"You're just a makeshift defective product of mine,

a container that will be thrown away at any moment!

and..... Where did you have the audacity to question me?"

Quirrell's face at the back of his head had a hideous expression and an eerie tone!

"No.... Not such a master, don't get me wrong, I am your lowly servant and always loyal to you..."

But the moment Quirrell's voice fell,

a piercing pain erupted from his mind.

Quirrell was drenched in cold sweat and clenched his teeth. Not a word can be spoken.

For a long time, Quirrell spat out a series of words with difficulty from between his teeth:

"Wei.... Great master!

This time I have come here and I have not forgotten the teachings of my master.

Since you want this new body, I will do my best to assist you.

Whereas.... I have already found out the whereabouts of the Immortal Philosopher's Stone...

Borrow.... With the help of their power!"

Quirrell's restless emotions on the top of his head began to plummet, and his voice was not hoarse, but a little cold:

"Go Quirrell, this is an opportunity to atone for your sins."

Use in advance the 'power' that I have imparted to you, which summons the existence hidden in the shadows...

New body .... Can be delayed...

But eternal life .... The power must belong to me

!"Quirrell knelt on the ground and his body began to fill the black

mist! The mist ran down the cracks in the doors and windows of the room, and his mouth was hoarse:

"Yes, master, I have signaled that the 'Death Eaters' lurking in the nearby darkness will assemble at No. 1 Diagon Alley, the immortality of the Philosopher's Stone, and the body you fancy will be foolproof!"

Wizarding World, Diagon Alley.

The group of three walked down the street, Hagrid leading the way, and Harry staring at the surrounding scene with little stars.

"Mr. Hagrid, is this what you told us about

the wizarding world before, are all the people around us magicians?"

Hagrid glanced at Harry's expression and explained casually:

"Harry is here at 1 Diagon Alley, you can think of this as the trading center of the wizarding world."

Because of the trade, it is full of magic-related items and merchants, and it is not limited to the human species.

You will see, unicorns, skeletons, elves, monsters, and even creatures that you would never even imagine...,"

Harry listened to Hagrid's introduction and looked into a huge glass window with a "broom" placed inside!

Hagrid explained, but noticed Dudley's contemplative look on the side.

Hagrid couldn't help but be a little confused:

"What's the matter, Dudley

, still worried about the previous things, I said that it will be fine, and don't you think the 'magic' items around you are very attractive

?" Dudley glanced

at Hagrid and spoke out with some doubt: "Mr. Hagrid, shouldn't you wizards use wands and chant spells when releasing magic?"


why did Professor Quirrell lift a finger and my chinchilla was confined to the air.

Listening to Dudley's inquiry, Hagrid glanced at Totoro napping above Dudley's head.

After thinking a little

, he explained: "Under normal circumstances, the order in which a wizard releases magic is to use a wand and then chant a spell!

But there are exceptions, there are some powerful magicians, their analysis of spells, has reached a very high level, with a flick of their fingers, they can release magic, which should be regarded as wandless casting or spellless casting!"

Dudley raised his eyebrows: "There are not many such people?"

Hagrid sighed, "Of course, there are not many people who can silently release magic, just like Quirinus Quirrell, who has attained extremely high mastery in the theory of the dark arts and can pass Dumbledore's exams!

Don't be deceived by his thin appearance, his magical strength is undoubtedly strong

!" Seeing Dudley's continued momentum to ask, Hagrid quickly waved his hand:

"Okay Dursley, after you arrive at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, someone will give them to you, now we have to purchase them according to the detailed list in the Hogwarts admission letter!"

Mr. Hagrid, I don't think I'll have the money to afford those things!" Hagrid

smiled mysteriously, "No... Harry, you have.... Even if not, don't you still have a cousin

Dudley!" Dudley didn't really care, it would be nice if the pound could be exchanged for the common currency of wizards.

Money is not too difficult for him now!

Hagrid waved his hand,

"The next place we go to is the only bank in the wizarding world." Listening

to Hagrid's introduction, Dudley suddenly became interested, according to some basic information, this so-called financial institution in the wizarding world can actually exchange the currency of the Muggle world for the common currency of wizards.

Just from this point of view....

Maybe the real world is not completely isolated from the wizarding world...


PS: Update, by the way, answer questions, ≖‿≖, the Great Demon Lord Voldemort, as one of the most outstanding geniuses of Slytherin, can become a "hero" cunning, suspicious is indispensable! ≥▽≤, OK answer is complete, thank you for your support~

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