Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 909 Pegasus Meteor Fist

The Bible verse says: In the sweat of your brow you shall eat your bread, until you return to the ground, for from the ground you were taken, and dust you are, and to dust you will return.

When the Israelites wanted to leave Egypt, Pharaoh would not allow them, so Aaron and Moses used miracles respectively.

Aaron struck the dust of the ground with his staff, and it turned into lice all over Egypt.

And Moses took several handfuls of ashes and threw them up to the sky before Pharaoh, and the ashes turned into dust all over Egypt, adhering to people and animals, forming blistering sores. The magicians could not stand before Moses, because they had the sores, and all the Egyptians.

This skin disease spread across the country in an instant. It is not as deadly as the Black Death, but it can create terrible visual effects.

Slaves are the property of the Egyptians, not to mention that the Hebrews are good at herding, so they will not be allowed to go until the darkness falls, and after the firstborn children, whether they are the sons of princes or prisoners, die, Egypt Only then did he agree to let the Hebrews go.

But as soon as they left, the army gathered on the back. It used to be a property grievance, but now it has become a blood feud. It is impossible not to retaliate.

Dust was originally soil, but because it was too dry, it was turned into dust when it was blown by the wind. It carried a lot of bacteria and insect eggs in it. They are usually hard to see, unless they are in the sun, those gold powder-like things are.

For modern people, it is common knowledge that the plague is spread by fleas on rats, but for medieval people, the ashes and witchcraft of people who died due to the plague are the way the Black Death spread.

Rats spread the bubonic plague. There is still a certain hope of surviving this kind of plague. There is almost no hope of surviving the pneumonic plague. It is more contagious than the bubonic plague. The pneumonic plague was prevalent in Harbin in the 20th century.

China at the end of the Qing Dynasty was very backward, but the plague that almost collapsed Europe was quickly brought under control in China.

In addition to Wu Lien-teh’s series of anti-epidemic measures, he also invented a small invention—a mask. The old-fashioned mask used to be just a layer of gauze. The mask invented during the Harbin rat plague had two layers of gauze, and a piece of cotton soaked in medicine was placed in the middle. The French expert who went to investigate this matter refused to wear a mask. He determined that the plague was spread by fleas.

The British Times reported on China's fight against the plague, and Wu Lien-teh was considered a celebrity in the UK.

Sometimes the behavior of Europeans is so confusing. Britain trims hedges and debates on tradition and innovation. A community worker in China, holding a paint bucket, draws a good area, writes demolition and solves it up.

The Black Death, which nearly collapsed in Europe, was brought under control by Wu Lien-teh who put a mask on and sealed off the city.

Pomona didn't understand these Italian doctors at first. They didn't take any protection when they had close contact with the patients who came back from Poveglia, let alone protective clothing or masks.

First, Muggles don't believe in magic at all.

Second, many people went to that island to explore and it was fine.

Third, they've examined the patient, and he's perfectly healthy except for his emotional problems, which aren't treated at San Sebastian.

The psychiatric hospital in Venice is managed by the church. Exorcism is very popular now. Before sending him to the psychiatric hospital, let the bishop check to see if the explorer is possessed by the devil, and then the previous scene happened.

The church is very rich. They not only distribute food and clothes to the poor, but also treat some people, not to mention building a hospital is also an investment.

At the same time, there are also some idlers in the hospital. The emergency in the UK is very strange. The patient calls and asks for an ambulance to save his life. The operator has to judge the patient's condition. , It seems that the patient has to go into cardiac arrest before reaching the standard for dispatching a car.

The reason for the correction is that the budget has shrunk, doctors and nurses have shrunk, and there is a shortage of manpower. The Italian emergency room is also understaffed. The church hospital is slightly better, but there is another hidden potential threat, that is, the behavior of young people.

Free will is one of the cores of Western philosophy. Free will in Christian theology is evil. Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden because they chose to defy the Creator and eat the forbidden fruit. A free choice, but man is only God's creation after all, so human beings are thrown out of paradise like disobedient pet dogs.

If you want to return to the Garden of Eden, you must beg the master for forgiveness, and then continue to obey the master's arrangement.

If you choose freedom, pet dogs must learn to forage for themselves like stray dogs. There is no kennel to live in, so they can only find places at will, and they must be alert to natural enemies.

But stray dogs can urinate casually to mark their territory, while pet dogs must be trained by their owners to urinate in the toilet.

That silly dog, Husky, has the habit of demolishing houses. He wants a comfortable life, but also wants to destroy freedom. When he meets a bad-tempered owner, he will be starved or beaten severely.

The master represents authority. A silly dog ​​doesn't know authority, and if he thinks he is the master, he will be taught a lesson by the master.

Who is the owner of this house? Who is the master of this country?

After getting rid of the shackles of the church, freedom has become a force for justice, and they are desperate for freedom. Even if they need to be isolated to avoid infection, they will not stay at home honestly.

This situation in hospitals is directly related to social welfare and wealth inequality.

The hospital is the last link of defense. If it collapses, the whole people will be forced to fight hand-to-hand like Spanish flu and smallpox to see who can evolve immunity. Natural selection and survival of the fittest. Evolutionary extinction.

Madagascar is isolated from the world, and there are many creatures that are different from the mainland.

Neither the Indians in North America nor the aborigines in Australia experienced the baptism of the great plague in Eurasia, so they were killed and injured by smallpox.

Native Australian animals are no match for feral cats, dogs and rabbits, they are knocked out.

If you don't want to be eliminated, you must either evolve yourself, or find a smart leader and follow his orders. If you find a fool as a leader, you will kill yourself.

It is also Zhao's army. In the hands of Lian Po, Zhao Jun can fight a war of attrition with Qin. In Zhao Kuo's hands, the entire Zhao army is wiped out, and finally lost this crucial battle of betting on the country's fortune.

The pampered nobles of the Zhao Kingdom have accepted Confucian etiquette and righteousness since they were young. They have wide robes and long sleeves, which are different from the clothes of the lower class people who wear Hufu with narrow sleeves after riding and shooting.

Even when the country was about to collapse, the first thing they thought of was their own interests, and then there was the story of Lian Po being old and still able to eat.

The old general could eat it obviously, but he was told by the envoy that he couldn't eat it.

Reversing black and white without distinguishing right from wrong, Zhao was finally annexed by other countries.

The Venetians were not as badly injured as other countries in the catastrophe caused by the plague. Apart from the fact that they built the isolation island, it was also because they were good at employing people. As long as they were effective, both Jewish and Arab doctors would use them. superior.

The Venetians are very capable, but they have little loyalty. Enrico Dandolo wanted to get Venice out of Constantinople's control, and eventually self-destructed the Great Wall and indirectly lost Constantinople.

Would the Mongols have taken Constantinople if it hadn't been captured from the rear?

No matter how strong the fortress is, it is always fast to disintegrate from the inside. St. Mark's Basilica, like the Vatican Museum, once displayed many spoils of war, but not all of them were snatched by Napoleon in the end.

In Western Europe, where medicine was backward and there was only bloodletting therapy, the Arabs who absorbed Greek and Egyptian medicine were much more advanced, and they could even perform craniotomy.

Sometimes, people just take such a gamble that they would rather lose their lives than bow their heads. In the worst case, they will die together, and the other party will not want him to obey the orders of Pharaoh and heretics like a slave.

Referred to as non-violent non-cooperation, it can drive people to death.

Where are we going next? Severus asked.

Oh, she almost forgot that she came to Venice for her honeymoon.

Let's go find the vampire, she said, taking his arm. He says he's an architect. He should be back from Austria by now.

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