The gaze swept over.

The thought of a "wizard" Dudley next to him was actually a little excited.

In the past, the knowledge system of studying biology clearly stated the evolution process of various organisms on the earth.

For example, humans, orangutans, pigs, corn only trace back to the time of their ancestors at the genetic level.

We are all of the same species, and the ancestors of birds are reptiles.

During this period, after tens of millions of years of evolution and species selection, the familiar world of the 21st century was finally presented.

Only from the analysis of research in biology, if you want to have certain academic results, it is absolutely necessary to open the time cost.

A large number of evidence to support it, repeated verification takes a lot of time to complete step by step, sometimes the direction is wrong, maybe decades of hard work will disappear.

But now it is different, although his previous self only knows to do research, immersed in the ocean of knowledge of genetics, genetics, and paleontology every day, but this does not mean that he is completely cut off from the outside world.

He has heard of Harry Potter movies for a long time, but compared to this magical theme, he prefers to observe the proliferation of cells.

The plot and too much detail are not clear.

But that doesn't change the fact that this is a wizarding world.

The strange sucking of the roadside lights outside the window and the appearance of Harry Potter meant that everything was moving in a magical direction.

If only he could become a "wizard"....

Will the world change drastically?

This is the instinctive reaction of a biologist who wants to explore the unknown, the field of knowledge....


The ideal is very full, but it is extremely difficult to put into practice, just like now Dudley has to solve the problem of physical weakness.

Study "wizards" or something, it's too far away, or sleep is more realistic.


"Vernon, look at our child, today is quite energetic, and he seems to like Harry, look at my lovely child's eyes full of joy.

Penny said as she gestured to her husband.

Vernon's originally somewhat annoyed expression instantly became full of tenderness and love when he saw Dudley:

"This is nature, as a child of my Dursley family, with excellent genes, I will give him the best educational resources, buy him the best gifts, and make his childhood colorful."

As for Harry...,"

Vernon said after a deep sigh, "I'd better call the orphanage, I believe that the Lenton drop-in center will take him well."

Petunia's face changed, and she gritted her teeth and said

, "Honey, maybe.... Maybe my sister has really passed away.

This letter is true, and there may really be a 'demon king' in this world.

Vernon frowned and tried to get angry, and he could see Penny's serious look, pressing down on the desire to criticize.

Penny glanced at Harry next to Dudley and explained

, "Before we got married, I told you that my sister really has some...

Something is not normal, she can conjure a lot of things out of thin air......

"But before Penny could continue, Vernon slapped the table:

"Well, my dear, I know, Harry is your sister's only son after all, and I agree with him living at home and raising him until he is eighteen."

But you have to promise me that from now on you won't be talking about strange wizarding things in my ears, which is ridiculous.

In my opinion, the wizard is the trick of the clown in the circus, don't let it take up precious time in our house..."


Lendon 1987, June.

In Surrey's County, Little Whiggin District, a small figure slowly emerged on the Banyou Road in front of No. 4 Privet Road.

June mornings are not cool, and summer heat will continue for a long time.

A pair of high-end sneakers, an imported sports shorts, plus black short sleeves.

Dudley looked down at his wrist, it was six thirty in the morning, which was his compulsory course every morning.

Since learning to walk three years ago, Dudley has consciously begun to practice lower body strength, muscle groups, and body weight bearing and endurance.

In previous biological studies, Dudley knew that different species had very different genetic sequences.

Take humans and orangutans, for example.

Orangutans in zoos have been kept in cages since childhood, do not exercise, have enough food every day, and their muscle content is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Human beings, on the other hand, can not eat, but food is completely piled up into fat, and the only way to change the internal conditions is to stimulate the external environment.

Through conscious control of diet, combined with training, the body's internal genes automatically adjust to adapt to the surrounding environment.

Just like now, the body that is more than six years old can do twenty push-ups, sixty supine ups, and the muscles are well defined.

Limited by current equipment conditions, self-discipline is one of the best ways to change the body's genes.

"Brother Dudley early!" When

the footsteps stopped, Dudley saw a small boy who was half a short man walking out of his house with a plastic bag.

"Early, Harry, you were arranged by your father to take out the garbage again?"

Harry smiled shyly:

"No way, Uncle Vernon said, people who don't work are not eligible for food."

If I don't work, I won't have breakfast!"

Dudley smiled and stepped forward to pick up the garbage bag to help, after all, Harry's small body looked like the wind was about to fall to the ground.

"Brother Dudley, you don't have to worry about me, if your uncle sees it, you will be scolded again.

Staring at Harry's somewhat stubborn expression, Dudley was not reluctant, smiled and opened the door and returned home.

It had been more than six years since he had been in the Dursleysleys, and his father and mother seemed to have a deep prejudice against Harry.

Dudley once thought that perhaps Harry would be much better off living in an orphanage than boarding in his own home.

After all, the orphanage had a bed, and in his own house he could only sleep in the utility room at the corner of the stairs.

Limited by his age, he did not take the initiative to ask his parents to change their attitude towards Harry.

At present, it seems that in addition to a bad attitude, at least basic food and drink can be taken care of.


After the morning exercise, I changed my clothes and came to the restaurant.

Penny had prepared slices of bread, grilled sausages, eggs, and some cheese.

Dudley pulled out a chair and sat up, and soon a fat man in a black suit staggered out.

The space in the room was limited and it was difficult to move, but his face was well groomed, and he sat down on the chair with difficulty, and Vernon said seemingly casually:

"Dudley, the programming professor of the child biology journal you asked me to contact earlier has already had an eyebrow." "

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