Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 956 Space Ability

When teachers gather together, it is inevitable to exchange ideas. Apart from Albus, the most knowledgeable teacher at Hogwarts is Felivy.

Ravenclaw boys are not as aggressive as Gryffindor and Slytherin, and the former fighting champion has no use for his energy to spend on music.

At that time Pomona was training Severus how to fight, so she ran to ask him for advice.

The boy's dignity has to be protected by himself. James Potter's insults in public made Severus go to extremes, but he is always with a group of friends. If you rely on a sneak attack, you have to find another way.

In the Muggle schools, and even the current magic schools lack space training, and Salazar Slytherin is a famous space mage, and no one has been able to find his secret room.

Girls are more gifted in language and perception, and the author of the book of spells is slurred, and he can also cast magic.

Boys progress easily in mental rotation and space, and a little practice can make a huge difference.

The easiest and most direct way is to paint, which contains the function of spatial perspective, but Severus is holding back a fire now, and he wants to seek revenge from James as soon as possible, and it is almost impossible for him to calm down and paint.

Actual combat is a good teacher, so she asked the horseman to practice against him.

In the past few years, she asked him to stand in place to practice control, lacking flexible steps, good positioning can avoid enemy damage, get the best vision, and use terrain and other factors to gain an advantage.

But at the same time, opponents can also use moves or anticipate your moves and react to them.

A master fighter not only has excellent physical fitness, but also has agility. Pomona can't help him in this regard. She is the peace-loving Hufflepuff, who does not fight against each other when encountering conflicts, but strives to maintain peace, and sometimes even swallows her anger.

That's why Badger House is always labeled as an honest person, and it is always considered to be a college for fools and trash.

The story of Noah's Ark is quite beautiful, but the young and mature Slytherin said gloomily, What do tigers and lions eat on the boat? After the unicorn, he ruined her innocent dream again.

The allegory of everyone working together to tide over the difficulties was made by him into survival of the fittest. What's wrong with him?

What's even weirder is that his character is actually very attractive to girls. If he wasn't too obsessed with black magic, Lily might like him too. After his death, Harry clarified the past for him, so more girls liked him.

He is far inferior to Sirius Black in appearance, but they both have as many admirers, what is the problem with people now? Actually like that sarcastic old bat.

Medieval knights wanted to learn to fight, but when they met the old and cunning Enrico Dandolo, they were routinely tricked.

In Venice, the Doge of Venice, who is hated by many people who love the Roman Empire, has an extremely dignified status, and profiteers are so brazen.

They looked pitiful when they were robbed, but they were just as rude when they robbed Constantinople. The short-lived glitz brought by the Crusades in the past disappeared, and even the Dandolo family changed their palaces into From the hotel, it is now one of the most famous and expensive hotels in the world, the Danieli Hotel.

This building was built in the 14th century and has nothing to do with the blind governor. Enrico Dandolo's house is on the side of the Grand Canal in San Marco. Next door to it is the Manin Palace, the last governor Rudovic It was there that Ma Ning died under confinement.

There is an assassin's alley on the only way to the two palaces, where corpses were often found in the 12th century, so Venice banned men from growing beards to prevent assassins from dressing up in disguise.

The intricate alleys and waterways of Venice are very suitable for assassins to attack. Ever since Enrico Dandolo caused public outrage, that family has been assassinated frequently. There are assassins from the Assassins, members of the three major knight orders, and even Because pirates and mercenaries would also play guest roles as killers, the Dandolo family built a new palace in San Marco facing the sea, facing the Doge's Palace and the bell tower.

Known as the most noble palace in Venice, it has received many foreign dignitaries, heads of state, and celebrities in the film and music industries, and it is also one of Hollywood's favorite filming locations. The annual Venice Film Festival is basically full of participating stars, and Nakamura Yuki's residence in Venice is here.

Pomona had already had a premonition that the sons of Japanese politicians would not marry the daughters of ordinary people casually. The Miss may not always be bossy, and there are many ways to be willful, and Severus couldn't figure it out. , why Sirius would oppose pure blood, because Sirius himself is pure blood.

This group of nobles is like this. While wearing expensive clothes, Nakamura Yukino opposes the sugar industry group. As for what happens to those sugar factories and related industrial workers who lose their jobs after the sugar industry closes down, she will not care.

Sirius never cared about Klicer's feelings, but is he a bad person?

Hermione cared about Klicer, and Krich ignored her kindness at all. It only wanted to save Regulus, even sacrificing his own life.

Regulus replaced Klicher with himself and stayed in that cave. This kind of equality is not the same as the liberation advocated by Hermione's vomit.

If Tonks didn't have Lupine, he wouldn't be able to take care of himself, and she was also a Miss.

Hufflepuff has more nobles and lords than Slytherins, and not all of them are so bad that everyone hates them. Many of them are actually neglected by their parents. Although they have parents, they are orphans like Harry. They only feel the warmth of the family at school, and then they will come forward when the school is about to be captured by Death Eaters.

Living in such a luxurious hotel means that you should dress up and eat in the restaurant attached to the hotel, which is also one of the Hollywood filming locations.

But Miss Nakamura brought a devil's pizza from the outside shop, paired with Pomona's highly recommended strawberry cocktail for brunch.

She was outside alone, even though she only needed to order breakfast, she still didn't eat it, so she ate breakfast and lunch together.

Now that she is still young, she can't feel the impact of such a living habit on her body, and she will know the pain in the future.

In such a large suite, there is a special desk available, but Nakamura Yuki sits on the carpet, the pizza and wine are directly placed on the floor, and the computer is placed on the coffee table, and just like that, he starts working.

The Japanese have the habit of sitting on the ground, and Pomona sat on the ground like her, chatting and drinking Fruitlala cocktails.

From time to time, she would look at St. Mark's Square outside the window, which was the top enjoyment for her.

The only thing that makes her feel uncomfortable is that this room is too pink. Who stipulated that the princess must live in a pink room?

This is really disgusting.

Strawberry mixed juice, vodka and mint leaves are so delicious that I have no friends. Natural strawberries have no sweetness. The mixed fruit juice is added with sugar, which is easy to get on the top. When drunk, it is easy to vomit, so I will add soda water

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