Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 765 Frankincense and Sulfur

Although the one enshrined to the left of the main altar of Our Lady of Ankang Church looks like an Ark of the Covenant, it is not actually an Ark of the Covenant.

Catholicism attaches great importance to rituals, and the holy mass is a must for mass ceremonies.

Regarding the Mass ceremony, Christianity has divided itself. Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodox Church each have their own rules. Compared with Protestants, Catholicism spends much more on churches and ritual vessels.

The church is magnificent, and other constructions can’t keep up. The situation of Venice being flooded is replaced by direct water pumping in Britain, and the wizard can solve it with a dry spell. Why spend 4.5 billion euros on the “Moses plan” .

That plan obviously doesn’t work. It’s been two years since construction started, but St. Mark’s Square is still flooded. Venetians are used to it, not to mention that the flood happens once every ten years. If there is such a plan, everyone will live as usual. They are angry at the city government Selling those palaces without saying hello to them, and the problem of raising taxes.

It doesn’t matter if the dam works, if it doesn’t work and it costs so much money, the officials must be corrupt.

Pomona didn't know if Severus was healed after standing in that vortex black spot for so long last night, anyway, her stomach was healed, and she finally ate a pizza when she came to Venice, at eight o'clock in the evening After that, there are no restaurants, and the ones that open are very expensive, and the pizza shop is cheap and affordable.

One of the advantages of being married is that you can eat a lot of cheese and snacks in the eyes of someone with contempt. It reminded her of the good old days of sneaking out to the Hogwarts kitchens in the middle of the night to steal something to eat.

Hufflepuff's lounge is next to the kitchen, and Slytherins are generally good-looking, which is one of their rare saving graces, but every year there are people like Crabbe and Goyle, holding a big one in the middle of the night. Pile up food and go back to the dormitory.

Severus' figure has been out of shape for the past few years, but he said that if he loses it, he will lose it. For beauty, it is said that Platinum Malfoy uses a lot of beauty charms every day.

The strange thing is here, Severus's hair is so greasy, how could he have the nerve to walk with Malfoy?

Telling him to wash his hair is as difficult as giving a dog a bath. He had a bad conscience some time ago, so he washed his hair specially and prepared a good dinner.

Now, those days are gone forever.

He didn't even wash his hair after taking a shower in such a luxurious bathroom last night.

Anyone who has ever raised a dog knows that some dogs like water and are very obedient when taking a bath. There is another kind of dog whose bathing is a nightmare. He was ridiculed so much last night and still didn’t wash his hair, but just changed his clothes.

Actually, you can build a bridge with salt. While taking a bath, he used his wand to direct the bath salts to build a bridge on the water. .”

She felt that this approach did not seem to work.

But this method seems to save money. Anyway, Venetians like sculptures. The Salt Bridge changes a new pattern every few years. If they are not satisfied, they will sink it.

And it can also drive the sea salt bathing industry. Israel sells salt from the Dead Sea as bath salt. Salt has been used as a cleansing skin care product since ancient times. Anyway, sea water is inexhaustible.

It's just that after the salt bridge is repaired, there will be fewer tourists, because the big ships can't enter the canal. Pomona was observing while eating breakfast in Piazza San Marco. Tourism is the pillar industry of Venice. Today’s salt industry is not as profitable as it was in the Middle Ages. The profit is too thin to adapt to the growing house price.

The Tower of Babel will collapse sooner or later, but she wants to see what will happen after the US housing bubble bursts.

Protestants have a much lower perception of sin than Catholics. Greed is an original sin, and it’s the same thing. Anyway, there is no god to punish him, and his actions are in line with the law, and secular laws can’t punish him. of.

Neither God nor Caesar can do anything about him, and that devil can run rampant.

Although St. Mark's Basilica is a popular tourist attraction, the monks inside still have morning prayers, and the sound of hymns is heard from the open church door.

Sometimes there will be an old man with all white hair walking through the square with a Bible in his arms. The pigeons are not afraid of him at all, and continue to gather together to eat pigeon food.

This kind of scenery is different from Londoners who walk on the phone, are always in a hurry, and look sad.

We forgot algae, Severus said suddenly.

What? Pomona chewed the creamy croissant, she was startled just now.

Remember my house? That stinky little river with no fish in it. Severus said stiffly. The algae in the river choked the fish.

I don't think the Venetians care if there are fish in the lagoon as long as they don't get flooded.

There is no algae in the Dead Sea, the salt content is too high, and the method of absorbing water with salt will not work.

What falls from the sky is fresh water. I remember putting some salt in the water, and the water level will drop.

But salt kills microbes. Do you know what microbes are?

Pomona smirked. What do you think, honey?

Those who have been educated as wizards don't know. He gritted his teeth and said, Including Arthur Weasley, the pure-blood traitor.

Pomona shrugged and continued eating croissants.

Muggle schools have taught me a lot, Severus said. They're not entirely without merit.

Cruise ships can be powered by diesel? Pomona asked. She remembers the scene in the engine room of the Titanic, how many strong men were shoveling coal, and the scene should be the same as when rowing boats were used in Venice.

No. Severus shook his head. I think it was a kind of heavy sulfur oil.

Is there any harm other than emitting carbon dioxide?

Sulfur emissions can cause acid rain, and even if they are treated, sulfuric acid will be produced. The wastewater produced before being diluted and neutralized by seawater is corrosive. Many buildings in Venice are made of marble, the main component of which is calcium carbonate. That kind of acidic wastewater will corrode them.

Merlin's beard.

Cruise tourism is characterized by low prices. In order to make profits, cruise companies will not use oil well. The waste generated by cruise ships is often dumped in the sea illegally. Those people were planning to organize a parade last night to prevent large cruise ships from entering the lagoon.

Do you think it's possible?

It's not just about Venetian interests, those ships will be docking at ports on the mainland, traveling to Veneto, Verona and other places, and they will suffer a lot if the cruise ships are not allowed to enter the lagoon.

So it's impossible?

Severus spread his hands, Developing the banking industry is one way, do you think the little troll you met in the bar that day can play finance?

Pomona had nothing to say.

The lagoon's ecosystem is too weak, and cruise ships will destroy it, but tourists still think cruise tourism is environmentally friendly, and the mayor is still vigorously developing the tourism industry. It will be difficult for him to be re-elected.

At this moment, Monica and Gianluca appeared next to the Napoleon Wing, which made it difficult for Pomona not to suspect that they hadn't spent the night together.

What do you think he's here for? asked Pomona.

We're lucky. Severus smiled maliciously, the most evil kind of Today we have a big benefactor to rely on.

The innocent and kind Hufflepuff has no idea what the evil Slytherin is up to.

We're on our honeymoon, honey, follow us, they can go on a date too. Severus looked at Gianluca, his eyes seemed to be glowing. I can use him to interrupt Monica's work at any time to drive him away.

Will he submit so easily?

The old bat smiled sinisterly.

He is not Harry Potter, the Redeemer. Of course I have the right to fire him.

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