Chapter 622 The Dirty Scavenger

According to Draco Malfoy's father, Lucius Malfoy with a pair of cold gray eyes is full of Slytherin style, if you don't like someone very much, at least pretend you don't like him.

But Draco made no secret of his distaste for Harry, and even nicknamed Harry "Scarhead", which was really unaristocratic.

In addition to being the "Boy Who Lived", Harry Potter is also famous for the lightning scar on his forehead.

Black magic itself is full of negativity, and werewolves make even dark wizards feel sick. Those dark wizards can create inferi and zombies, and they don't take the Unforgivable Curse seriously.

If hell has to be layered, then werewolves are undoubtedly the dark creatures closest to the abyss. At least vampires are worshiped by Muggles. Both Muggles and wizards hate werewolves, and they want to get rid of them quickly.

When you strongly hate and despise the ugly and vulgar things around you, these things will occupy the depths of your heart, and at the same time make you polluted and become ugly; at the same time, this negative emotion will also make you sick physically and mentally .

When you are at war with some "cause of pain" you gaze into "pain" and the pain stares into you like an abyss which takes its toll on you from which you cannot escape.

This is Nietzsche's theory of the abyss. He believes that life is "that which must constantly transcend itself", and that "will is domination". The concept of will to power is actually Nietzsche's essential explanation of life, will, and vitality.

Nietzsche wanted to use this concept to give an answer to the question of the meaning of life: Do not passively seek the preservation of life, but actively engage in creation to become a spiritually strong person; the meaning of life is not to live long, but to live great, Live noble and bold.

Is Umbridge's Werewolf Act "humane" to drive werewolves into corners and to attack those who are cornered?

At the end of the First World War, Germany became a defeated country. The victorious countries demanded huge indemnities from Germany. Later, the financial crisis broke out. For their own interests, all countries forced Germany to die at the Lausanne Conference. Domestic inflation caused civilians to be oppressed by debts. He couldn't breathe, so Hitler helped him up.

Mao Zedong's one-sided use of the theory of the will to power, and its distorted use, became the theoretical basis for the strong to dominate the weak, and finally tied Nietzsche completely to the anti-democracy chariot.

The same goes for werewolves. After being driven into a desperate situation, they declared that they would lead those werewolves who lived on the edge of the wizarding world and obtained food by stealing and killing to a different path.

Blood is what a werewolf deserves, and a werewolf should take revenge on normal people.

His goal in life is to bite and infect as many people as possible, and he wants to create enough werewolves to conquer wizards.

The spirit of Dionysus is a creation created in a state of ecstasy after people fall into madness, and reason can no longer dominate their thoughts, leaving only the most primitive impulse. Fantastic epics and magnificent music all originate from this .

** Let the Germans indulge in the dream of the revival of the Third Reich, Fenrir Greyback let the werewolves indulge in the dream of living werewolves discriminating against normal people.

Wolves are highly speculative animals, and they don't mind cooperating with humans in order to survive, but when they find old, weak, sick and disabled among group animals, they will rush up and eat them without hesitation.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest, that's all.

That's what the dark wizards under Voldemort's rule did. They were very aggressive. Killing Muggles was a game for them. Facing such a powerful deterrent force, the werewolves were vain. They pretended to obey Voldemort's orders. The bodies of those victims were taken away, and the shaman's children were bitten by the arresting party to secretly strengthen themselves.

If you don’t want to become prey, you have to become strong so that werewolves don’t dare to mess with them. Righteous masters have dealt with dark wizards for a long time. Their behavior is no different from dark wizards. War keeps women away, and Pomona really doesn’t have that The power to face the werewolf's monthly transformation, so she trained Sirius, James and Pete, making them "soldiers", and when she brought them out, she thought she would be free, but she had A new job, "cleaning up" the crime scene after the Death Eaters made a fuss.

The wizarding world doesn't just have Honeydukes and Weasley's trick shops, those who are obsessed with the Apollonian side of magic don't know the madness of the Dionysian world, and that kind of people are not needed by Aurors.

When the dementors were still serving as guards in Beihai, there was an "ambiguous death penalty". Those prisoners went crazy or committed suicide by themselves, and had nothing to do with the Ministry of Magic.

After the dementors are gone, there will be no death penalty. Those escaped prisoners will escape again after they are captured. This kind of endless running, catching, and catching are of course not killed. Some people should be sentenced The death penalty is not executed because of "humanity". Many people want Fenrir to die. The problem is that his blood has other uses, so he cannot be killed.

It takes incredible courage to be unafraid of one's own and other people's inner shadows, and Tonks' Patronus is big, which may be why.

Severus is the only Death Eater with a Patronus, which may have something to do with his courage.

Gryffindor is the house with the most patron saints in DA, followed by Ravenclaw, and finally Hufflepuff. Ernie McMillan, the only one who conjured up the Patronus, was also a brave man. In the fifth grade, he blatantly supported Harry Potter.

Courage can make a person stubborn when others follow the crowd. She was originally a coward, but because of her acquaintance with the hijacker, she had the courage to go night tour in the castle in violation of school rules.

She was already a little cunning, but she didn't turn bad because of the strict discipline of Minerva and Albus Dumbledore. She and Lily, who is full of sense of justice, are not the same.

Lily is a little daisy who lives in the daytime, and Pomona and Severus are evening primroses who live in the dark night. It's not that Lily is not good enough, but that they each have different goals when they grow up. Going further and further.

This kind of mood is just like the parting of Xiaobailong and Qianxun in the story of Spirited Away, which makes people feel sad. There should be many people who want to continue writing that story, so that Xiaobailong and Qianxun can live together happily and sweetly.

This is the scary thing about first love lovers. As long as there is a suitable opportunity, they are very likely to rekindle their old relationship. Those who say that they are still friends after breaking up are completely deceiving. Boys are very easy to be fooled by this, and they will agree to help after many years. "Friends" a little favor.

Severus was helping his first love to take care of her son, and this child was also the son of an enemy who had made him embarrassing in public, how complicated his feelings must be.

Pomona had an uncertain relationship with him before, but now she finally understands why she likes to beat him up so much!

Want your current and ex-first love to be good friends? What a beautiful idea, there is no incumbent in this world who knows that her boyfriend is entangled with her first love and can give him a good face, especially when she finds that her first love is taking advantage of her boyfriend.

The scene of the girls fighting is really ugly, but the boys can't figure out the situation, and still hold the idea of ​​breaking up or being friends, then the flames of war are bound to spread.

The Chinese call jealousy jealousy, and Hufflepuff's lounge password is wrong, and jealousy will pour down. Hufflepuff loves to be "jealous" so much sometimes! !

Pomona directly apparated to the vicinity of the Hexagon Pavilion, and then called Justin over with DA's fake Gold Galleon.

Only optimism purified from pessimism is real optimism. Now Pomona needs to maintain an optimistic attitude to meet the next battle.

She has always been an optimistic and sympathetic person, but sympathy takes time, too much sympathy will be the same as Mr. Dong Guo, and what she meets is a werewolf, who is crazier than the Zhongshan wolf who can only ask people to judge. reason.

The werewolf rehabilitation plan was perfectly conceived, and it might be difficult to implement it, but that was after the war was over, and now she was thinking about how to keep her own people alive.

It felt too uncomfortable for the young man to die in front of her. She had suffered once and didn't want to suffer again.

Not long after she sent the message, Justin appeared. He had a strong sewer smell, which could be smelled from a long distance away.

"Dean, are you looking for me?"

"Remember when Professor Snape asked you to go to Elphias Storge?"


"I think he might have been kidnapped by Luna's father, Seferius."

Justin didn't look surprised, but looked at her calmly, as if waiting for her to speak.

"Seferius is very interested in the Hallows, let's say he loves his wife Pandora, he wants to use the Resurrection Stone to resurrect her, Grindelwald and Albus have traveled the world looking for clues to the Hallows, and Ephias traveled with Albus once, and perhaps he would like a clue about the Resurrection Stone."

"Harry has a resurrection stone?" Justin said in surprise.

"It's not without reason that he escaped the death curse twice." Pomona said guiltily, "You don't know he has the resurrection stone?"

"He didn't talk about it." Justin said, "There are many people who want to interview how he survived, but he didn't say anything, he only talked about the old wand, which was also for the purpose of rectifying Professor Snape's name." .”

"The Death Eaters once kidnapped Luna and threatened Seferius to help them. I don't think he is the kind of person who wants to collect the Deathly Hallows and become the master of Death." Pomona thought tiredly, but who is ambitious? Head Slytherin has the possibility that "after Pandora's death, he and Luna depended on each other for life. If Luna gets married, he will be left alone in the family. When all important things in a person's life are taken away, he will I no longer have a sense of responsibility to this world, let alone feel guilty..."

"And commit the crime, right?" Justin asked.

"I don't know, Justin, there are people who would choose to commit suicide. If it were you, which one would you choose?" Pomona put her hands in her pockets, "If you were bitten by a werewolf, would you commit suicide?"

"I'll do my best not to get bitten," he said with a pale face.

"Talk to your grandfather and father. You can't make it through alone." She sighed. "Thinking pessimistically, it might be your last words."

"What about optimistic thinking?"

"You want to inherit the family business, right, Earl?" Pomona smiled, "I hope you become a nobleman who is respected and loved by commoners, not a nobleman who is hated and despised by others. Those who rush to the front on the battlefield often die Fastest, those werewolves don't think you are a nobleman, the fighting methods you learned in DA are useless to werewolves."

"I know, use black magic." Justin said calmly, "I'm not from the Anti-Dark Arts League, professor."

It is impossible to clean the sewer without getting any dirty water on your body.

Pomona sighed, Lily is always a pure white lily, she died early without seeing the darkness and filth of the world, she is like the god of love in the sky, no wonder her statue in Godric's Hollow Same expression as the Virgin Mary.

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