So, by the time the bell rang, Professor McGonagall had done all the pre-class preparations.

She gave each of the students a match, which she would use in the rest of the lesson.

When the bell rang, Professor McGonagall began her teaching.

During this lesson, Turners listened attentively.

Professor McGonagall is an expert in Transfiguration, and is able to become the Head of a House at Hogwarts and the Deputy Headmaster of the school.

It is enough to prove her strength, such a wizard, the learning experience she teaches, naturally attracted the special attention of Turner.

After more than half an hour of theoretical teaching, the next step is to start practicing.

The magic school pays more attention to the actual hands-on ability, otherwise, after studying magic for a year, to the theory of the last stomach, not a single magic can be released, then it is really a numb claw.

Thanks to the importance of mastery of magic from childhood to adulthood, the degree of control of magic by Turners is naturally beyond doubt.

After only two minutes of practical operation, he successfully turned the match in his hand into a wooden needle, and because he had not yet mastered the transformation of matter, he had not yet been able to turn the wooden needle into an iron needle.

However, compared to practice, it should be able to be done.

This change successfully caught Professor McGonagall's attention, and she saw the wooden needle that had been completely deformed.

Professor McGonagall was also surprised, knowing that all she could expect from the students for this class was to be able to sharpen the end of the match.

What she didn't expect was that among her students, there was actually one person with such talent.

This made her very happy, and when she spoke, "Very well, Mr. Turner, I have succeeded in changing my shape, and I am continuing to work hard to see if I can change the matter, but in view of this, Gryffindor is ten points." "

The other students, after hearing Professor McGonagall's words, looked at Turner in surprise.

You know, among them, the best one is Hermione, but at this time, she has just begun to mobilize her magic through the method that Professor McGonagall said, and she has not yet begun to practice.

Someone has already succeeded, which makes all the students, when they look at Turner again, they can't help but have a trace of strangeness.

Turners didn't care about that, for these kids, as long as you can really conquer them, you don't have to chew their tongues behind their backs.

The reason why Hermione performed so well in the original plot was that Ron said that, in addition to jealousy, it was more because Hermione was too arrogant and couldn't deal with other people.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have cried at Ron's words.

This is because she is not good enough, or rather, not enough to be admired by others from the bottom of their hearts.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have happened.

After hearing that Turners was praised by Professor McGonagall, Hermione, who was very competitive, naturally did not want to be left behind, and began to work hard to practice.

It's just that, no matter what time it is, if you want to cast a spell successfully, you need a calm heart.

Not to mention, these little wizards now, each of them will awaken their wizard talents, and it will definitely not take too long.

Before that, most people had not been systematically trained to control their magic.

So, the more anxious you are, the worse you are doing.

And Hermione, next to him, is like that.

In the rush of casting, not only did he fail to successfully deform the match, but also because of the output of magic power, something unpredictable happened.

I saw Hermione's match, and for some reason, it was actually found.

This wasn't a big deal in the first place, after all, even if it was found, it was just a match, no big deal.

However, this sudden change still made Hermione a little panicked.

In this panic, some of the magic power in Hermione's body was uncontrollable, and it suddenly poured out from the tip of the wand in Hermione's hand.

After coming into contact with the flames, these magical powers began to gradually change their properties due to external factors, and transformed into fire attributes.

Turner, who was on the side, didn't pay attention to Hermione's situation at first, and when he noticed the unusual magic fluctuations beside him, he saw the tip of Hermione's wand, like a torch, burning.

Turner no longer hesitated, and with a wave of his wand, a fist-sized balloon of water appeared in front of his wand.

Under his mind control, the water balloon quickly enveloped Hermione's wand.

Not only did it extinguish the flame at the tip of her wand, but it also suppressed Hermione's uncontrollable magic.

At this time, Hermione had gradually calmed down, and with the help of Turner, the fire had been extinguished, which also made her breathe a sigh of relief.

He couldn't help but look at Turner with his sensitive eyes.

Naturally, this change caught Professor McGonagall's attention, and she soon came to Hermione's table.

"How's it going, Miss Hermione, not hurt, right?" She had already checked it herself, and there was nothing wrong with either of them, but as a responsible teacher, she still asked.

At this time, Hermione's mind had also calmed down, and after seeing Professor McGonagall's concerned eyes, Hermione's last worries were put down, and she smiled and said, "It's okay professor, I'm fine." "

"Well, that's fine, Miss Hermione, don't be in a hurry, take your time, control the magic in your body, and let them change what you want, understand?" Professor McGonagall was kind enough to teach Hermione.

"Well, I see, Professor." Hermione knew she had been too impatient.

"That's good, this time, Mr. Turner, react quickly and help your classmates solve minor troubles, which is good, Gryffindor plus a point." Professor McGonagall, after making sure that Hermione was fine, looked at Turner again and said appreciatively.

"Thank you, Professor." Turners smiled and thanked.

After Professor McGonagall left, Turners leaned towards Hermione's side and whispered to Hermione, "Hermione, don't be in a hurry, when you use your magic, be calm, so that you can control the magic in your body." "

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