Chapter 612 The Dark Knight

New York and San Francisco are located on the east and west coasts of the United States respectively. They are both prosperous cities, but the difference is indeed huge.

New Yorkers are always on the go, so they need a 24-hour subway.

San Francisco is full of steep slopes, the traffic is terrible, but that place is close to Silicon Valley, these Silicon Valley elites have become "New money", they no longer rent expensive office buildings, and spend a lot of money to dress themselves decently like New Yorkers, a jumper A shirt is enough.

The places where Chinese people like to get together have a common feature, that is, high housing prices.

For new immigrants from the working class, the first step is mostly to rent an apartment. Chinatown is the place where the vast majority of Chinese immigrants first arrived in a foreign country, and has always served as a refuge for immigrants.

In the middle of the 19th century, residents from China's Guangdong, Fujian and Hong Kong coasts first came to New York. They settled in Manhattan and gradually formed Chinatown.

In 1965, as the U.S. government relaxed the immigration reform bill, it triggered a wave of immigrants. Every year, a large number of Chinese flooded into the United States, but illegal immigration also brought about the problem of gangsters in Chinatown. At that time, gangs and crimes were rampant in New York, and Chinatown in Manhattan was described by many media as "one of the darkest corners of hell".

After several cleanings by NYPD, the Chinatown in New York is not as good as it used to be.

Although the name is Chinatown, there are not so many Chinese people anymore. One is the rent problem, and the other is the lack of cohesion. New York Chinatown has now become a place where Southeast Asian restaurants gather.

On November 9, 1965, there was a major power outage in North America. The New Yorkers who had been busy running around stopped. Everyone seemed to be less angry. People who were trapped for a long time took all the edible things in their pockets Come out and share. Peanuts, wild cherry candies, candy mixes, even antacid tablets. The rare delicacies were donuts and Italian sausage. Everyone was worried about not being able to find a knife, so one person took out the nail clippers on his body and cut the sausage piece by piece. When transport authorities delivered food to those who hadn't been rescued in the middle of the night, they saw touching scenes of people sleeping against each other.

Just when you think you have seen the world, people will always surprise you in other ways. The power outage did not cause large-scale chaos in the society. Instead, people got a short thirteen-hour vacation, and everyone could finally get a good night's sleep.

Renting a house is also an investment. For the same price as renting an apartment in New York, you can rent a single-family villa in San Francisco. In the eyes of Chinese people, living in a villa is considered a "good deal".

We all live in this difficult world, and it would be nice to take care of each other. Tenants and landlords don't have to have a bad relationship.

However, in the case of real estate has been skyrocketing, it is almost impossible not to increase the rent. If restaurants or other industries want to survive, they must find ways to increase profits, and the usual way is to increase prices.

The landlord's cost of living has increased and he will increase the rent. This time, London Chinatown boycotted the Roswell real estate developers, mainly to prevent them from increasing the rent. Real estate in the UK is not as speculative as in the US, but as one of the world's financial centers, London's housing prices are of course high. Coupled with the overall bullishness of real estate, housing prices have also risen with the tide.

In the case of declining populations and soaring house prices in various countries, immigration can be said to be an important part of stimulating the economies of various countries. Buying a home is an essential step for a family looking to immigrate. The new Chinese immigrants are no longer forced to have no way out as they were more than a hundred years ago. They were sold to the United States as "pigs" to build railways in the United States. These people have high savings, high investment, and generally received higher education. Old capitalist countries have been injected with fresh blood.

However, this elite class is a minority after all. The vast majority of ordinary people do not have that much income. Illegal immigrants can also buy houses with loans after being laundered, and some even come to the United States to have children.

U.S. law stipulates that anyone who is born on U.S. soil is considered an American, which has prompted more and more foreigners to choose to give birth in the United States so that their children can obtain American citizenship. People who have been brainwashed by the American dream feel that being an American makes them different. These people cannot bring employment opportunities to the local Americans, and even take away the benefits of the Americans.

In the beginning, this trend was brought up by the Taiwanese. There were not many Taiwanese, and no one paid attention to it at first. However, with the frequent exchanges between the two sides of the strait, many "Taiwanese experiences" were replicated in the mainland, with a population of more than one billion, accounting for No matter how hardworking the Americans are in a populous country with one-fifth of the world's population, they can't support so many people. Their total population is only about 300 million.

Fortunately, not all Chinese are eager to obtain American citizenship, but even if the Chinese do not go, third world countries such as Mexico will still smuggle in.

Other countries have the best law and order in the city center, and the United States has the worst law and order in the city center. These places have a large population and are relatively mixed, so the law and order is relatively poor, and it is easy to lose things and even be robbed.

There is a comic called Batman. The protagonist’s parents were killed when he was young. He was raised by his loyal old butler Alfred. The gap between the rich and the poor has caused serious public security problems, so guns can be held in the United States. Hold guns as much as possible. Guns are a kind of culture and a way of life in the United States.

Substances are like a man's cigarettes to a woman, knowing that it is harmful but still unable to quit. The reason why the Japanese have "severance" is because they have experienced the financial crisis and realized that they have thrown away unnecessary things. Only women know that kind of distress in their hearts.

The things in the utility room are usually left unattended, even though they accumulate dust, when they are taken out to clean up, it seems that every item can evoke a memory. A broken beach volleyball reminded her of a family trip to the beach, and a cradle reminded her of the joy of first motherhood, but none of these things worked.

Children will not use the cradle they have slept in, let their children sleep, and they will not repair a broken beach volleyball. Buying a new one is good and convenient. Repairing a broken one may not fix it. Besides, he may not like it Playing volleyball and playing flying saucers instead, what are you doing with these rags?

Objects carry our memories. A new home has nothing at first, but later we buy everything, and there are more and more things in the home.

If you can only get in and out, the originally spacious home will become more and more crowded, and it will become difficult to turn around in the end.

The only time you throw something away is when you move.

When Petunia moved out of Privet Drive, she took away the blanket that Harry was wrapped in when she was a child. She didn't have no feelings for Harry at all, but she lived in a community that liked to peek into other people's privacy. She had to pretend to be a normal person Otherwise, you will bring trouble to yourself and your family.

Her sister was dead, the warning should have been clear, Mrs Figg knew everything about their family, she even pretended to hate Harry in order to get close to the Dursleys. As a dark chess player, especially a squib with little power, she has to learn to act.

After completing the trial and testifying, she was lucky not to be sought by the Death Eaters, and the Dursleys didn't know what Mrs. Figg's true identity was.

The Dursleys were moved to a safe place by the Muggle Witness Protection Program. Only a few Muggle agents and Kingsley Shacklebolt knew their address. As the Prime Minister's secretary, he still had some power.

Feinong is a small executive of a mining machine company. If it weren't for Dobby's troubles, he could have been promoted. Because of Harry Potter, he had to give up his career and was transferred to a strange place when he was middle-aged.

He is very unfriendly to Harry, not interested in everything in the wizarding world, but he maintains a good impression of Kingsley.

Caridi used the book "Family Life and Social Habits of British Muggles" as a textbook when she was a Muggle Studies student. I really don't know how she would feel when she met someone like Fernon.

In terms of material, Dudley's parents were not stingy, but the friend he made, Pierre Pokis, was a skinny boy with a mouse face. When Dudley went to beat other children, Pierre was responsible for holding them down. Peel was a member of Dudley's gang through elementary school and during the rest of the holidays. Their gang also includes Danny, Morken, and Gordon. The other children in the primary school dare not go against the Dudley Gang. Their favorite activity is "Chasing Harry".

Dudley would become a big, stupid and violent man sooner or later if he continued to let things go like this. Fortunately, Dudley got into Smelting School - his father's alma mater. His teacher pointed out his bad habits of bullying with concern, and his parents always insisted that the teacher did not understand him.

Dudley was gluttonous, a habit that Petunia had brought to him, and by Smelting's third year he was too fat to have the uniform he wore.

At this time, his teacher began to teach him boxing, at first to lose weight, and then he began to show talent in this area. In the 1994-1995 school year, Dudley won the championship of the Southeastern Junior Heavyweight Intercollegiate Boxing Competition , he and his gang have been harassing the neighborhood all summer, smoking cigarettes, vandalizing amusement parks, throwing stones at cars and children, and beating boys younger than them. On the evening of August 2, 1995, Dudley was attacked by dementors in the alley between Wisteria Road and Magnolia Crescent, about two blocks from his home.

The impact of this incident on Dudley's emotions is obvious. He no longer likes to bully people so much. In addition, he lost contact with his former "friends" when he went to study. He was so grown up, he even gave Harry a hug as a farewell to living under the same roof for more than ten years.

The cousin who used to bully Harry as a kid and complain loudly about "why do I only have 31 presents" has grown up.

His growth experience is completely different from Harry's. He didn't have so many wonderful adventures, and he didn't witness so many deaths. He was just "sensible".

Separation is easy for some people, but it is very difficult for Pomona. As the older one, she should be more sensible. Tomorrow, no, today is the Lantern Festival, ten in the morning and seven in the evening There are two parades at the point, and the werewolf does not necessarily transform when he sees the moon at night.

Traveling abroad and celebrating the Spring Festival overseas are the habits of many local Chinese people. They like shopping like the Japanese in the 1990s and carry a lot of cash with them. The "New Year" flavor of Chinatown is said to be stronger than that of the local area. At that time, many people will flock to Chinatown in London to watch the float parade, lion dance, acrobatics, firecrackers and dragon dance performances.

After 9/11, the tourism industry was hit hard, and business was hard to do. If the Lantern Festival activities were canceled because of a false information, the merchants would suffer a lot of losses.

Extravagance is more expensive than natural disasters.

People who get rich by speculation spend money like water, set a bad example, tear down the old buildings in Chinatown and build large shopping malls, which can make more money and create taxes than small street shops. As for whether it will destroy multiculturalism and harm the local people No one cares about the interests.

Batman must not have figured out why his parents were so miserable, so he hated criminals and retaliated against them when he grew up.

If there is a right way to go, the vast majority of people don't want to go down the wrong way. It is much more difficult to give those who want to change their ways a chance than to kill them all.

Putting prisoners in prison does not mean the end, but also allows them to readjust their mentality and face life.

The Death Eaters might still have a chance because of Severus, but the werewolves were out of the question, and people wanted to kill them all, even if Remus Lupine had sacrificed his life to protect Hogwarts.

"Why don't you say you want me to protect your student, I remember his name is Justin, right?" At the door of Hu's Restaurant, Severus pushed the mess of hair behind her ear.

"You have to be careful." She thought for a long time and only came up with this sentence: "Come back alive."

"You too," he whispered. "When this is over, let's get some rest."

Rhett told Scarlett that he was going to the battlefield and she should give him some comfort, but Pomona didn't give him a kiss like Scarlett.

"How about some Felix Felicia?" she suggested.

He smiled and shook his head.

"I don't believe in luck, but strength is more trustworthy." He hugged her shoulders and kissed her forehead lightly, "Go and find your students."

"I'm sorry to force you to do things beyond your ability." She said dejectedly, "I forgot how bad you were on the battlefield."

In the battle of the seven Potters, he obviously wanted to miss a curse, but his sharp edge cut off George's ear, and "stray bullets" are the most deadly on the battlefield.

"I hope you don't think I'm useless." He pursed his upper lip and said in embarrassment, "but I think you want to listen to the truth more than making random promises."

Pomona thought for a while, then nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, I don't like Fudge's 'everything is fine' thing."

"Aren't you disappointed?"

"I don't think you will show weakness to me easily. If there is any problem, let's face it together."

He let out a long sigh as if he had let go of a heavy burden, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," she said generously. "At Hogwarts, when you need help, there is always someone willing to help."

"Is this Chinatown or Hogwarts?" Severus asked with a weird smile, squinting his eyes and tilting his head.

Pomona shook her head with a smile, and then Disapparated.

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