Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 933 Doomsday Fortress

Women are very good at lying, just like ninja squirrels who fall from high altitudes can always land safely. It is already part of the instinct, and the plan is made in the blink of an eye.

Talking about Floyd on a date, saying certain words from a girl's mouth will not make her seem knowledgeable, but it will make the date feel inappropriate, so Pomona blinked and switched a Topics - Talking about discrimination is much more civilized than talking about cats peeing all over the place in heat.

Women wear clothes to cover up their shortcomings, such as fat on the stomach; and to highlight their advantages, such as a beautiful collarbone.

The purpose of a woman beautifying herself is to make her date focus on herself. However, there are more than one woman in a restaurant. If the date is looking at other women, the more civilized way is to throw the napkin away. leave directly.

The brutal one is to step on each other's feet, which is suitable for couples or couples who have been married for a long time or have established relationships. High heels are beautiful and make a woman more charming, but being stepped on by them is not a good feeling, and now Severus is staring at the table of Gianluca and Monica.

She didn't want to step on him. Squirrel had made a perfect plan, and whether she could land safely would depend on her own luck.

Similarly, when a woman tells a lie, whether a man can buy it or not depends on luck. Severus seems to have bought it. James and Harry are indeed worthy of being Snape's hatred magnet. As long as Harry appears, almost Without accident, Severus would stare at him with death eyes.

This was the result of observation by Hufflepuff's children, and Severus was observing Gianluca dating Monica at this time.

Their combination was very similar to Lily and James, except that Severus' expression at the moment was not so much jealousy as an attempt to play a prank.

Perhaps in this era, many women like mature, steady, and responsible men to shield themselves from the wind and rain.

But no matter how mature a man is, there are times when he is naive.

There was an article in the Daily Prophet about a wizard going to Florence on a European train.

Sometimes the train will stop in a dark place, the platform is covered with grass, that is, no one gets on or gets off, it just stops there according to the schedule, and occasionally there will be a whoop roar It was heard that it was a Muggle bullet train passing by, the carriage began to shake, and the glass seemed to be blown, just like the Leaky Cauldron next to the London Underground.

Finally arrived in Florence, the hotel is also very bad, a 115-year-old waiter took him to take the slowest elevator in the world, so that he suspected that it took him two days to reach the fifth floor, which made him miss Whitehall The Ministry of Magic's elevator, although you have to hold the handrails to avoid falling when it brakes suddenly.

Florence is beautiful on the postcards, but when I arrive, I find that it is full of garbage. The beautiful scenery can only be viewed from the hotel window, and there are so many thieves. A Muggle thief almost stole his wand.

He complained endlessly, as if he felt that the trip was not as good as he imagined.

Pomona believed that there was a newspaper similar to the Daily Prophet in Italy, and that a Florentine who went to London could write an article full of complaints.

If there is no comparison, there is no harm. Comparing your life with others, when you see someone else is better than yourself in a certain way, some people can't help but vomit acid water, or they feel uncomfortable. This is a normal reaction of normal people.

Ron is not as good as Severus and Harry in many places, but he has a complete family, and the children even made up the song Weasley is our king, although this song was originally written by Draco Written to satirize Ron.

Pomona wasn't stupid enough for Severus to be interested in Monica, but his childish behavior really left her speechless.

It was too difficult for Jaime and Lily, and for Gianluca and Monica, although he was a man of the hour at the University of Padua.

He was wearing the Armani suit that Monica bought for him. After all, it wasn't the T-shirt and jeans. Such a dress always gave people the feeling that he hadn't grown up. Putting on this suit, he looked much more mature.

Pomona recalls James being a bit grown up...

But after thinking about it, what came to her mind was still the T-shirt with the phoenix pattern and the flying motorcycle. It seemed that he and Sirius would never grow up.

Have you ever wondered what the end of the world looks like? she asked suddenly.

Severus turned his gaze away.

I have seen a movie in which a person wakes up and finds that he is alone in the whole world. There is no one in the city center, shopping malls, cinemas, banks, libraries, museums, art galleries, and airports. In order to prove that he is It’s not that he didn’t have a dream, he drove into the supermarket, got water and cigarettes, sat at the door and looked at the empty street in a daze, the alarm rang, but no one came, he thought for a while, and went to the hardware store to get tools , Pried open a lot of doors, every house was empty, and then he decided to go home, do you know what he did after he went back?

I don't care. He said impatiently.

He started to call, people he knew, people he didn't know, fire alarm, ambulance, no one answered, he collapsed, fell asleep at home for a day, woke up the next day, so he planned to change something, He drove to the police station, got guns and ammo, went out into the country with food, and turned a house into a fort with tiny windows like your home in Spinner's End. She exchanged under the table Touch the crossed legs, and then say, The transformation process makes him feel fulfilled and makes him feel safe, and you can do the same.

You don't want an architect anymore?

I think you're happy and I think it's more important to feel safe to live in. The beauty can be ranked second. We don't like people like Lockhart.

Severus laughed. You want me to build a doomsday fortress?

Will you take me in? She stroked his palm with her fingers, and keep me safe.

You can provide me with food, Severus said. Need me to leave room for your vegetable garden?

I don't know. It depends on what Lucius plans. Brenta's villa has a vegetable garden, and I can grow vegetables there.

That villa does need an architect. Severus thought for a moment and said, I don't think Lucius and Sissy will take care of this kind of thing.

They like to buy off the shelf. Pomona shook her head. Both of them don't know the joy of creation.

At this moment, the appetizers they ordered came. Dumplings are a Chinese delicacy, which was later spread to Italy.

The shape is the same, but the filling has changed. The most common filling is goat cheese and spinach. This renaissance dumpling contains nuts, white asparagus and wild boar. The shop makes wine in-house.

While she does not support the consumption of endangered wild animals, wild boars are rampant in Italy and Europe, destroying farmers' crops and even hunting for food in cities.

One of the few natural enemies of wild boars is wolves. Italian wolves live in the forests and mountains of the Apennines, and were hunted and killed by humans until the end of the 20th century.

Because there are fewer wolves, there are more wild boars, and the ecological balance has been destroyed. Therefore, it is an environmental protection behavior advocated for humans to eat wild boar.

Their main course was schnitzel marinated in mustard, and she had wanted to order squab roasted with truffle and pomegranate, but their soup was Roman beef with pan-fried scallops and black caviar.

As long as the price is not considered, these dishes are delicious.

It was caviar and truffles, and she was afraid she would have indigestion.

The professor at the University of Birmingham who complained to the New York newspaper about the high cost of meals should really come to this restaurant to have a look. He only spent more than 500 Euros.

It is said that a star gave a tip of 1.56 million US dollars, so the world of rich people is really difficult to understand.

Reaction formation is to transform the unacceptable desires and impulses in the unconscious into the opposite behavior in consciousness, which is one of the psychological defense mechanisms

There are two selves in people's hearts, one knows that smoking is harmful to health, and the other craves nicotine. In many mentally ill patients, it is often seen that this defense mechanism is overused. Simply put, the reason for the reverse is deception. The reason is the experience of cheating for profit

Some people buy a car just to give themselves a space to be alone, adjust their persona in the car, and don't want to go upstairs when they go downstairs

Men will wax the car and do some research, women don't care so much about the car

Huge work pressure, need to think and solve alone

Voldemort often said, we are a family, will the family threaten Lucius and Narcissa with Draco?

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