Listening to the description of the Roman sacrifice, Baron Philip's expression did not relax in any way.

As a knight of the Byzantine Empire, this piece of barony is his battle merits, but he has seen the situation of his son Ron, and the sacrifice can only restore skin trauma, but the damaged brain is not so easy to heal.

Most patients who are rescued in time are like living dead people in bed for life, and even if there is a probability of awakening, it is one in ten thousand...

Watching Baron Philip's expression change, Roman sighed lightly.

The other party is obviously not the master who can fool the past with a few "good words".

All along, merchants passing through the barony believed their words.

Seeing that the lie is at risk of being discovered, the Roman sacrifice can only bow humbly although he has remorse.

"Baron Philip, Master Ron's health is no longer harmed by the care of the sunflower, we have done our best..."

"Eliza, you send a document to the Knight Academy to inform them that my Baron Chris will visit tomorrow.

The reason is to write, the mentor of the Knight Academy, colluding inside and out in a vain attempt to kill a nobleman! The

voice fell.

Baron Philip called for the guards and left the courtyard angrily.


In pitch darkness.

Since that day another strange voice sounded, the frequency of whispering questions that echoed around suddenly decreased.

No more nagging in your ears.

Ron also gradually found that his frozen mind began to come alive.

Memories that did not belong to him flooded into his mind like a tide.

After a while of digestion, Ron could be sure of one thing.

He was the eldest son of Baron Philip of the Byzantine Empire.

The situation in this country is somewhat different from its own world.

The people here are closed to information, and the overall pace of life in the territory is very slow.

Literacy was also only possible for wealthy merchants and aristocrats to have access to.

Commoners and ordinary slaves belong to the private property of the lord, and the lord will arrange work for the commoners and slaves according to the actual situation of the territory, and without the lord's documents, most people can only stay in the divided area for a lifetime.

In the process of gradually fusing memories, Ron was glad that the legal system of the Byzantian Empire had been perfected.

Of course, this refers to his status as a descendant of the nobility.

The nobility here is hereditary, inherited by the eldest son in the family, and the act on the protection of the rights of the nobility clarifies the irreplaceability of the eldest son.

Therefore, all the bad acts against civilians committed by Ron in the past will not be punished by the laws of the Empire at all.

Thirty percent of the territory of the Byzan Empire bordered the sea, and the sea, while bringing great wealth gifts to the empire, was accompanied by unimaginable dangers.

Many amphibian sea tribes roamed the empire all year round, plundering and harassing coastal towns and villages.

Memories are constantly merging.

Ron opened his eyes in a daze, and this time he clearly saw a woman in a light brown-red dress with her back to him.

Although he only had his back, he also recognized it as his stepmother Eliza at a glance.

Eliza looked at the mirror in front of her with a look of intoxication and muttered:

"Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the Barony of the Byzantine Empire!"

"Honorable Lady Eliza, I can confirm that you are the most beautiful person here."

Ron watched in shock as he saw what was happening in front of him.

There really is, it will ..... Talking mirrors?

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