Chapter 716: Deadly Companion

The Italians and the French have many similarities. They love drinking coffee, painting, and playing music on the street with an accordion. It's the same thing.

The reputation of the Officer's Cafe is far less than that of the Flora Cafe, and the prices are correspondingly cheaper. In front of the unstoppable Café de Flore, the Officers' Café often has to give way. For the officer's cafe, it's really difficult to describe the shameless things: when the gloomy Flora Cafe ushers in the sun in the afternoon, it means that the officer's cafe will take the initiative to give up Yin, and put the original one on its side. Guests basking in the sun on the open-air cafe are "sent" over.

Many of the paintings exhibited in the Louvre were not "gifted" by the Italians. Its treasure "Mona Lisa" was snatched from Italy by Napoleon, and it was said to have been placed in Napoleon's bedroom for his daily life. appreciate.

There is also a museum similar to the Louvre in Venice, which collects the treasures of Venice paintings from the 14th century to the 18th century. It is located beside the Grand Canal and is the most outstanding Gothic building in Venice.

The Golden Roof is a landmark of Innsbruck, Austria. It was built in 1500 by the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I and is decorated with 2,657 gilded copper tiles. The "Golden Palace" in Venice was built in 1440, but its reputation goes far Not as good as Innsbruck and the Louvre.

Titian's paintings are now scattered in Europe. He and Giorgiona were classmates, but he lived as long as Michelangelo. Titian's works are not as lyrical and serene as Giorgiona's, but magnificent, passionate and imaginative, with strong colors and unrestrained brushstrokes, emphasizing worldly joy and sensual enjoyment.

one of his masterpieces

"Love in Heaven and Love on Earth" is now in the collection of the Borghese Gallery in Rome, Italy. In the painting, two women who symbolize heaven and earth seem to be having a heart-to-heart conversation. The difference between them is: the dressed one represents the woman in the earth, and the naked one represents the goddess of heaven.

Some people say that this painting is based on a story in Greek mythology, but Pomona thinks that Titian should be based on Plato's symposium:

Only love can make a man sacrifice himself to save the life of another, not only a man but a woman as well.

There is no better witness than Alcestis, only she was willing to die for her husband. Although he has parents, their affection for him is far inferior to that of Alcestis. They treat their sons as if they are not their own, but have nothing but the name of their parents. But Alcestis made a great sacrifice, not only in the eyes of mortals, but also in the eyes of the gods, and this greatness was rewarded--a boon so few among many noble deeds can receive-- — After she died, her soul returned to the world from Hades.

God also honors the zeal and courage that arise from love. However, when the gods sent Orpheus back to the underworld, they only showed him the shadow of his wife. Hades didn't want him to take Eurydice away, because he himself was a bard, a half-hearted lover, and lacked the courage to die for his lover like Alcestis, so he chose another One way to go down to Hades alive. For this reason the gods punished him, and let him die at the hands of a gang of women, a very just punishment.

Severus would be tortured to death by a gang of women.

Pomona smiled sinisterly while dispelling her hatred, and at the same time, she was delusional. The first hurdle he had to face was Alicia, a single mother who raised three daughters alone. The melon woman is doing well.

Eros in heaven represents a noble love, but Eros on earth is a very worldly kind of love, which works in a random way, and which rules the passions of the lower.

Fuck the scumbag lust, a woman with clothes on and a woman without clothes, which one would a man want to see?

Women in the secular world are bound by many constraints and must wear clothes, but the goddess of love in the sky is not, she is free, why do people praise the goddess who does not wear clothes, but condemn the woman who does not wear clothes?

The symposium can only be written: Suppose someone pretends to have love for someone in order to obtain money, position, or some kind of power from others, so he woos him in the same way-begging, swearing, sleeping on the threshold, and humiliating himself , doing all kinds of things that even slaves can't bear-what will happen if this is the case? Gentlemen, I think not only his friends but his enemies will do their best to restrain him, the enemies will accuse him of vileness, and the friends will be ashamed of him.

But if these things are done by a person with love, the people will only think that he should do this, and the law will unreservedly approve his behavior, thinking that his purpose is noble. Strangest of all is the prevailing opinion that the pardon of the gods is granted only to those in love who break their vows, because, they say, the vow of love is really a perjury. From this, gentlemen, our Athenian laws give great liberty to lovers, not only of mortals, but of the gods. Knowing this, it will be considered an honor to have or receive love, in this city-state or elsewhere. But in practice, we have seen that if a father finds out that someone is in love with his son, he will let his servants strictly guard him and prevent him from communicating with the person who loves him. The boy's childhood friends and playmates would also scold him when they saw this happen, and the elders would neither stop the scolding nor tell them to stop talking nonsense. If this goes on, anyone will think that we Athenians actually make it a scandal to accept love.

Because of translation errors, platonic love does not exist. He advocated the union of men and women, not only for love, but also for the completion of tasks, to have children for the continuation of the country's population. There is no problem with virtue, and virtue is the best clothes.

On the contrary, it is Venice, because of the existence of the chivalry system that provides services, there is a kind of Venetian love, which is not just the desire, admiration and delusion for the "dream lover", but another way of taking what is needed.

The lady's husband goes out to do business without being accompanied by anyone. The knight who provides the service will accompany her shopping and chatting with her like a "best friend", and also protect her safety. If there is no money to take, even if he is a man who likes the same sex, this Who will do the work?

What the hell, isn't it good to kiss under Xie Jisheng? Why kiss under the Bridge of Sighs to witness eternal love. There is water under the bridge, there is not even a place to stand, and not everyone has the ability of Jesus to walk on the water, and in the end they still have to hire a gondola, which costs 100 Euros!

"I don't take a boat! I don't take a gondola with a girl!" Pomona pulled the sign of Venice, a stone lion with wings, no matter how much Monica pulled her, she would not let go!

The group of Muggle tourists may have never seen such a crazy woman, and they were dumbfounded to watch the two of them tugging.

What kind of love story does the Bridge of Sighs have? It is said that on one occasion a prisoner was sentenced to death. He stopped walking back when he passed the stone bridge. He looked at the world outside the stone bridge, the sky was as cloudy, the Madonna was smiling, and the crowd was in a hurry. He thought of the woman he loved, and he asked himself whether he could still see her beautifully in heaven. Just then, a gondola passed under the bridge. A man and a woman on a gondola are kissing. The man's eyes were as calm as the waters of Venice, and that woman, that woman was the prisoner's woman! The dying prisoner was angry. He saw the woman he loved betrayed his love. He forgot that there would be no bitterness, joy, sorrow, joy, love, hatred, and hatred in heaven. He roared and rushed out of the bridge, smashing his head against the window of the stone bridge. The bright red blood flowed out, and the prisoner went back in such a hurry, but of course the happy woman couldn't hear the roar of the returning man before he left.

Darling, you have committed a capital crime, why should I wait for you?

It is undoubtedly great for a woman to die instead of a man, but that rarely happens. After all, most men will not "keep virginity" for Pandora like Luna's father, and be widowers for life.

She died for the man, and the man found a new wife who was tender and affectionate, and forgot about her, so who would do it at such a loss.

Of course, after the death of her husband, she would find a more caring man and use her ex-husband's property to live a happy life.

Golden Witch Liqueur is a herbal liqueur made by a group of witches in southern Italy 150 years ago with 70 kinds of flowers and plants. This is the legendary "magic potion of love" for witches.

Both real witches and Muggle girls who drank the "love potion" have gone mad.

Venice is a great place to spend your honeymoon, but don't come during Carnival, this is a friendly reminder, forget it.

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