corruption of officials and the construction period spanning 30 years have invisibly increased the power of the earthquake. In order to save money, the contractors embezzled government funds and used fake and inferior materials, old newspapers, garbage, etc. as construction materials. Before the big earthquake, the sewage inside the city hall had seeped into the basement, and the basement had become a sewage reservoir. The stench of sewage aptly symbolizes the hideous corruption behind the city's beautiful aura.

Crystal Springs and Pilastos, the largest reservoirs near San Francisco, are both a few kilometers away in southern San Mateo County. All the water pipelines to San Francisco are either very close to or pass through the San Andres fault. So even if the reservoirs and pipelines are not damaged by the earthquake, they are useless.

Martial law has been imposed in San Francisco to ensure safety. The army coordinated with the police to prevent looting. Newspapers reported that some of the thieves had been executed. Thousands of panicked citizens had been evacuated from the city by boat and train. People lined up on the pier. Half of the city's residents spend the night in public squares, parks or other open spaces.

When a disaster strikes, normal people’s response is to provide disaster relief, transport relief supplies, and evacuate the victims. Anyone who shorts the stock of Union Pacific Railroad Company is against humanity. People have a natural and righteous side in their hearts, and they have to share the wealth of the country. when.

I've heard of him, what's the matter?

He was married three times and the first wife's refusal to pawn the jewelery he gave her when he was in dire need hurt their relationship...

Oh my God, you want me to pawn jewelry? Pomona exclaimed.

What I'm trying to say is that it hurt his feelings when his first wife refused him help when he needed it! That's what caused their marriage to break up! Severus froze face, said coldly, Will you refuse to help me?

Appeared, this legendary weapon named Commitment and Consistency.

The promises people make to themselves will use relevant behaviors to achieve the effect of consistent words and deeds. If Pomona agrees to Severus' request and promises to help him, then even if his request is unreasonable, because she promised He's gone, so she has to help him too.

If Pomona refused Severus, as he said, Livermore's first wife refused his help, and it hurt his feelings! If their marriage fell apart, it was all Pomona's fault.

Ha, ha, ha. Pomona smirked three times, intending to pretend to be foolish.

Yes, or not? He asked aggressively, not intending to let her go.

Tell me first what you want me to do for you.

You still need to talk about conditions when you help me? He pretended to be surprised and asked, Since when did you start?

It's always been like this!

Ask for help at Hogwarts always succeeds...

What do you want to do! Pomona asked every single word.

Livermore's third wife, Mets Noble, a woman of a prominent Omaha family, Livermore was Mets Noble's fifth husband, and at least two of her previous husbands died by suicide Yes, do you know why Livermore wants to marry such a dangerous woman?

Black widows often buy high-value insurance policies for their husbands, such as life insurance, accidents, etc., so that even if he dies, he can also get huge premiums other than inheritance. His children and his wife will not be able to divide the inheritance much.

It is the husband who kills the wife, but it is not necessarily the wife who kills the husband. In the case of negligent suicide, the insurance company needs to pay compensation, but intentional suicide does not need to pay compensation. What is negligent suicide? Oh dear, do you want to know what this is for, trying to kill your lovely husband?

You want to talk to me about Madame Zabini? said Pomona with a half-smile.

I'm just curious why Livermore and Iris' father would look at such a dangerous woman. I remember that he seems to be Mrs. Zabini's third husband.

Do you have any ideas? Pomona asked.

He wanted to kill himself, or hoped that 'Nina' would kill him. Livermore's son Livermore II and his grandson all committed suicide, but the reason for their suicide was not bankruptcy, Livermore Er defeated the entire Wall Street by himself and made a whole 100 million US dollars. When he died, he only had 5 million trusts left. Although almost all of his 100 million US dollars were lost, poverty did not exist in his old age. The thing, I believe, is that the ups and downs are taking a toll on his mental health, don't you think?

Pomona was at a loss. Did he really want to talk to her about a Muggle's mental health problems, or was he laying the groundwork for the help he asked for?

The day before Jesse committed suicide, he was still playing with his wife in a nightclub. Do you think Livermore was under the Imperius Curse by a wizard?

How is that possible?

In 1940, I remember that Grindelwald was still free. He didn't care about the Wizarding Secrecy Act. Severus sneered and took a bite of the lamb chops. Roosevelt also issued an order that those who grow tobacco can be exempted from military service , don’t you wonder why he is going to America?”

Isn't it for Credence?

Money, silly girl, soldiers need tobacco, which is a kind of munitions, and it is not like bullets and guns, it needs ore refining. I believe he wants to find a trader to help him operate funds, but Livermore refuses him gone.

I thought you said he was going through a lot of ups and downs, a mental health problem.

A lot of rich people want to live forever, he doesn't want to, he went to Europe once after bankruptcy in 1934, he said in his suicide note, my dear Nina: I can't take it anymore. Everything is too bad for me. I'm tired of resisting and I can't take it anymore. This is the only way out. I'm not someone worthy of your love. I'm a failure. I'm really sorry, but this is the only way to get out. What do you think What made him feel like a failure?

Pomona shook her head in confusion.

After this incident is over, how about we travel to Europe? Follow Limofill's travel notes and see if he is related to Grindelwald.

No! Pomona screamed, knowing without a second thought that this must be a luxury trip.

I think, I see why he feels like a failure, Severus said with a smirk, because of his wife, he said to her, 'I'm not a man to love', What kind of person am I in your heart?

Pomona choked.

This is my request, travel with me, don't forget, Albus Dumbledore has also traveled.

That's different.

Why is it different?

“Don't waste your money!”

Do you know how much it hurts me? He clutched his heart and said I can't take it anymore. Everything is too bad for me. I'm tired of resisting and I can't take it anymore, that's what Nagini hurts What I think when I am.

You can't keep talking about this matter!

No, my dear, I will never forget this! He said with a grin, Albus blackmailed me first, and now it's your turn to pay the debt.

The lump on the back of the rat that bit Jacob reminds me of the rat that was tarred with smoke and it also had tumors on its back, during Prohibition there was a ban on smoking, the Pilgrims didn't smoke or drink of

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