Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 839 Follower IX

There is a proverb that Rome was not built in a day. According to legend, the builder of Rome, Romulus, was gifted with intelligence and built the city of Rome overnight... Of course, that is impossible.

The establishment and development of the city of Rome in history has gone through a long course of more than 2,000 years. In 27 BC, Rome entered the empire era. Due to the abundance of cheap labor resources - slaves, the construction of the city of Rome has entered a period of rapid development.

Representative buildings such as the Arc de Triomphe and the Colosseum, which are well known to the world today, were all built during this period.

But in addition to these magnificent buildings and buildings, there are countless civilians pouring in, newly built houses, and the fire on July 17, 64 A.D. was burned from the arena. However, the real cause of this fire has always been unknown. It is a historical mystery through the ages.

The Colosseum is located on the east bank of the Tiber River, in the southwest of the city of Rome. Because it was full of flammable items such as tents, the fire was out of control.

Coupled with the fact that the southwest wind was blowing during the few days when the fire broke out, it fueled the fire even more.

After the Vulcan engulfed the arena, two fires extended to the left and right, and the left one burned to the Triumph Avenue. The space vanishes into nothingness.

The fire on the right burned down the imperial government offices and other high-rise buildings, and the streets, shops, and private houses extending in all directions were also reduced to ashes. As a result, the whole city was almost engulfed in a sea of ​​flames. This time, the fire burned continuously for six days and seven nights. As a result, the whole city of Rome was scorched earth!

Nero hurried back to Rome from Antium, opened his palace to accommodate the victims, and brought food relief from Ostia and neighboring towns. However, due to the heavy losses caused by the fire, it is generally suspected that it should be caused by arson.

At that time, many people believed that the arsonist should come from Emperor Nero, and the reason was that Emperor Nero wanted to expand the palace.

However, the surroundings of the imperial palace in the capital city were full of Roman civilians, and it was almost difficult to start construction. Therefore, taking advantage of the dead of night, he instigated his men to set fire to it.

Nero heard that some people suspected that he himself had secretly set the fire. In order not to spread the rumors, he declared that the disaster was conspired by Christians. So he ordered the arrest of Christians and publicly tortured them cruelly—crucifixion, wearing animal skins to be killed by vicious dogs, and nailing them to pillars to use as candles.

Even the emperor could not bear the responsibility of burning Rome. The power of these Roman civilians who were usually called untouchables by the rulers was so terrifying.

At the same time, this proverb also means not to rush for success. Justinian wanted to build Constantinople as magnificent as Rome. At the same time, he also wanted to take back the land occupied by the barbarians and reunite the divided Rome.

He excessively extracted the wealth of the common people, which eventually aroused the dissatisfaction of the Eastern Romans and launched the Nika riot. If it weren't for Theodora, he would have almost fled like Louis XVI.

Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty was also a famous tyrant. He built the Grand Canal, repaired Luoyang, the eastern capital, and made expeditions to Turks and Goguryeo. He wanted to do all the things that no one had done before in his lifetime.

In the end, it led to the peasant uprising at the end of the Sui Dynasty.

There is not much difference between Justinian, Nero, and Emperor Sui Yang. The reason why Justinian was not given the title of tyrant is because he did not offend the people who wrote history. Nero persecuted Christians However, the brutality of Emperor Sui Yang had to serve the justification of the Tang Dynasty's usurpation of power.

History has always been written by the victors, before history was written by the church, they monopolized knowledge, now they have lost their authority and are considered liars by many.

However, there are more than one billion Christians all over the world, and the influence of the church is still huge. They control a kind of public opinion power that is different from the current TV and newspaper media—the mass, where priests and believers communicate face to face. way, which fills the spiritual void created by the government’s neglect of public opinion.

Even if the congressmen and presidents running for election do not believe in any religion at all, they cannot directly say that they are atheists or money worshipers.

Kennedy is the only Catholic in the history of the United States, but there has not been a non-Christian president in the United States so far, because more than 80% of the people in the United States believe in Christianity, so it is more difficult to elect a non-Christian president than a black president .

Brazil is the largest Catholic country in the world, and the United States is the largest Protestant country.

Latin America's way of preaching while singing rock 'n' roll may seem outrageous and offend traditional Catholic conservatives, but it's not enough to call them a new heresy.

Devil worship is often associated with death metal rock, the crooning and screaming of the lead singer, the lyrics contain anti-Christ and anti-religious tendencies, and often use other instruments such as piano, violin, or opera soprano. The song intentionally creates a weird and scary horror atmosphere.

The homeland of the Vikings is Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, where there are not only Hans Christian Andersen's Little Mermaid and the Nobel Prize.

In Swedish culture, a cemetery is not a place to be feared, but a place of entertainment.

This is different from the summer camp, when stupid kids encouraged you to go to the cemetery to compete for courage. In the middle of the night, a group of thugs suddenly stuffed you into the car and threw you into the beautiful cemetery of the United Nations Intangible Cultural Heritage.

It was very cold in northern Europe at night, surrounded by gloomy tombstones, the victim had to walk a long way to find the police.

As for how he himself turned into a non-harmful person, he himself doesn’t know. Sending the person involved to the suburbs to “calm down” is the practice of the Swedish police. For example, if the police suspects that someone is selling drugs, they will also be sent to the cemetery by the police after interrogation.” freed.

Generally speaking, there is a church next to the cemetery, and the church is to accommodate Eastern European refugees. Tourists who are in the situation of who am I? Where am I? What am I doing? know a ghost. If you don't respond every day, it will make the ground ineffective.

No country will show its vulgar side. The Sweden seen in foreign videos, reports or photos in travel magazines are magnificent palaces and noble and elegant residences.

But in fact, the immigrants did not live there in the past, but the calm suburbs, where they were almost isolated socially, and saw only a handful of pedestrians in a day. They don't talk, they go their own way, and even the vehicles are pitifully few, worse than the countryside in Brazil, at least they can chat with living people.

It's like the land version of Robinson Crusoe, I thought it was a joke when I first heard it. Snape thought it was very humorous and said with a smile, Have you ever been to Sweden, Reverend?

No. The secretary-general said with displeasure.

You don't have to worry. They are very civilized now. I heard their furniture company is quite famous.

They are also Christians... Gianluca said.

That's stipulated by the law. They must become Protestants from birth, but there are very few people who participate in the mass, and they prefer Odin. The black wizard said happily, You should listen to their Viking metal, and now the theme of death It's outdated, and some bands are turning to Norse mythology.

You know they hunted witches in the Middle Ages too, right? the pastor said sinisterly.

I know, so what? Real wizards are not so easy to be caught. Snape said disdainfully, The wizard caught by the French Muggles has forgotten that he is a wizard, Jean-Jacques Rousseau was not always right, but he was right when he said, Why are civilized countries always conquered by barbarians?

I forgot, you are also a heretic. The pastor said coldly.

I knew a girl who, like a top student in a Muggle school, always came first in her class by rote, and my friends used to scold my godson for it. It was his son , I'm just a godfather, I can't overly interfere with this, but at school I'm his dean, I told him that education means endorsement and obedience for her, the only result of studying like this is that she will sooner or later become a parrot , I let him do some gizmos, small projects on his own, and it turned out, he invented a potion that made people hiccup, that thing was pointless, like goddamn heroism, and those five young men went to cannibalism It is brave to preach in the territory, but they are only 20 years old, they have wives and children, their lives should not end in this way, some people should not live in this world.

So you approve of Protestants killing Indians in North America, those who helped them?

What about the cannibals? What did they do for you? Have you heard the story of the farmer and the snake?

They chose to convert to Catholicism!

It's just a matter of form. If the tribal leader dies, they will resume cannibalism. Snape said, Don't mind so many other people's business, you have enough internal problems.

Have you ever eaten Roman food? When I was a child, I traveled to Rome with my parents. The locals would not waste any food, including offal, and made offal soup. I found that I couldn't eat that thing, although many people said It’s delicious.” The pastor paused and said, “Later we visited the underground caves of Mithraism. At that time, many people in the ancient Roman legion believed in this. The temples of Mithras were all underground, and believers had to eat them if they wanted to join the church. The blood of the bison, the blood stained the bread, and the meat was eaten raw. What is the difference between that scene and the scene after the wild beast hunts? Didn’t you just ask how many cases the corpses were disposed of? Let me tell you now, that is Satan worship. Part of the ritual, but this is not the most perverted thing, there are people who pickle human corpses with salt and spices, just like cooking food!

You're stubborn, Snape said. Impulse is the devil, Priest.

Our believers have trekked to Jerusalem and experienced so much suffering, but the city lord has to collect a gold coin as a city entry tax, telling the rulers of the holy city that pilgrims are their endless source of wealth. The pastor stood up excitedly just now, but now he sat down dejectedly, It's a step away from the Holy City, and they just won't let the pilgrims in. No matter how much we begged, they were indifferent. Later, a kind man pulled a carload of gold coins and let them go They entered the city, and after entering the city, they set up various obstacles, robbed, whipped, imprisoned, and the pilgrims who returned would give lectures to the believers about what they encountered in the East, and this was the reason for launching the Eastern Expedition.”

You want to say that the secular emperor used you? Snape said indifferently, You also plundered a lot of wealth.

If you want to condemn the darkness and cruelty brought about by war, then you should condemn all wars, not just slander the Crusades, focus on criticizing it, and imposing despicable colors on it. You defend the Nordic people, even they Witch hunting is a matter of course.

It's a world where power is paramount.

During the Thirty Years' War, when Venice stopped the Inquisition, the soldiers who went out brought this 'custom' back. They just followed the trend! They didn't think about it at all! You said that wizards were not so easy to catch! Those who were What is the standard for judging the wizard who seized the trial? Is it not strong enough?

Snape didn't answer.

Look, you don't know the Swedes that well either. The pastor won the argument and smiled smugly.

If you changed the time, Priest, you would have become a 'Blood Eagle'. Snape said slowly, The southerners in the Mediterranean are easily agitated, while the northerners are taciturn. Almost lost his life.

Who are you? Leave your name. The pastor said calmly.

Snow wolves, Snape said, Sweden is known as the lion of the north, but lions may not adapt well in the north, and wolves are the most successful predators in the snow.

That's the name given to them by the Puritans, and the Nordic people haven't really converted at all. The pastor said, They are still the descendants of Fenrir.

The Romans are descendants of wolf children, Snape said. The Swedish army defeated the Holy Roman Emperor and the Catholic League army. If Gustav hadn't died...

He will not be the whip of God. The priest interrupted Snape. Protestantism is the source of legitimacy and foundation of the Vasa dynasty, and he has a nephew in Poland.

Split Sweden? Good idea, how many people do you think will give up the meritorious Emperor Gustav and follow a kid who has nothing?

Nero didn't have military exploits and the ability to govern the country. He also became the emperor of Rome. The Secretary-General said, Even in areas where the influence of the Holy See is relatively weak, there are people who will listen to God's revelation, just like the five I mentioned earlier. Young people, Sweden has broken away from the Kalmar Alliance, and while the army is in the south, just send lobbyists to let those northerners attack Sweden.

It's really good to play tricks and tricks. How could you be tricked by Enrico Dandolo? Snape said with a sneer.

In the Fourth Eastern Expedition, only France responded to the call. They are the last believers.

No, they are not the last believers, Gianluca said. We are the last believers.

The king of France was short of money, so he planned to rob the Knights Templar. Snape pointed to the St. Mark's lion outside the window and said, They donated their military expenses to you. Think about it, priest, who is the real one? believers.

You have no evidence...

That's why we came here, to find evidence that Venice funded the church. Gianluca said, Do you think that without the support of the church, those Poles would have the money to equip those cavalry?

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