Located in the center of Rome, the Pantheon was built in 27-25 BC by Agoliba, the son-in-law of Octavian, the first emperor of the Roman Empire, to worship the gods on Mount Olympia.

But in the legend of Mithraism, the god Mithra was born from a stone cave. Worship of Mithra was very common among soldiers in the Roman period. Wherever there is a Roman military camp, there are sun caves and Mithra. Teaching stele.

Military power is crucial to the emperor and cannot be handed over to someone who cannot be trusted. Agoliba is the Roman military commander and naval strategist. In the Roman Civil War, he followed the consul Gaius Octavian to fight east and west, and won many major naval battle victories, helping Octavian sweep away dissident forces and unify Rome. However, after the establishment of the Roman Empire, Agrippa once He led an expedition to Spain and died in the battle in 12 BC.

Mithra is not a native Roman religion, but originated from ancient Persia. Mitra can be interpreted as a companion of a contract, or a tool of restraint.

Joining Mithraism is equivalent to joining the Brotherhood, and there is a difference between not joining, but Mithra is not a Greek and Roman god. If someone reports it, the end may be worse than Socrates who abetted young Greeks Philosophers who don't believe in God are even worse.

In Pomona's view, the Roman Pantheon was not dedicated to the gods of Mount Olympus, but to Mithra.

Octavian had no sons. After AD 14, he passed on to his adopted son Tiberius. He controlled the Guards, and he was inferior to his son-in-law Agrippa in terms of prestige.

Tiberius spent his childhood in hardship and sorrow, often following his parents to avoid the enemies who pursued them. After his mother Livia remarried, Tiberius and his younger brother became the sons of Augustus. Tiberius had a wife, and the two had a deep relationship, and they had a son.

Augustus Octavian was the legislator who severely punished adultery, but his adopted daughter Julia, the daughter of his second wife and another man, lived a life of bohemian after two failed marriages .

There was a lot of discussion in Rome. Octavian’s current wife, Livia, once preached that women should keep absolute chastity, never interfere with her husband’s affairs, and turn a blind eye to her husband’s beloved lover, so she was particularly hostile to Julia. Completely, she slandered Yulia through various methods such as spreading rumors and sending undercover agents.

In order to ease the conflict between his daughter and his wife, and to quell the turmoil, Octavian acted as a matchmaker again and married his daughter to Livia's second son Tiberius.

Due to his parents’ love, Tiberius was reluctant to sue his wife who had been full of adultery and had no feelings. However, he resolutely asked to retire under the pretext of his poor health, and resolutely sailed to Rhodes Island, where he lived the life of an ordinary citizen. Life, avoiding cumbersome government affairs and unfaithful wives.

Julia’s debauchery finally reached the point where Augustus couldn’t keep it under cover, especially after Tiberius left, and Augustus’s friend said, “Catch the adulterer for cheating. If the husband doesn’t accuse, the father must sue.” The decree challenged Augustus, claiming that if Augustus ignored his daughter, he would sue to court. Augustus had to issue an order to exile his daughter before that, and exile her to the island, but the pain did not end, and Augustus still had no suitable heir.

The two grandsons of Augustus died first of their mother, and Julia's daughter inherited her mother's morality and disposition, and the evidence of adultery was conclusive, and she was exiled by Augustus to a small island in the Adriatic Sea.

After Augustus died of illness, Tiberius was unanimously agreed by the Senate to legally inherit the ownership of Augustus and let Tiberius succeed him as Roman emperor.

Tiberius was both the adopted son and son-in-law of the Roman emperor. Among the later Roman emperors, some sons-in-law succeeded to the position of emperor. This is very different from the Eastern way of inheriting the throne based on blood relationship.

An adopted son who drifted overseas, had no prestige and had not been involved in politics for a long time. Compared with the prosperous admiral, Tiberius was of course easier to control. He couldn't even control a woman, let alone an empire.

But Tiberius may not be able to do anything to his wife, but he is not so easy to bully. Compared with developing the economy, Tiberius pays more attention to social security, eliminating bandits roaming around and suppressing illegal riots. The greatest influence on later generations was that he established a 6,000-strong Guardian Infantry Battalion and let them be stationed in the city of Rome, which became another foundation for the consolidation of imperial power.

Tiberius had a deep and harsh personality. Although Tiberius’ series of measures effectively improved finances and national defense, for ordinary Roman people, rule without public entertainment, emperor’s gifts, and military triumph was boring. Therefore, Tiberius, who was much more stingy than the first emperor, was not popular among the people.

The Romans have always been like this. They like the triumphal ceremony of war and don't like reading books. After they conquered Greece, those Greek scholars became their teachers.

These teachers are not like the teachers of the East, they are like the Greek sculptures, the spoils of looting.

Slaves wanted to educate their masters, and some educated Romans began to realize their barbarism and ignorance. For this reason, they hated the developed city-state civilization of Greece. All the Greeks who were robbed to Rome and deported to Rome many times to make a living. On the other hand, the rulers invited Greek masters or traveled far to seek advice. Greek prisoners of war and cultured people among the hostages became advisors and teachers to the Roman rulers and presided over the forum in Rome. Many rulers and high officials studied with Greek slaves and governesses because they believed that the Greek language was more beautiful and expressive.

Venice on the Adriatic coast used to be a remote area. It was not until the fourth century that people began to gather because of fleeing refugees. That is to say, in the era of despicable Herbo, Venice was a good place for hiding things, just like Scotland The cave full of Inferi on the remote island of Hemetra in the Hebrides.

But compared with that eerie, green-glowing cave, Hypor's cave is a solar cave that no one can associate with black magic.

Greek civilization was also derived from plundering Egyptian civilization, and the Temple of Amun in Egypt also worshiped the sun god.

Just like Stonehenge, in a specific season, the sunlight will pass through a specific gap and shine on a specific position. After a specific calculation in the Temple of Amun, the sunlight will shine on the Amon enshrined in the temple during the vernal equinox. On the golden statue.

The Christian Christmas is on December 25th in the solar calendar. That day was originally a Mithra festival, and later became a Christian Christmas.

No one knows the exact date of Jesus' birth, and maybe he really happened to be on the same day as Mithra's feast day.

In Mithraism, Mithra represents the bull killer. If when Minotaurus was chasing and killing the sacrificed children in the labyrinth, a group of soldiers killed the Minotaur and saved the children. Who is more worthy of admiration than the Greeks who dare not face monsters?

Steak is delicious, but it is the instinct of a wolf to kill a mad cow and eat its meat. The problem is that if you eat a cow with mad cow disease, you will get mad cow disease yourself, and your brain will become like a sponge.

Other animals are afraid of fire, but humans are not afraid. In Greek mythology, it was Prometheus who stole the sky fire. Modern scholars believe that it is because of the sky fire that human beings have the habit of eating cooked food, and thus began to evolve. journey, and this sky fire was caused by lightning.

Not only a magnifying glass made of glass, but also ice can be used to make a fire. As long as the light and focal length are used properly, this is easy to understand for modern people, but it is difficult for ancient people to understand.

The light that came in from the hole shone obliquely on the altar, and maybe at noon on another day, it could shine on the altar.

Zoroastrianism introduced religious dualism and represented the world as a struggle between the good god Ahura Mazda and the evil god Angela Mainyu, changing the original polytheistic system and making Ahura Mazda the The only god, the other gods handed down from ancient times became angels.

Those altars were decorated with wings, and Pomona couldn't tell if they represented the wings of an angel or Icarus in Greek mythology who flew to the sun with wax wings.

In short, she has a feeling that the hole that seems to be a way out is not safe, even though the blue sky and white clouds can be seen through it, freedom seems to be close at hand.

Atlantis sank too. Severus said as he inspected the altar. I hope Venice doesn't become another Atlantis.

Do you think this basilisk is a Venetian sea monster? asked Pomona. It dug a hole in São Paulo for its nest.

Slytherin's old bat death stare swept over.

Snakes don't make nests, but badgers like to dig.

Oh, really? she said with a smirk. You've got the cheek to talk about getting something for nothing.

Who was standing there just now, waiting for my rescue? The old bat also smirked.

Quack. The cockroaches yelled in protest.

Have you ever played the kind of sliding puzzle with missing pieces? Pomona was too lazy to argue with the stingy Slytherin, looking at the trajectory of the seven-pointed star on the ground and said, If you want to take away the things in the altar, the person who takes the treasures will stand on the altar, too.

One human life and one treasure? It really is a despicable black wizard. Severus said with a sneer, Who do you think the white wizard sacrificed?

Albus is good at deceit in dirty ways, and maybe no one gets sacrificed, Pomona said.

What about the house-elves? he said coldly. For the greater good, he would sacrifice even the well-bred Harry Potter.

And himself, he drank the potion alone. Pomona pursed her lips and said, Although he is an old fool, he is a kind person...

He traveled around the world before he met Grindelwald. At that time, he was not as 'kind' as he later was. He hated Muggles. Severus whispered like a snake in the Garden of Eden, and his voice kept echoing in the cave. There are so many Muggle tourists, with one sacrifice, no one will know if they disappeared.

You think Muggle and wizard lives are equal now? Pomona sneered. Use your clever brain, Severus, that's the most charming part of you. I don't like soldiers because They often stop thinking, but if I met a man who was smarter and clearer than you, I would move on.

The old bat's face elongated.

I'm the kind of stupid girl who likes the smart guy in my class. It would be perfect if he's good at sports. She said with a smirk. I'm thinking too much.

You don't like soldiers? He twisted his lips and smiled maliciously. And you don't like heroes? You are so brave.

I like legends, she said remedially.

It's too late. Snape said, Some words need to be carefully considered before they are spoken. Did your words pass through your brain just now?

She felt like she had gotten into trouble.

Disrespecting soldiers will cause big trouble. How could she just say that she doesn't like soldiers?

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