Conno and his party were the last to enter the hotel, and the run-down-looking lobby of the hotel immediately became crowded.

On the way from Kadechang to the hotel, Conno and Newt double-checked the contents of the letter, only to realize that the trip seemed to be more enjoyable than expected.

The letter only mentions that an unknown magical animal appeared in the mines of the city of Kadechan, causing the mine to explode and also affecting the heating.

Sulian belongs to the Far East, and the perennial temperature hovers below 10 degrees, which is why Lao Maozi's dishes are always heavy sugar and high-calorie foods.

The explosion at the mine also affected the heating supply, which literally left local residents without their jobs and livelihoods.

Since the Ministry of Magic of the Pastry has determined that the disaster was caused by an unknown magical animal, wizards need to step in, whether for humanitarian reasons or to abide by secrecy laws.

However, the wizards of the Crisp Union are in a hot battle with the wizards of the mold country (physics), and after the local Department of Magical Creatures Management and Control is unable to solve the problem, they can only turn to the magizoologists of other countries.

Among them, Newt is most famous for his reappearance, so they invited Newt to come to Kadechang and come here to conduct field investigations.

Here's the funny thing, the Ministry of Magic has lost two staff members, and it's still impossible to tell what kind of magical beasts are harming the city.

Newt didn't actually get any useful clues, everything had to be investigated from scratch, and there was no help from the staff of the Ministry of Magic (they were busy fighting).

Kadecan is a small mining city, surrounded by a thick and perfunctory industrial style (steel forest style, no architectural beauty).

However, the inn looks good, with a crystal chandelier hanging in the lobby and even the corners lit up by bright yellow lights.

The floor is a reddish-brown wooden floor with a pleasant "click" sound when you walk on it, and the walls are lined with beautiful murals depicting traditional folk tales of the pastry.

The innkeeper was surprised to see so many tourists suddenly pouring in.

After checking in for everyone, I hurriedly took the waiter to clean up the room to facilitate check-in.

After the innkeeper left, the crowd fell silent again, and no one was willing to take the initiative to speak.

Newt himself was not very good at communicating with people, and Williamson and Prout were already obsessed with the novel "Ghost Train", and they copied one by one and read it with relish.

All the people present were wizards, not a single ordinary person, and they all had a little guard on their faces, and they didn't look like they were here to visit.

Kong Nuo drank all the inferior black tea in the cup, and said to everyone present: "Why did you come here, it can't be a tourist, right?"

Except for King Kong, the Steel Forest is generally not worth visiting, especially in such a small and dilapidated city.

The wizard near the door looked up and cast a Muggle banishment spell on both wooden doors, as well as some magic to prevent eavesdropping.

Seeing that they were so cautious, Conno's spirits were a little more uplifted, it seemed that this group of people had definitely come here to make trouble!

A deep-looking wizard in a top hat said in a French tone, "What about you? What are you doing here?"

"As the questioner, you should first state your purpose, show your sincerity and politeness, right?"

At this time, the other wizards also turned their eyes to Conno and his party.

Conno touched his chin, connected the mines, explosions, and other factors, saw some tattered robes on the wizards present, and looked at the exquisite murals on the walls, and then said,

"It is said that there was an explosion in Kadechan, and then someone commissioned us to come over and see what treasures seem to be hidden in the mines here.

Newt suddenly showed a look of surprise, it was the first time he had seen someone open his eyes and tell nonsense, and he still said it so well.

Conno turned his head to look at Newt and shook his head, indicating that Ji Cao Beliu, "What are you watching me do?" Since the explosion is so dangerous, it means that things must not be so simple, and multiple people have more strength!"

"There happen to be so many companions here now, I don't believe that only our boss has received the news." Now that the Moldy Wizard is fighting so chaotically, it's normal to come here to fish in troubled waters, right?"

The rest of the crowd nodded in agreement, and one of them stood up and said, "Is this all your purpose? Have you all heard that there are wizard relics here?"

"The wizard relics are actually the tombs left by wizards in the early days, and they will set various curses in the tombs to prevent later people from coming to rob the tombs.

For example, some of the pyramids in Egypt are actually witching ruins, and these ruins are not merciful to Muggles who strayed into them.

Among some of the wizarding ruins that can be visited, there are cursed Muggles with several heads.

"I'm not!" said a wizard who was clearly about the same height as Conno and had a full beard on his face.

He's supposed to be a local wizard with a unique accent.

"And what are you here for?" the other wizards asked curiously.

The Crisp Wizard didn't answer, just snorted with his hands on his chest.

Although the Crisp Wizard refused to cooperate, most of them agreed that they were here for the newly discovered wizard ruins.

However, this only makes everyone talk less, after all, there is only one copy of the wizard ruins, of course everyone wants them all, how can they be willing to share them with others?

They kept saying sorry and their legs and feet were weak, and it was hard not to make Conno wonder if the two men had gone back and forth to the toilet more than ten times because of the expulsion of the Muggle Curse.

There were many rooms in the hotel, and each of the four of them opened a room, and they walked into the room that belonged to Conno.

The décor is similar to that of the lobby, with brown-red floors and beautiful frescoes, as well as an elaborate fireplace.

However, because of the explosion, the hotel does not provide heating now, and only a pile of firewood is prepared by the fireplace.

Prout held the novel in one hand and waved his wand in the other to release a string of flames into the fireplace.

After Conno and Newt were seated, the two former Aurors sat in the guest chairs. Instead of burying their heads in the novel this time, they are thinking.

Conno sat in the rocking chair with a smile on his face, the situation is more complicated than expected, it seems that you can really have fun here in Sulian!

Newt was the first to speak, "Thanks to Conno, it seems that this containment plan is more difficult than imagined......"

Williamson nodded, he looked at Newt and asked, "Mr. Scamander, did you get an invitation letter from the Ministry of Magic of Sulian?"

Newt nodded.

"I think it's a little weird. Williamson frowned, "The wizard who received the wizard should be the one from the Ministry of Magic, but there is something wrong with his expression, and I can't see surprise." "

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