Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 834 Follower IV

The Pope of the Borgia family, Alexander VI, used to bribe cardinals before being elected Pope.

The monastery was first built in a sparsely populated area. The monks not only had to clear forests and log, but also engaged in agriculture and handicrafts. Life was very boring and there was no entertainment at all.

Later, the monastery began to accept gifts from the king and the lord. The monastery was not only engaged in agriculture, but also brewed wine. It was also a place where schools, courts and various privileges were concentrated. Peasant rebels and pirates often attacked the monastery. After the Reformation in the 16th century, England and Scandinavia The monasteries in the Navian countries were closed one after another, and many territories were liberated.

Sfogliatella is a shell-shaped Italian pastry that looks a lot like a lobster's tail filled with lots of cream and originated in monasteries. The original recipe was acquired by a Neapolitan pastry chef in the 17th century and began to be sold in his shop.

It's in the food delivered at Café de Flore.

Among many grains, medieval people believed that wheat was the most nutritious and the most expensive. The bread eaten by the nobles is made of refined flour, while the inferior people can only eat some rough, dry black and full of bran bread.

In times of famine, the poor would substitute millet, dried bean pods, acorns, and ferns for grain.

Regardless of the poor and the poor and the big or small occasions, oats, rye, barley, and buckwheat are sometimes boiled into porridge and milk porridge, which is really difficult for bishops who are used to eating grilled eels.

Problem is, that's what the cardinals eat when the Sistine Chapel conclave elects the pope.

For these well-to-do bishops, fasting means the time has come to switch from red meat to seafood.

Greedy for pleasure and unwilling to live a hard life, Rodrigo Borgia saw an opportunity and asked his illegitimate son to find a way to make the three meals of the cardinals enriched, and at the same time attach bribes, which is how he became Pope of.

Bread plays a pivotal role in society, and there are also incidental regulations in the surrounding industries. Among them, the guilds in the Middle Ages were originally composed of bakers, and there were also a series of laws and regulations in various places to stabilize the price of bread.

If someone cheated with bread, it was a serious crime at that time. Bakers were heavily fined for cheating on scales, or using inferior ingredients to make superior bread. In order to protect themselves, whenever someone buys a dozen of 12 loaves, they would rather give a dozen of 13, calling it the baker's dozen.

The punishment for cheating is very heavy, but people still can't stand the temptation of profit and cheat, ranging from shoddy bread to counterfeit Joan of Arc, plus real and fake exorcists and alchemists to promote honesty. , the church that guides people to goodness seems to be reliable, but the Holy See is corrupt and extravagant.

The contagion caused by mental illness may be incurable, but the disease caused by the virus can be cured. Unlike the Catholic Church who propagates miracles and preaching doctrines everywhere, Protestants use medical missionaries, and the development of medicine in Protestant countries is faster than Catholicism. Much faster.

In the ancient Greek and Roman era before the Middle Ages, European medical technology had developed to a fairly good level. The Hippocratic Oath of the famous ancient Greek doctor Hippocrates has been used to this day and is regarded as A common creed for medical professionals around the world.

However, medicine itself should be a godless science. With the rise of Christianity, Greco-Roman civilization has been dimmed since then, and European medicine has returned to the primitive witch doctor era, and bloodletting is recognized as an effective treatment method.

In the early Middle Ages, many fanatical Christians rejected all operations and medical treatments at all, but believed that as long as they went to Rome or Jerusalem on a pilgrimage, prayed to God and anointed with holy oil, they would be enough to cure all diseases.

Longinus, who was originally blind, regained his sight after being sprayed with the blood of Jesus. Cataract is a very common eye disease. Fuming.

As long as the people who say sinners who accept secular medical treatment are pagans were monopolized by the Arabs at that time, ancient Greek and Roman medicine were also using medicine to preach, as well as Jewish doctors and druids who used herbal medicine, etc. wait.

As long as it is not pneumonic plague, the fatality rate of bubonic plague is about 30-50%. Although the participation of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment cannot be cured efficiently, it can also reduce the fatality rate to about 10%. It is mainly for mild patients and patients who take medicine early. Also basically ineffective.

Doctor Bird's Beak's mask is actually a mask filled with herbs to avoid inhaling toxic air.

The problem is that ordinary people think that Dr. Bird’s Beak is a symbol of death. A ball of paper on a piece of clean ground looks very conspicuous, and an ink dot on a piece of clean paper is also very conspicuous. Wearing a mask will be stared at by people— - What's wrong with this man?

Avoid wearing them in order not to attract attention, even if it exposes you to dangerous airborne pneumonic plague.

The intelligence of a crowd is always lower than that of an isolated individual, but the performance of a crowd is better or worse than that of an individual, depending on the environment and the nature of the cues it receives.

Arab women all wear veils. It’s no wonder they don’t wear veils on the street. Venetians used to wear masks as a daily routine. This seemed strange to Napoleon. What kind, the police don't know when they wear a mask, so he issued a mandatory order not to allow Venetians to wear masks.

Tourists who come to Venice for the first time are not used to the mask-wearing habit of the locals. The carnival is over, why are there still people wearing masks?

The ornate mask attracts attention, and they keep staring at that person, and to those who are used to being inconspicuous, they do not understand the joy of being inconspicuous.

It is also impossible to understand why teenagers would deliberately cause trouble to attract attention and tell lies in the courts of the Inquisition.

Parents will pay attention to the needs of their children. As soon as the baby cries, the mother will feed it and drink it. The feeling of being ignored and neglected by crying all the time is always surrounded by family members. Children who grow up happily cannot understand .

Snape was drinking coffee while looking at the information about Zodiac on the Secretary General's desk.

The Secretary-General is on the phone.

When people reach middle age, their self-control ability is getting stronger and stronger, and no one can see that they are under the calm mask.

Perhaps only the secretary's occasional glances drifting over to the unmoving sfogliatella gave him away.

The Lombards had been barbarians too, and Waldo sent five young men into Lombard towns like five young men on a mission to the cannibals.

They preached the gospel to the Lombards. Alexander III affirmed their poverty-stricken behavior, but stipulated that they could only preach at the invitation of the bishop.

The Albigensians were a greater threat than the Waldenses, and it was they that Alexander III in exile had to deal with first.

Alexander III once wanted to organize a crusade, but failed. At that time, he also participated in the reform of religious traditions and presided over the Lateran Conference held in 1179, aiming to further eliminate the hostile forces originally supported by the emperor and mobilize all Western European churches to face up to A growing heresy movement.

Most crucially, he annoyed Frederick I the Redbeard by referring to the empire as a fief, a metaphor for the Pope's boon.

In 1174, Frederick I took the fifth military action against Italy. With his support, the Lombard League was established, and he defeated Frederick I at the Battle of Legnano, and finally signed the Treaty of Venice.

According to the contract, Frederick I returned the church property, and at the same time promised not to interfere in the internal affairs of the Papal State, recognized Alexander III as the legitimate pope, and knelt at Alexander III's feet and kissed his feet.

For men with foot fetishes, kissing the feet of a powder carved jade goddess is willing.

Kneeling down and kissing an old man's feet is disgusting.

What crusades were launched without the support of the emperor.

The New Pope Election Law was passed at the meeting, stipulating that only cardinals are eligible to be elected pope when the pope is elected. Anyone who obtains a two-thirds majority of the bishops is the pope, and the pope is elected without the approval of the emperor. Lifetime, this principle is still in use today. At the same time, it is stipulated that the candidate for the bishop must be a Christian who is not an illegitimate child and has reached the age of 30.

Sending one's illegitimate son to the church is the custom of the feudal nobles. The eldest son inherits everything, and the second son has nothing, let alone an illegitimate son. However, the church at that time was a good way out for ordinary men. If the illegitimate son can become the Pope, then in The Holy See will also get a lot of benefits in diplomacy.

These kind-hearted believers don't know what a chain of interests is. It not only maintains the relationship between the upper class, but also the chain of the devil, binding the saints.

When the secretary-general put down the phone, the wizard pushed the plate of lobster tail in front of the secretary-general.

People may be guilty, but food is not. Snape said with a smile angrily, Don't waste food, waste is a kind of blasphemy.

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