Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 948 “Crostata”

Venice has always claimed to be the hometown of clam spaghetti. The locals claim that there has been clam spaghetti since Marco Polo brought back noodles from China.

Even though the glory of the Republic of Venice is no longer there, the fish market at the Rialtoire Bridge is still one of the best seafood markets in the world. Every morning, the freshest catches from the Adria Sea are transported to the market. , for Michelin restaurant chefs and gourmets to choose from.

However, the breakfast of many Italians usually starts with a berry pie, which is a very ancient fruit pie. Similar food can be found on the murals of ancient Greece and Rome, and it is still available in dessert shops on the street. turn up.

Last night, Pomona and Severus only ate half full in that retro restaurant that was so expensive that it murdered their wallets, and then went to a barbecue restaurant with a very affordable price to eat some barbecue. She bought a crostata for breakfast at the rotisserie next to it.

The supermarket in the community opened early in the morning, and she went there again to buy pumpkin, squeezed pumpkin juice, sausage, and beans, and made a breakfast that fit the taste of British wizards.

When she finished her busy work, the old bat just woke up, so she put the food on the tray and sent them to the bed of the noble lord with a floating spell.

The former head of Slytherin watched her impassively.

What tricks are you up to?

Room service, she said graciously. Every honeymoon has room service.

Do you think I'll forgive you for doing this?

No~ how could you have such an idea.

In fact, she thought so, and was guessed by the old bat again.

With a sneer, he half-lyed on the bed and picked up a knife and fork to eat breakfast with peace of mind.

Too greasy, he said stiffly after tasting a bite of the sausage, like he wasn't chewing food but leather.

Pomona glanced at his greasy hair, swallowed the pumpkin juice and brought it to his mouth, he took a sip from her hand, and began to eat berry pie with peace of mind, not caring about her eating breakfast at all no.

Sometimes she couldn't help wondering why anyone was so hated as Severus Snape.

But watching him eat, her thoughts drifted to the snowy Scotland, where the tables of the Four Colleges were always filled with sumptuous food.

When she went from the long table where the students sat to the long table where the faculty members sat for the first time, she felt like she was dreaming.

There are so many people who want to stay in school, including Voldemort, why can she be a teacher at Hogwarts?

Luckily Severus showed up later, the youngest headmaster since the school's founding, and his hair had been so greasy since then.

Each of the students has to bring a pet. Her pet is a tortoise. Although cats and dogs are cute, it is a disaster when they are bathed.

She suddenly had a weird idea, Severus is like the kind of dog who refuses to take a bath, washing his hair is like killing him, unless he pissed her off, it's hard to see his hair is clean and fluffy look.

What are you thinking? he said angrily.

Nothing! She regained consciousness immediately, pretending that nothing happened.

The thought just now was really terrible, and she wanted to keep it as her secret for the rest of her life.

When will your mermaid chandelier be delivered?

Pomona's memories suddenly returned to the black lake with dragons and magic, and the bad-tempered mermaid in the lake.

Severus rarely dealt with the creatures in the lake. He preferred to go to the Forbidden Forest to collect materials for making potions. He didn't even know that the Slytherin students were observed by the mermen as goldfish.

She also dived into the bottom of the lake with the mermaid to observe the human boy. Unknowingly, he has grown from a weird and lonely boy to a weird and lonely middle-aged man.

You really haven't changed at all. She said with a look of disgust.

And you too, he snapped back, always giggling.

Pomona immediately adjusted her expression to become more serious, which made him even more disgusted.

Can you be smarter?

Where did I make you feel stupid?

Let me see, who do you think paid the bill last night?

It was only then that she remembered that the waiter was looking for the gentleman in front of him to pay the bill. The problem was that his vault in Gringotts had been sealed, but he had asked for the right to enter her vault.

You evil wizard! Pomona roared immediately.

And the money to buy this house. He continued to say lightly.

Pomona thought of the pile of birds, snakes and cockroaches. It cost a lot of money to buy that bird and snake egg. She could almost see her empty coffer.

The Weasley twins were cute, but Molly couldn't help but get mad, and about Ron driving his dad's Skycar, and she sent Ron a rant about it.

At that time, Molly's roar could be heard throughout the auditorium, and the old bat laughed so gloatingly in the teacher's seat.

Severus Snape! she yelled the name with all her lungs.

I hear you, dear, he said gleefully.

How dare you, oh, Merlin. She was confused and didn't know what to say.

The same goes for Sirius, a Firebolt-like luxury gift for a 13-year-old boy like Harry, even though she'd always thought it was a more expensive broomstick.

If a man spends money recklessly, it is much more powerful than a girl.

Should the Firebolt be bought? How could Harry escape the Death Eaters if he didn't buy it, but when Sirius bought it, he gave it to Harry as a toy broom.

How stupid do you think you are. The snot-nosed man asked sarcastically.

Look what a good thing you have done! She wanted to pinch his neck angrily, but was easily controlled by him.

Then she had a long kiss that tasted of berry pie, and then she remembered he didn't brush his teeth, and then she forgot.

The fire in the fireplace was burning very vigorously, making crackling noises, and she felt warm all over, even a little hot, and there were restless footsteps of young people outside the door.

The dance in the auditorium was over, and the dance in the Hufflepuff lounge continued, not the spiraling waltz, but an epileptic dance with head shaking and rock music.

That kind of music is full of rhythm, and the low-frequency drums it emits just resonate with the most primitive rhythm of life, as if to dig out the magma under the cold and hard shell of the submarine volcano.

The lava in the magma chamber was originally silent, but it was stimulated by the rhythm to boil, beating like Newtonian fluid.

Whether it is yogurt or asphalt, it must follow the theory of Newton's fluid. Many cosmetics for girls also have this characteristic. If they are stirred quickly, they will become thinner.

When stirring the potion with a glass rod, you should not be too fast, and you must observe patiently and carefully, but most of the students don't know that there will always be people frying pots in potions class.

An explosion of that scale is incomparable to the power of an explosive liquid made from the liquid secreted from the horn of a poisonous horn.

Patience and meticulousness are fine for a while, but if we keep on going like this, the elderly Slughorn is no match for Snape in his twenties in terms of energy and physical strength, and young people in their twenties are generally impatient and impulsive To act, especially with someone as irascible as Severus.

The potion duel was a fair contest, and Slughorn conceded defeat. A position, even with the title of head of Slytherin, was not enough for him to fight for it with all his might.

Severus was the winner, and since then he has not been the loser who was bullied by the gang of robbers.

Sometimes being radical is not all a bad thing, because only in this way can we break outdated concepts and rules and open up new fields.

Along with the primordial rhythm of the heart from the beginning of life, she heard the salsa sound of the cloth being rubbed, which sounded like the sound of a snake crawling.

When she was dizzy, she glanced to the side from the corner of her eye, a colorful bird snake was looking at her with its head up, its eyes reflected her like a mirror at this moment, her face was so flushed, as if As beautiful as a blooming rose.

Looks delicious.

Get up, I forgot to feed it! Pomona immediately pushed away the guy lying on top of her.

The fifty-foot snake, starving, could have swallowed them both in one gulp.

Severus, who was hot all over, cursed in frustration, got up and left the tent with the pile of cockroaches.

But looking at his expression at the moment, it seems that he regrets raising it.

Pomona lay on the bed, calming her heartbeat.

This belated youth is really overwhelming.

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