Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 672 Tyrosine Potion

Compared with the messy and congested London, Bern's biggest feature is order.

The street pavement here is still made of stone bricks, the sewer is in the middle of the road, there are driveways on both sides of the sewer, sidewalks under the Roman arcades on both sides of the driveway, shops are outside the arcade, and there are trams running on the driveway .

Although the United Kingdom is also a member of the European Union, it does not have this European taste. In fact, the old city of Bern has been approved by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage. There is even a moat around the old city, which is very, very medieval.

When you come to Switzerland, you must not miss their cheese fondue. The melted cheese in the bottom of the pot is too greasy at first glance, but this kind of food is very necessary in high-altitude countries. When they were in XZ, the traditional food of the local people was also very greasy. , with a layer of ghee on the barley noodles and a little sugar, it will be very greasy if you don’t drink a little tea, which is one of the reasons why tea is a must in XZ.

The spread of Chinese tea culture was during the Tang Dynasty, especially during the period of Wu Zetian, when it developed most rapidly. Not only the neighbors at that time, Tubo, but also Nara, Japan were also affected.

Tea has the same refreshing effect as coffee, but it is far less powerful than coffee. It is a very mild drink.

From the Tang Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Chinese monopolized the baking skills of tea, and also monopolized the tea trade. Tea has a very special status in the diplomatic game with many countries.

When several tea workers were dissatisfied with the boss's harshness, they were poached by the British and went to India to leak the core technology. The Chinese monopoly on tea came to an end. The tea trade that supported the national economy suffered a huge decline after it had a competitor in India. The empty Manchu treasury made matters worse.

When the Tang Dynasty and Tubo were fighting continuously because of the Western Regions issue, the marriage between Princess Wencheng and Princess Jincheng and Tubo Zanpu eased the conflict. The two countries had restricted trade at the designated ports, and tea was still one of the main commodities.

Trade promotes exchanges, as well as the flow of information. Secretization of the country hinders this kind of information flow, and at the same time keeps diseases out of the country. The large-scale outbreak of the Black Death in Europe and maritime trade have an inescapable responsibility.

The Merchant of Venice has always had a bad reputation in Europe. This has a certain influence on the play written by Shakespeare. At that time, Europeans were generally illiterate, and drama was the main form of entertainment. Muggles are not fools. They memorize lines and plots. The speed is very fast, but it is a pity that they always fail to remember the lesson, as Hegel said: The only lesson we learn from history is that we never learn from history.

This is not to say that people have a bad memory, but that between indulging desires and self-control, people prefer to choose the former. In the process of indulging, desires will be satisfied, which will make people feel happy, which is the same as the effect caused by carnival. of.

Venice rose rapidly because of the Crusades. The accumulated wealth and the Greek and Roman books looted from the emperor made the luxury-loving nobles invest a lot of money in art, and they began to have the concept of urban planning. At that time, the cities ruled by other barbarians in Western Europe in the Middle Ages were in a state of filth and chaos, and there were no sewers at all. The sewage flowed and rats ran around, which became a hotbed for plague outbreaks.

At first, in order to avoid the plague, people prayed for God’s protection and donated their property to the church, and the priests began to wear gold and silver. However, this method did not prevent the spread of the plague, even if some brave missionaries baptized way to save the sick.

People have gradually lost faith in God. When the end is approaching, some people are full of worries, some indulge in revelry, and squander all the wealth of tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the future. As for what will he do in the future? Just like what Louis XV said, after his death, regardless of the flood, his successor, Louis XVI, was guillotined by the people.

In the literature, the Tang Dynasty took many measures against currency outflows. In fact, not only the Tang Dynasty, but all countries had currency outflows. Foreign products are better than domestic products, and of course customers are more willing to choose foreign products.

During the Crusades, due to its own naval problems, the Eastern Roman Empire needed the power of the Venetian navy and shipping, so it took tax-free measures for Venetian merchants, but in this way, the products of Constantinople lost their competition force.

Switzerland has many near-perfect titles, such as World Park, Paradise on Earth, and Xanadu. Paintings, but the Swiss are actually very boring. They have nothing but beauty. They are as rigid as the clocks they are good at making. When tourists are wow, ah marveling at everything here, the Swiss regard it as a pleasure to watch tourists.

These passers-by will not leave too many traces in this city, but will take away a whole box of memories, elegant aristocratic charm, medieval style, and various local products.

The same capital, Bern is not full of luxury stores like London and Paris. It does not conform to the crowd, let alone flaunt itself. It just maintains its own pace and retains its own style. If the unmanned train station gives people The feeling is the aging Gellert, and the vibrant commercial street is the young Gellert, that handsome young man with blond hair will scratch your palm with his fingertips until it makes your heart beat faster.

You want to read a book, but he won’t allow you to do so. You want to play with him, but you find that he is not interesting, even a little boring. He wants you to watch him, but he is actually very interesting because he has amazing beauty.

Gellert Grindelwald is a very charming man. Unlike Voldemort's gorgeous, indulgent and chaotic style of Venice, he is sane and orderly, just like the streets of Bern.

At the same time, he has genius wisdom, not like the Jewish Einstein. He is as good at using the kindness in people's hearts as the old fool to make them feel that they are doing the right thing. In order to prevent Muggles from ruining the world, it takes more than Muggles who have been tormented by disasters, plagues, and wars are insane, and wizards with a clear mind rule mankind.

The fiery minds of Muggles can rest. Living soberly is actually very tiring. It is very easy to entrust the decision-making power to someone you trust and obey orders.

The place where the bus captain and the Swiss Auror arranged for the passengers to rest was the National Hotel near the train station. The rooms arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Smith were far less luxurious than the presidential suite at the W Hotel, but they had a strong French style.

Muggles also want to live in this hotel. Apart from the lights, the TV is the only modern electronic device. It hangs abruptly on the high wall. It is uncomfortable to watch from any angle, as if it was not at all during the decoration. No place was reserved for it.

Other furnishings, such as Venetian leather sofas, floor lamps and log tables by the window, wardrobes with mirrors and simple wooden double beds are harmonious.

The moment Pomona pushed open the door, she thought there was a poorly dressed young man sitting with his back to her at the desk by the window.

Maybe he was reading the theory of relativity in the sunlight outside the window, maybe he was reading Marx, or maybe he was reading books related to occultism and theology, but this illusion was quickly shattered.

She's in the dark now, and she's in the room with a greasy-haired gypsy. There are many thieves in the scenic spots of Italy. They steal not only other people's wallets, but also women's hearts. If a woman goes alone or It is easy to get into trouble if the flower protector is negligent.

Italian men are Oedipus, romantic, kissing a hundred times a day is not too much, and sticking to beautiful women all day long.

Severus was a sarcastic, old-fashioned Brit in front of outsiders, but there was another side to them when the two of them were alone.

He likes freedom and has a strong desire for control. He also ate the cheese fondue for dinner, so the kiss was full of the smell of cheese from the beginning. To understand the oil, she ordered black tea and he ordered gin.

The spicy spirit has a slightly bitter taste, which is slightly different from the bitter taste of tea. One of these two drinks makes people sober, and the other makes people intoxicated. When they are mixed together, they form a It is a strange substance that makes people half-dream and half-awake, but also makes people feel warm all over.

Do you think there might be a Boggart in that locker?

Before she was completely dizzy, she gently pushed the greedy guy away and asked eagerly.

What? he asked confusedly.

Isn't that cabinet similar to the one in the teachers' lounge? Pomona said, pointing to the wardrobe in the corner.

He suddenly smiled strangely.

You want to see me in women's clothing?

What? No! Pomona screamed.

You think I came out of the closet like the Boggart in Longbottom?

She opened her mouth in disbelief.

You still remember that?

He pretended to think about it, then smiled maliciously and said, Yes, I still remember.

She had never seen such a stingy person.

What are you going to do to protect him this time? He carefully patted the snow off her shoulders, looking extremely like a lover who stole his heart.

You can't always threaten people with this, she said pitifully. Besides, Neville was induced by Remus.

You guys always don't accept the lesson, and like to 'chat' so much. You made Longbottom and Potter make the wrong choice. What a good teacher you are. He gritted his teeth and smiled, his voice brought Hiss It's no honor for you to win.

Damn dark wizard.

She thought angrily, and rushed forward in desperation.

Fifty years old are not energetic young people anymore, but they are not old enough not to be hurt by love.

Socrates articulated a three-stage theory of love, which means that chasing beauty when you are young and ignorant is also human and belongs to the primary stage; when you are mature, you should enter the intermediate stage, and you should not be caught by specific beauty. In the end, you have to sublimate, from lust to wisdom. At this stage, you no longer pay attention to and enjoy the beauty of the body, but the object of your admiration and pursuit should have the beauty of wisdom and knowledge.

It's hard to say whether Albus likes Grindelwald's beauty or his knowledge and wisdom, whether their love is in the primary stage or the advanced stage.

What is high and low in love? Human class inequality should not affect Cupid's judgment, she should be as fair as Death.

It's a pity that she is a cute little fool, and she also has eccentric and blind objects, so love, like other desires, makes human beings crazy, and people become out of control in front of it, just like drinking a hate potion. Bring out your worst side.

Amors or Mors.

It's love or death.

After waiting for her for too long, there was no response, and my heart was extremely sad and disappointed.

That waiting process is more uncomfortable than death.

It was a feeling that the Voldemort Kid would not understand.

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