Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 803 Devil's Tail

The visible eraser is a magical stationery that can make invisible text visible. It is no different from ordinary Muggle erasers except that it is red.

That eraser was what Pomona used to cheat Severus, she wrote the key on the recipe they sat at the table, and he could see the key of Coconut with the invisible eraser up.

Encryption with the Caesar cipher was a common way for heretics to transmit messages during the Renaissance. Even if there was a problem in the messenger, there was no need to worry about being discovered by the enemy about the secrets in the letter.

Gianluca was surprised that Monica knew the Caesar cipher, and then they somehow talked about the Zodiac Killer. His symbol was a cross and a circle. Gianluca thought it was the sight of a sniper rifle, Moni Ka thought it was a symbol of a certain Christian sect.

The Celtic cross is quite similar to the symbol drawn by the Zodiac. They are both a cross and a circle. In Christian culture, the circle and the cross are combined to represent the sky and the earth, as well as eternal life.

In Germany, the public display of the Celtic cross was banned by the German government because it was adopted by a banned New Democrat party.

The problem is that a Greek cross is an equal arms cross, a Celtic cross is not. The cross is a universal symbol that existed in ancient times, representing the Babylonian sun god, and usually forms a sun wheel with a circumscribed circle. These symbols are found in the books they look up today.

If there is any serial killer that Pomona least wants to see, the last thing Pomona wants to see is the Zodiac Killer. This man is full of anger. He claims to have killed 37 people, and 8 people are confirmed. At 30, he was famous in the seventies because his codes were all in the papers.

The Zodiac Killer sent passwords of 408 characters and 340 characters to the newspaper at that time, threatening to kill people if the newspaper did not publish it, so the newspaper had to publish it with half push and half.

Sometimes Hufflepuff's children would try to crack his password when they were bored. Later, Muggles cracked the 408-character password first, and the 340-character password has not been cracked yet.

The 408 characters are a simple substitute character code. The deciphered letter of the Zodiac killer stated that he was collecting slaves after death. He probably still misses the kind of southern plantation where he drank iced lemon black tea comfortably in a cool place. The life of a slave owner who watched slaves picking cotton under the scorching sun.

The early development of the United States has an inseparable relationship with slavery. Whether it is a black slave, a Chinese piggy or an Irish white slave, they are all slaves.

Perhaps it was for this reason that the Zodiac Killer didn't just choose races at all, as long as he saw that he wanted to take slaves, he would kill them all.

He thought he understood black magic, so he could be the tyrant of hell after death?

The madman's world is also rational and chaotic. Although the Zodiac Killer can make up difficult passwords, he is chaotic and chooses targets entirely by feeling.

Anyone living near a home like this would feel unsafe, and with uncontrolled guns in America, he's a disaster.

That was more than 30 years ago. If he was 30 years old then, he would be in his 60s now.

Ordinary Muggles in their 60s should not be a threat. Wizards get stronger the older they get, but the higher the magic power, the slower the body's reaction speed. In the Battle of the Ministry of Magic, Albus was 150 years old, and he was barely an opponent of Voldemort. , that Voldemort's name was obtained after Tom Marvolo Riddle's transfiguration.

Zodiac's 408-character cipher translation left a final line of ambiguous strings, which Gianluca printed out at the library.


Pomona looked at it in a daze, how to put it together?

What are you doing again? The old bat asked with a sour taste.

Thinking. Pomona sat in the open-air cafe in the Gentleman's Plaza, took out a quill, and began to reorganize the string of characters and write them on paper.


What is ETIT? Severus asked.

how could I know?

Maybe it's an abbreviation. Monica handed Pomona an ice cream.

Oh, thanks, she said excitedly.

She didn't come to Italy for nothing if she didn't eat ice cream until she got tired of it.

Ice cream is heaven for her, especially with crushed Sicilian pistachios.

There's another acronym here. Severus said pointedly. JHS, do you really think it stands for Jesus as the Savior?

I don't know! she said angrily. Do you think I know everything?

Why do you think Zodiac is calling for help? Gianluca asked. And you misspelled it, the third letter of the first word, it's an 'I' not an 'L'.

How many students' homework have you graded, Gianluca? Severus smirked.

It's started again. Pomona complained impatiently.

I don't think it should be corrected as much as you. Gianluca said without showing any weakness. The scribbled handwriting of the elementary school students is very painful, right?

How about your handwriting? Severus smiled even brighter.

His handwriting is very good! Pomona said immediately helping Severus, Monica was indifferent to what was going on around her, as if she was starting to think about what ETIT was.

Maybe it's Tite, Alessandro said, sipping orange soda. The coach of the Brazilian soccer team is called Tite.

You said Zodiac will become a football coach? Monica yelled in disbelief.

What could be more painful than a serial killer turned football coach? Alessandro said.

Move the I to the front, it's more grammatical, Gianluca said.

At this time, the written words suddenly flew up, and the young Muggles didn't make a fuss. After it stopped changing, it became:


This change seems to be even more unsolvable. Monica said.

You think a caller would care about grammar? Pomona asked Gianluca.

He shrugged his shoulders in a big way, and then sat in the open-air cafe, watching the crowds passing by in the square.

Maybe he is controlled by the devil. Monica said, The previous words are not what he wants to say, only the last sentence is what he wants to express.

The devil has taken control? You are so funny. Gianluca sneered, as if he forgot that he was pursuing Monica.

What about you? Monica asked Pomona for help.

That's a possibility. Pomona said, Harry also called Dumbledore an old fellow, that's definitely not something Harry would say.

Look, Monica said triumphantly to Gianluca.

What about you? Gianluca asked Severus.

Can you strangle yourself? Severus said quietly. I know a man who strangled himself.

Gianluca stopped talking.

All eyes were on the words HEIP ME.

The uppercase I differs from the lowercase cursive L only by an upturned tail.

I don't think such a vicious serial killer needs to be rescued. You and I are his targets. Gianluca pointed to himself, Monica and Alessandro. If he has not changed his criminal behavior, then indeed, these young people in their twenties are all his targets.

He's an old man, maybe a retirement tour is coming to Venice, will you save a demon who wants to kill himself?

Don't forget the story of the farmer and the snake. Severus said, I don't know the good from the bad. I pity the wicked, and I end up killing myself. Maybe it's Satan himself that you saved.

He might be lying, said Pomona grimly, the victim of the farmer and the snake. Don't be fooled.

ETT may be the name of the devil attached to him. Monica said, subconsciously touching the cross necklace on her chest.

That thing is useless against the devil. Severus said in a low voice, completely ignoring Monica's panicked eyes. The only thing that can defeat it is you, family, friendship, love, and other good things , Don’t forget those warm and happy memories.”

How about we break the code? Gianluca said.

Monica was distraught and seemed terrified.

I've heard it's hard, it's a world-class cipher, Alessandro said. Can you really break it?

Try it to find out. Gianluca stared at the Zodiac's password with bright eyes, looking like he was possessed, I don't know if he is controlled by the devil, I only know that he has superior intelligence.

Crazy genius, Severus said. Poor killer.

I don't think that's a good idea, Pomona objected. You're messing with something you can't afford.

Don't be so nervous, maybe there is no demon at all, he is playing a prank. Gianluca smiled strangely, his expression seemed to be possessed by a ghost.

No! Monica took those pages away, and then warned everyone viciously, I don't want to trouble the priest to exorcise you. This matter ends here, and no one is allowed to mention it again.

Pomona looked at Severus and Gianluca, their eyes were all too familiar to her, every time Severus and Albus Dumbledore reached an agreement, Minerva and she stood Their opposite, they are both adventurous.

Maybe she should remind Monica to contact the Vatican to prepare exorcists. After all, they are not so free. If you make an appointment in advance, you will be there immediately when something happens. It is much better to be prepared in advance than to go to the doctor in a hurry.

By the way, has anyone deciphered the message I encrypted before?

Has anyone guessed the key~Leave a comment in the comments

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