After dinner, the old people began to gather together and chant scriptures.

Every weekend, volunteers bring clothes, cups, cakes and other condolences to the widowed and lonely old people, but what makes the old people happiest is the arrival of children and pets.

Even if those children are not related to them by blood, the old people still like it very much.

After a day's work, Veronica watched them at the door of the activity room. One of these people was her grandfather. Mexican blanket, it's hard to connect him with the villain Uncle Fabio loathes and hates.

Uncle Fabio would never forgive him, and he knew it, so he didn't look for them.

But he returned to Venice, the place where he was born, raised, married, and had children.

Did you call your mother? Father Constantine asked.

Yes. Veronica replied in a low voice, the nursing home was very quiet, as quiet as a grave.

Come on, pray with us. Constantine reached out to Veronica, and she grabbed it without hesitation, but Constantine did not take her to the activity room, but to the prayer room in the nursing home .

Protestants are unwilling to spend money on the ceremony, but Catholics are very willing. Even though there is still a gorgeous altar in this small monastery, the nuns have already kneeled in a circle, and they are watching Veronica with curious eyes.

Tomorrow Veronica will go back on a volunteer boat, and tomorrow the Vatican will also hold a mass. Between the pope in white and the bishop in red, there is an archbishop in purple, usually the pope concurrently holds the .

However, due to the Pope's physical condition, the Mass needs to be presided over by someone else.

Catholic women cannot become priests and bishops. Constantine put on reading glasses and began to read the classics. Others prayed with their eyes closed. This is a part of religious life. People can't stand this.

But when the wind and waves are rough outside, it is a good deed to be able to pray for everyone in a safe room, hoping that the crisis will end soon. When the Black Death spread in Venice, women, whether they were poor or rich, were praying. , and it really came true.

Peace be with you. Constantine said, Today we will learn the Gospel of St. Matthew.

Hallelujah, the nuns replied.

At that time Jesus said to his disciples, 'Proclaim on your way that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick; raise the dead; cleanse the leprosy; cast out the devil; give freely what you received freely. Take no gold, silver, or copper coins in your pockets; take no bag on the road, neither two coats, nor shoes, nor staff, for the worker shall have his food...

Veronica bowed her head and listened with the nuns. She didn't think that everything said in the scriptures was correct.

The patient needs to be cured, what should be done if the disease cannot be cured? The dead will be resurrected, and resurrection cannot be achieved by humans.

It was shown on TV that someone got terminally ill and frozen himself up, waiting for the development of science and technology in the future to cure his illness, and then thawing himself back to life at that time, even Raura knew it was a scam, but there were still people willing to do so.

The Lord has revealed His justice to all peoples. Just when Veronica was distracted, the nuns read in unison.

Looking at the faces of the nuns, Veronica felt fear for the first time in her life.

Why do you obey such fallacies?

She wanted to say it but dared not say it out loud, she was still a secular girl in general, she could disregard her contemptuously and turn away, but she had already made a temporary vow to abide by the three vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.

If you want to regret it now, there is still time.

She heard a voice that she couldn't tell where it was coming from, it seemed both the devil and her own voice.

Have you ever kissed a boy? She heard the voice say again, Look at those old people, do you want to be like them, waiting for other people's children to show kindness to you? You can leave, marry and have children like normal people, As old as your grandmother surrounded by grandchildren.

No! she said in disgust.

Silly girl. The voice said again, Sex is not a shameless act, everyone is born like this, and you will know its beauty after you try it.

Veronica covered her ears, as if this would block the slander.

Look at me, said the voice, and at the same time a hand lifted her chin, and what she saw was a handsome man with black eyes, and what was even more strange was that he was wearing a priest's clothes.

You are only 16 years old, you are like a rose in bud, it is such a pity that you are a perfect match.

Go away... Veronica trembled.

You know how normal girls fall in love? The man lowered his voice and said, Do you want some chocolate?

Veronica pushed him away and stood up, then ran wildly in the dark monastery.

Silly girl, why do you want to be a nun! Veronica's mother, Alicia, said in the dark.

Veronica thought of the poverty of her own family, as well as the strange eyes and gossip of her neighbors.

She just doesn't want to make the same bad choices as her mother.

She should never have been born.

After the girl's body began to develop, running became very awkward, but physical education was still a must.

She hated the stares from those boys, and even refused to take gym class because of it.

There was another girl who had the same idea as her, but they were not in the same class. They met once when they were hiding from gym class, and they spent time together in the shade of the trees.

How do you pass the time? Kissing? the voice asked again.

Get away from me! Veronica said, turning around.

Then she saw herself in an open room, and the girl bored in the shade weaving lace, a popular fabric to sell to tourists.

When you have money, you can buy ice cream, said the voice cheerfully, or do whatever you want.

Veronica heard the other party's malicious intentions and picked up a stone to throw him.

At this moment, thorns suddenly appeared in the darkness, entangled her hands, and then she was hoisted up, and the weightless upward force woke her up from that weird dark dream. She looked around and found that she Still in the chapel, surrounded by the same nuns, but with Constantine's amber rosary wrapped around her wrist.

Holy Virgin Mary, the mother of good guidance, I offer this scripture, and I respectfully wish you a heart of persuasion. Your son Jesus preached that the kingdom of heaven is near, come and repent, accept the Lord's gospel, and live out new commandments. And promulgate the eight blessings to the public, establish a kingdom of peace, justice, and truth, and enable the people of God to live in the love of the new heaven and new earth.”

Don't say the rosary to me, I'm not possessed!

Veronica tried to tell Constantine, but her voice was a meaningless growl, sounding like some kind of mad beast.

Lie down, lie down, child. The nuns said worriedly, and forced her down on the ground in front of the altar, looking like a lamb waiting to be sacrificed.

Veronica kept struggling, she had a premonition that something bad was going to happen, but she was unable to stand up, because her hands were bound, even though it was only a very fragile one, it would break if it was pulled lightly. rosary.

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