Very good!

Very good Quidditch talent.

Professor McGonagall smiled gratifyingly, she was going to make the next decision in her mind.

Slytherin is so annoying!

He secretly counted the excellent members of Gryffindor into the wizarding sanatorium before the Quidditch match...

However, this decision has some difficulty.

Hogwarts rules do not allow first-year students to participate in Quidditch tournaments.

Professor McGonagall was lost in thought.

Just when she hesitated.

On the grass not far away, a black-haired child drove a magic broom and rose leisurely from the ground.

"Harry Potter...,"

Professor McGonagall said to herself.

She could tell that Harry's action of piloting the magic broom was very clumsy.

This level is the reaction of beginners for the first time.

But in the next moment, the boy who was still dangling and riding a magic broom before turned out to be...

One rush into the sky.

Harry clutched the magic broom in both hands, and he went from being panicked at first, but he began to calm down.

"Very good! This

is Harry's most intuitive feeling about driving a magic broomstick, and now all he has to do is save Ron, who has been hit by the spell "Petrification"!

In front of him, Ron's body happened to dodge several magic rays in the air, but the last ray still hit the magic broom under him.

The magic broom falls straight down the wall in mid-air!

The wizard's robe behind Ron happened to be suspended in mid-air by a humanoid statue with a spear stretched out through the clothes on his back.

It seems that there is always a risk of falling.

Having to "protect" his friends was Harry's only thought at this time.

In an instant, Harry's flying broomstick suddenly accelerated, rushing straight towards Ron, who was hanging on the figure.

Ron's wizarding robe was constantly cracking with the downward gravity.

He was about to fall to the ground.

Harry had to accelerate again, preoccupied with his almost reckless rush towards the humanoid statue.

Behind the statue is the wall!

Professor McGonagall frowned:

"This is so reckless...

The first ride on a flying broom is so bold!

Once you can't stop and hit the wall, such an injury is not light. "

It seems that it is necessary to make a move....

I thought about what Professor McGonagall was about to do.

Harry's body was spinning dangerously 360 degrees, deftly turning around.

At the same time, his palm reached out and successfully tugged on Ron's wizarding robe.


Thank you so much.

Ron was shocked, and he looked at Harry with a look of excitement.

Harry at this time was simply like a hero.

Harry smiled slightly, "Don't worry, Ron, we're friends... Ron

returned a silly smile, "Hmm.... Harry.. Thank... Thank you..."

But in the next instant, the wizard robe could no longer withstand gravity and broke directly.

Before Ron's words could be spoken, the person fell down.

Hermione exclaimed, but reached out and patted her chest:

"It's fine.... Fortunately, I forgot, Professor Rolanda had just cast the spell [Dirt Swamp] below Ron.... It seems that he is safe..."

Dudley shook his head indifferently:

"No! No.....,"

Hermione was stunned, "How so?" Didn't you....

Dudley waved his hand and said calmly:

"I saw it!

But according to the algorithm, it is possible to infer the distance and the tension of the liquid.

Ron fell at this height and lay flat again, and this contact area would make his skin bruised.

If it's a swamp....

I think Ron's best result is also a slight fracture...,"

Hermione scoffed:

"Probably not, Ron will be safe and sound..."

However, before Hermione's voice fell, Ron's body fell heavily into the mud swamp.

Professor Rolanda looked back at the young wizards behind him and said with a serious expression:

"Our lesson today is the use of magic brooms, not Quidditch training.

You have all seen that Ron from Gryffindor has disrupted the classroom, and I will report to the Hogwarts School Spirit Department for this..."

But before Professor Rolanda could finish the rest of the sentence.


A voice sounded.

This was followed by a slightly painful exclamation.

The little wizards at the scene, including Professor Rolanda, were stunned.

Because it turned out to be a scream....

"Oops! Oh, my God! Professor

Rolanda quickly turned and flicked his wizard's robe and dashed towards the mud pool under the tower on the other side of the lawn.

Gryffindor and the young wizards of the Slytherin Branch gathered around.

They also looked at Ron in the dirt swamp with shocked expressions.

In Dudley's field of vision, he saw Ron lying flat on all fours on the wriggling swamp...

Hermione on the side was full of incredulity:

"Da... Dudley, how did you guess?

No, how did you know Ron would be "hurt"?

Could it be that this has something to do with the "tension" of water you mentioned earlier?

Dudley didn't answer Hermione's question, he naturally wouldn't explain it to a girl, scientific logic.

Just like that, a mud swamp is also a flowing liquid, and the force that can reduce the surface area of the liquid is called the liquid surface tension.

Wanting to destroy this surface tension is directly related to the contact area, which is the same as nails and wood.

Dudley looked at Hermione calmly and said lightly,

"I think your attention is in the wrong place!"

Hermione tilted her head a little puzzled?

Dudley calmly stretched out his finger and pointed at Ron in front of him:

"Ron is injured, as his 'friend' you should go up and 'help' him."

Hermione heard the little head subconsciously nodded! Although I don't know what is wrong, I always feel that Dudley has a point.

"Okay, I'll take a look, and by the way, help inform the Hogwarts infirmary."

Hermione ran forward twice and stood on her footsteps!

Suddenly turned back and said with a hopeful expression:

"After class, can you tell me in detail about the principle of 'tension'..."

I.... I was really interested.

And also...... I'm going to explain that "Ron" is not my friend, he... He's just my classmate! "


PS: Update, thank you for your support, the author continues to work hard~

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