Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 667: The Witch Who Eats Children

Ding ding dong dong

A herd of cows with cowbells tied around their necks walked slowly along the tracks.

It was around 7:00 pm GMT when the train arrived in Nachatel.

Nearly eight hours have passed since we set off from Paris at noon, and the sky is almost completely dark. If you want to enjoy the scenery of Neuchâtel, you may have to choose another time.

The scenery in Switzerland is beautiful, and there are lakes and mountains everywhere. However, after seeing too much, I feel a little tired of aesthetics. What's worse is that they only walked half of the journey now. There are many stops in the second half, and the time spent will be longer than the first half. The journey is longer, and if you are lucky, you can arrive in Venice on February 27.

The forest at night is not safe, and all kinds of hidden magical animals will come and go. In the Black Forest of Germany, there is a kind of elf named Goblin. They are bigger than goblins. They especially like to eat children, and they will make a sharp clack ’ The sound lures the little ones away from their guardians, and then eats them.

In Muggle fairy tales, the murderer is often a dominatrix. They are often regarded as witches by Muggles. They did have the habit of eating children in the past. In Russia, there is a very famous dominatrix who specializes in eating children, but in the UK They started working as nannies, or at least they wanted to, and there were probably only a handful of people who actually hired them.

Although the German Ministry of Magic has strictly controlled the number of ghouls, the number of attacks has decreased since 1927. The last wounding incident occurred in 1989. The victim was six-year-old Bruno Schmidt, but he successfully used his father The collapsible cauldron killed the goblin. It’s just that we have heard of elves attacking Muggle children from time to time. These cases will not be recorded in the wizard’s files. If there is no record, it doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. Those who dare to spend the night in the forest are warriors. Hermione and the others are destroying During the Horcrux process, tents were often set up in the forest, which was the premise that she used the defensive array.

This European special train is equivalent to a moving castle. The International Law of Secrecy stipulates that minors cannot perform magic outside of school, and there are goblins who cannot use magic wands. Traveling by train is the safest.

The Hogwarts Express also has defensive magic, but so far, except for the dementor who got on the train and searched once, I haven't heard of any dark creatures who dare to attack it.

Why? Why is it so hard for me to date quietly!

She was complaining as she walked in the box, and Severus was lying on the bed reading, not seeming nervous at all.

How can you be so confident and bold?

Not all the crew members in the car are squibs, they can deal with ordinary dark creatures. Severus stared at the book without looking up and said, They should be more reliable than troll security.

Pomona didn't think the flight attendants were happy to hear that she was more reliable than the troll.

She walked to the bed and flew onto the bed. It felt so good to lie down!

Then she rolled and rolled on the bed until the Potions Master couldn't bear it anymore and told her to stop.

I shouldn't drink that cup of coffee. She lay on her back on the snow-white sheet, looked at the ceiling and said dejectedly, Why didn't you remind me?

I'm glad you're finally able to drink something grown-up, he said coldly, with a stiff face.

When did you start drinking? She turned over and asked.

Severus ignored her.

Pomona looked at the vicissitudes of the middle-aged man in front of her, and it was difficult to connect him with the little boy who was not good-looking but had delicate skin.

Are you hungry? she asked.

We didn't finish lunch until after three o'clock in the afternoon.

The snow on the snow mountain hasn't melted yet, how about we go skiing after we go to Venice?

Haven't you seen enough snow in Scotland?

This is Switzerland! When you come to Switzerland, you should ski!

Severus put the book down.

I thought you preferred dog sledding.

Pomona recalled that trip to Northern Europe. Both Norway and Germany had Germanic ancestry. Germans would go to Durmstrang to study, while Beauxbatons accepted students from small countries such as Spain and Portugal.

They are all Europeans, but the feeling is completely different. At least in Norway, she saw that there are many people who raise huskies. The most famous dog in Germany is a very smart shepherd dog. That kind of dog is not suitable for pulling sleds like huskies.

Stupid dog, Pomona said with a smile.

You're thinking of Sirius Black? he said deliberately.

He's not a dog! Pomona corrected.

Severus sneered bitterly.

Reading is so boring, play with me! She shook him hard so that he couldn't read the book.

You should read more books, you spend too much time on food magic. He said patiently.

Pomona stopped shaking him before he got angry, but she stood up instead, using the thick duck-down mattress as a trampoline.

Oh hehe, let's dance together, Severus!

The snot-nosed man who has been particularly mature since she was 11 years old, looked at her bouncing around, and said teasingly, How old do you think you are?

Hogwarts, Hogwarts, teach us something!

Just then Pomona felt him draw his wand from his sleeve.

She quickly got herself a protective armor, which blocked the curse at the critical moment.

What are you doing! She glared angrily at the person who attacked her.

Hogwarts doesn't necessarily teach you anything, I can teach you something. He pointed his wand at her, and said slickly, What did you just learn?

Every time someone changes your opinion of you and thinks you are cute, you ruin that image! Why! She put her hips on her waist and sprayed hot air like an angry teapot, Do you think I'm your student? Professor ?”

I can use magic without a wand. If you didn't notice just now that I was holding a wand, I wouldn't even think of defense. He folded his arms around his chest, You shouldn't let your guard down.

We're on our honeymoon. She said aggrievedly, Do you have to be vigilant even on a honeymoon trip?

There are always some radical people in this world. There is a small country of Liechtenstein between Switzerland and Austria. They have serious conflicts with mountain trolls.

I know this.

Liechtenstein is the headquarters of the anti-troll group. In 99 a woman named Heliotop Willis took a group of trolls to destroy their party. She was the leader of the radical troll rights movement. Not everyone Got a brain.

Oh... Pomona whispered in shock.

You are actually in Norway, playing dog sledding on the territory of the dark wizard, and you are so carried away. Did you forget your brain when you packed your luggage? Or did the Nordic temperature freeze it?

Why are you so mean? she said aggrievedly. I thought Durmstrang would be easy to find.

Europe is not England, and security is not as good as you think. Because of the English Channel, many Eastern European refugees cannot enter the British Isles. The European working population is mainly low-end working population is too small. At the same time, some magic that migrates with refugees Creatures keep out the country, have you heard of Nali?

I know that there is a kind of evil fairy, similar to the evil spirit, who attracts children with high-pitched voices.

Originally they were only in Eastern Europe, but now they are also in Western and Central Europe, as well as vampires. They did not live well in Eastern Europe, but in Western Europe they lived like ducks in water. They lived in luxurious castles and enjoyed the life of aristocrats.

This is the influence of Muggle novels. In those novels, vampires are all nobles. However, according to the information obtained by Pomona, not all vampires are elegant, and there are also many vampires who failed to transform. They are as bloodthirsty as mad dogs And fond of biting, Muggles stuffed their mouths with rocks and buried them under rubble.

There are many Muggles who yearn for immortality, and most of them are rich people. There are many castles in Innsbruck, and those dark creatures live there.

Innsbruck is the hometown of Swarovski, where there are also beautiful Swan Castle and Princess Sissi.

In the movie, the snow-capped mountains are surrounded by colorful towns, and even the lake is sapphire blue.

Such a beautiful place is actually inhabited by vampires, as if the holy place has been polluted.

Come here. He patted the place next to him, The train is about to start, be careful not to fall.

She was obedient enough to lie down beside him.

Then he put the book down, turned sideways, brushed her hair behind her ears, and began to hum softly:

In 1239 A.D., there lived a girl of royal blood, and according to the old stories, she was the most beautiful girl.

In the castle made of stone, she sleeps alone every night, and even the sound that the dead can wake up cannot wake her up.

A stranger from a distant land wants to marry her.

Her father said, No, go away, she will marry a king some day.

The stranger had left and returned, with ten thousand soldiers and horses, whose battle cries could have terrified her, but still could not awaken her.

The battle lasted all day, but the walls of the castle were thick and hard, and the stranger cried Let her decide who does her heart belong to?

So the king knocked on her door.

Only you can end this war.

After singing, he said softly again, When I knew this story, I made up my mind that I will not let that princess sleep alone every night, no matter what I do.

The wizard in the story seems to be a dark wizard. Pomona stared into his black eyes. His army seems to be undead.

The princess's father agreed to let her marry him, Severus whispered. That's why we love black magic so much, its power, its ability to bring happiness.

But not even a king can force her to marry someone she doesn't like.

He saved her life. He corrected her, as if in his superficial and vulgar cognition, after the hero saves the beauty, the beauty must marry the hero.

If he was a gentleman, he shouldn't have put the stimulant on his mouth. She said pitifully. He's taking advantage of others.

Then why a prince can kiss a princess to wake him up, but not a wizard? He said radically, And it must be a handsome prince. Do you think someone like Lockhart can break the curse?

Pomona thought of Harry's poor arm, which had only been broken and which Lockhart had pulled the bones out of.

I wouldn't kiss that kind of superficial, empty-headed prince. Pomona said disgustedly.

So, what kind of prince would you kiss? the Half-Blood Prince said in a tone that was obviously smug but pretending to be calm.

It was as if he was sure that he would be kissed by the beautiful princess.

I'm hungry, I want to eat a swiss roll. She pretended to get up from the other side, but she was caught by the arm as soon as she moved, and she lay back on the soft duck-down mattress.

Amidst the witch's giggles, the train started moving again.

According to legend, a long time ago, there lived a handsome prince in a distant place. The handsome prince who lived in the shadow of his queen mother was unhappy all day long because he couldn't find his sweetheart. The queen's selection criteria for the princess are extremely strict. In the queen's view, only a real princess can be worthy of her son.

Therefore, every girl who comes to the palace and wants to be a princess must pass the queen's test. However, no girl could pass the test in front of the weird test questions of the queen and his examiner.

The Queen knew that the reason the girls failed the test was that none of them were of royal blood, even though there were some elegant, intelligent, and pretty girls among the candidates. The queen tried her best to find a future princess for her son, which caused the prince to cry all day long.

Oh, a poor prince waiting to be rescued, but if the girl married the prince, she would live with his terrible mother. Gradually, no girl wanted to marry the prince.

In the fairy tale, one night, suddenly there was a terrible storm, the sky was struck by electricity, thunder was thundering, and it was raining heavily, which really made people a little scared! Someone knocked at the door, and the old king went to open it. Standing outside the city is a beautiful princess. But, my God! How ugly she looked after all the weather and weather! The water ran down her hair and clothes, into the toes of her shoes, and out of her heels, looking terribly messed up.

She wrapped the castle in knotty vines with a magic pea, and had her troll servants bring down the king's soldiers, and then she stole the kingship, and made the old queen dress in cook's clothes and clean the hearth.

The old queen dared not speak out against the evil witch, and was depressed all day long, but the prince fell into deep self-blame. Should he help the terrible mother who controlled his life, or the evil that changed his life? witch?

No one knows the ending of the princess and the pea. Just like the story of Sleeping Beauty, the witch may not love the prince. Although he is very handsome, if you want her to open the bedroom door, someone will definitely open it if you just knock.

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