Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 915: Da Vinci's Gardening

The Vatican also has a radio station. At the moment, a talk show is playing on the radio on the table.

A priest named Palila complained that in recent years, there have been more exorcism services than before, mainly because people's respect for divination gave the devil a chance to take advantage of it.

The exorcists trained by the Vatican are very standard. There are crosses, holy water, oil, salt and a thick black folder. This folder is specially used to record exorcism events. If necessary, the entire exorcism process needs to be recorded and recorded. After all, if you encounter a case like Annalize's, it can be used as evidence to the judge.

After each case is over, there are many documents that need to be filled in, reviewed, inquired and archived. Joseph returned to the Vatican this time to hand in these documents.

He had never been good at writing reports, and those cumbersome inquiries, and he tried to write while listening to music, but he heard a lot of platitudes, so he turned off the radio.

But after turning off the radio, he did not return to writing the report. He sank himself into the armchair and looked up at the snow-white roof, which looked far less gorgeous than the Sistine ceiling painting.

The last time the sacrificial cakes in Orvieto's church bled was in the thirteenth century, when a priest in the church questioned transubstantiation, which was regarded as a bad omen, like the eyes of the Buddha.

If warnings were useful, there would be only so many drownings every year.

The bread prepared in all the churches, consecrated and consecrated, becomes the same body of Christ in heaven.

In the mystery of thanksgiving, after the bread and wine are transformed into the body and blood of the Lord, they no longer return to their former nature, but remain forever the body and blood of the Lord.

But people chase the Holy Grail because they believe that drinking the wine contained in the Holy Grail can lead to eternal life.

The ancient shepherds pointed out how the power of the Creator, the creation of the world out of nothing, the mystery of birth, how the bread, wine or water eaten as food, is transformed into our own body in a way unknown to us. Blood.

Chinese worship their ancestors because they are related by blood, and they will provide protection and help to future generations.

This is easy to understand. The scriptures read by the priest when he divided the Lamb read: It is the Lamb of God who divides and shares, divides and never divides, eats and never exhausts, but sanctifies the eater.

Jesus has no blood relationship with ordinary people, but he sacrificed himself for unrelated people.

How can it be so easy to be a saint? It is not so easy to fast after getting used to the appetite. Eating bread is just a ceremony. dinner.

Modern bishops do not enjoy the same privileges as in ancient times, but they still have high incomes and rent luxury apartments at lower than secular rents.

And he lived in such a small room.

With Americans' obsession with mysterious events and supernatural phenomena, he can make a lot of money by writing two books or participating in talk shows. Why does he like to choose such a path?

He looked at the ceiling, staring until he saw something bloodshot seep out.

The Holy Son will not leave his own flesh and blood. Simon, Jacob, Judah, and Joses share a mother with him. If Jesus is recognized as the son of man, then the same problems as the Muhammad family may arise.

From the Kingdom of Heaven to the Kingdom on Earth, you need territory, which will cause a lot of disputes. Now the Papal State is only left with a small piece like the Vatican, which saves a lot of trouble and allows you to have time to think about other issues.

What is the meaning of Son of Man? St. Peter's answer is: You are the Son of God.

He can't be a person who eats and drinks, and of course he can't have a mistress or wife, but an ancient papyrus in the Gospel of Jesus' Wife mentions that Jesus was married .

The manuscript records in ancient Coptic: Jesus said to them, My wife...she can be my disciple.

Mary Magdalene witnessed the martyrdom of Jesus and went to Jesus' tomb on Easter morning to witness the resurrection of Jesus, and it was she who told the news of the resurrection to Jesus' 12 disciples.

In the works of art, most of Mary Magdalene is crying, firstly because she is deeply aware of her sin, and secondly because she may be weeping at the tomb of Jesus on Easter morning.

But there is another saying that Mary Magdalene was the one Jesus loved.

She washed Jesus' feet with tears of repentance and dried them with her soft black hair; she wept and prayed to feed him water during the days and nights when Jesus was crucified; after Jesus died, she entered the tomb where the body was buried Prepare to cleanse yourself with oil.

Women often have hallucinations. A scholar who studies Jewish history said: We cannot be sure that Jesus was really resurrected and stood in front of her. It is also possible that Mary thought she saw Jesus.

Some people even claim that the lineage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene later evolved into the Merovingian dynasty in France.

Joseph's exorcism will not ask believers for money, which hinders the pure faith, but it also means that there is a long queue like free medical treatment.

There are many people in need of help, but he can't help everyone. Richard's first possession did not affect his future. No one knows except his family, school, and unfortunately roommates who share a dormitory with him.

The second time he possessed him, his future would be ruined, and he would leave behind a stain that could not be washed away, just like Zodiac II, because he brought a gun to school, his life trajectory was completely deviated.

If Joseph himself had not been taken to Europe, perhaps his own life trajectory would have been different from what it is now.

He didn't know what others thought, every time he ate a piece of cake, he felt he was purified, he left the bloody room and came to the green orphanage; he left In the chaotic neighborhood, he could have become a liar, a thief or a drug dealer, and died in a gang fight...

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A knock on the door brought him back to his senses.

Father, are you there? Julianti asked outside the door.

Wait a while. Joseph said, and then frantically began to tidy up the documents on the table, stuffing them into the black folder.

After tidying up, he stood up and opened the door. There was a black-haired woman outside the door besides Julianti.

She's plump, not the slender girl the fashion industry aspires to be, and her eyeliner is so exaggerated that she looks like an actress from the Broadway musical Cats.

Are you a priest? Lisa said as if she saw an incredible scene.

I'll do a magic trick for you. Joseph tucked a white stiff tie under the collar of the black suit. Now I'm a priest.

Lisa laughed.

Let's go, let's go to dinner. Julian said courteously, The tourists will leave after dinner.

Joseph walked out of the room without hesitation, and locked the door behind him.

I heard you're American. Lisa said. Do you like Da Vinci?

Why do Americans like Da Vinci? Joseph asked inexplicably.

Not long ago, a Leonardo da Vinci painting called the Savior was auctioned in New York, and the transaction price was 400 million U.S. dollars. Lisa said, This made Da Vinci popular in the United States. Everyone loves the legendary painting. secret.

It is said that the painting, like the beautiful princess, was covered by other oil paintings. It took a Manhattan art dealer five years to clean it up. Giulianti said immediately.

Otherwise, money, power, and women are the driving force for men to struggle. Who would have thought that a security captain would be so fond of works of art.

I'm not that into oil painting.

What a pity, I thought we could talk about it over dinner, Lisa said regretfully.

No, please tell me, I like to know knowledge in different fields. Joseph said quickly.

Do you know what's the most interesting thing about that painting? It's not that the savior is painted like a woman, but the crystal ball in his hand. The light passing through is not refracted. Whether it is a sphere or a convex lens, the image will be reversed. Da Vinci was very interested in light at that time, and many of his notes included illustrations of light reflected at different angles, do you know why he did this? Lisa pretended to be mysterious.

I don't know, why? Joseph asked cooperatively.

He didn't want other people to focus on the crystal ball, but on the Savior himself, even though that would distort the picture.

Joseph couldn't imagine it, because he had never seen the painting.

Speaking of which, did you know that there are two paintings of Da Vinci's Madonna of the Rocks? Lisa asked again, One is in the Louvre and the other is in the National Gallery of England. They are like Michelangelo and Lou Gar Signorelli's paintings have also been recreated, and the London version was created later. The color saturation is higher in the sunlit areas, and the tones are more vivid and rich. The key is the finger of the Virgin. She pointed to Gar Signorelli. Bailey, he was still hesitant in the Louvre version, but he didn’t hesitate when he recreated it.”

How do you know? Joseph asked with a smile.

It was detected by the instrument. We are a team. Leonardo da Vinci and his apprentices are also a team. After he became famous, in order to make money, he and the people in the studio created paintings like an assembly line. Da Vinci Qi was in charge of sketching and composition. His students copied these paintings by piercing, and then filled them with color. The original manuscript of the Louvre version has traces of modification, although it is covered under oil paint, which is different from imagination. Are the masters in the book different?

Everyone needs to eat and drink. Joseph said with emotion, Even Jesus.

How else would there be a Last Supper?

Many people think that he is a lonely artist, but many of his later works are the product of teamwork. Vitruvian Man was explored by him and his disciples. They not only made money together, but also explored different ways Way to express a theme, oh, he is also very interested in swirls and spiral shapes, the leaves of the luanwei flower in the Madonna of the Rocks are bent into a spiral shape, it is a pity that he did not discover the Fibonacci sequence, it is only one step away .”

If he discovers everything by himself, what will future generations do? Joseph said with a smile, There must be something for the next generation to eat.

That's because he didn't find the right patron. After leaving the Grand Duke of Milan, he found Cesare Pozzia. Compared with that bloodthirsty bull, the cruel warlord of Milan is like a boy in a choir. ’” Giuliatti said disdainfully.

He didn't treat Da Vinci badly, Lisa said.

Yes, Da Vinci is famous, but his apprentices were not so lucky. They forged Da Vinci's works. Didn't it take a lot of trouble to authenticate the painting of the Savior?

That's the real thing! Lisa said firmly.

I know, but you can't deny that there are many copies of Salvator Mundi, Giulianti said.

Is that the piercing method you mentioned? Joseph asked.

That's right! Lisa said, At the beginning Michelangelo composed the pictures directly on the zenith, but later the Pope pressed him, so he used Da Vinci's method to copy the sketches to the zenith, but he didn't Let the apprentices paint, only let them color.

You were involved in restoring the Sistine ceiling? Joseph asked.

No, I work in the Secret Archives. Lisa said, Many works of art are in disrepair and will rot if not salvaged, but they are not as important as the Sistine Chapel.

At this time, they had left the office building of the Pope's personal assistant and came to the street full of tourists.

Let's save some topics for conversation during dinner. Joseph said with a charming smile, Please first, beautiful princess.

Converting 400 million U.S. dollars into RMB is 3.2 billion. If 3.2 billion buys a fake...

Oh, it’s not a fake, it’s just that it’s not made by Leonardo da Vinci himself, the original manuscript was drawn by him, and the polish is done by his apprentices, just like the assembly line, of course, it’s also possible that it was painted by Leonardo da Vinci from beginning to end

How many biscuits are enough for 3.2 billion?

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