Compared to the fierce looks in the interrogation room, Williamson and Plaut now look like two good gentlemen.

The two of them looked a little malnourished, as if they had just vomited, and their faces were earthy.

However, their expressions were sincere and their tones were rich, and they did look like they were sincerely apologetic.

In addition to being a martial arts enthusiast before Kong Nuo crossed, he was also a social animal who worked for five and a half years.

If he was originally a fierce and vicious Auror, but his attitude changed 180 degrees in a few days, it was probably bent over by life.

"It's all poor people...... "Conno patted the shoulders of the two with emotion.

There was confusion in the eyes of the two.

"How much wages have you been fined, a month or two months?" "

Uh......" The cheeks twitched.

"I am very touched that you can apologize to me so sincerely. Since you're all your own, you can speak your mind! The

two shouted in their hearts, and finally continued to compromise with life, "I deducted half a year's salary, and Prout deducted three months' salary." "

It's a bit serious, isn't it! The internal punishment is so strict?" Conno was a little surprised.

"It's not just internal punishment!" Williamson was a little angry, "I don't know where the Daily Prophet got the photos from, and the fact that we, as Aurors, were actually taken down in the interrogation room, has greatly damaged the prestige of the Ministry of Magic."

Prout was equally angry, "If it weren't for the low Auror pass rate now, those old guys from the Ministry of Magic would probably have fired us!"

Conno withdrew his hands, and through the hand that had just been placed on the shoulders of the two of them, he felt the changes in their bodies, making sure that neither of them was lying at the moment.

"It seems that it is not easy for everyone...... "How do we go about buying a wand?"

"Hmm......" The two nodded with difficulty, "Diagon Alley is more than a hundred kilometers away from here, and we need to apparition a few more times to get there." "

Oh...... Let's go, then. Conno nodded.


were two crisp sounds, and the bodies of the two Aurors twisted and disappeared in place.

"Well, almost imperceptible spatial fluctuations, and if I encounter an opponent who can phantasmagor, I have to be mentally motivated. Magic is still very difficult to guard against......" Conno commented, touching his chin.

He is currently in the realm of a martial arts grandmaster, and his own body is very strong, and at the same time, his reflexes are also very sharp, but he only stays at the level where he can beat people flat with one punch.

If you want to break the void with one punch and be able to travel through space like these wizards, you need to wait for him to form his own martial arts golden pill.


two Aurors suddenly reappeared, and Conno hurriedly jumped back a big step when he saw this.

The two Aurors bent over in unison and began to retch, even vomiting the acid in their stomachs.

"The side effects are so big?" Conno raised an eyebrow and asked from a distance, "You apparitions are so reflexive?"

Williamson waved his hand and pointed at the acid water on the ground with his wand, "Disappear!"

After casting the vanishing spell, he continued, "It's because it's too far away! You have to jump back and forth at least twenty times, and if it were an ordinary wizard, it would have been split a long time ago." "

This is also the magic of wizards, even if the body is split in two, they can be treated in their magical hospital and then fully recovered.

Conno also saw the disadvantages of phantom shifting, unable to perform multiple quick apparition shifts, and the distance of phantom shifting seemed to be limited.

Prout put his arm on Williamson's shoulders and gasped for breath as he asked, "Mr. Connoe, why don't you keep up with us?"

Conno shrugged, "I'm not going to apparage, it was Newt who took me all the way here last time."

"This ......," the two Aurors looked at each other, "this is a bit difficult...... Williamson

smiled wryly, "we took today's personal leave, and there is no vacation anymore."

Prout looked bored, "That's it, I've already deducted three months' wages anyway, so what if it's a few more days?"

Conno wondered, "Didn't you say you could take the knight's bus?" Newt told me it was pretty fast.

The two Aurors turned their pockets over with embarrassed faces, and said in unison, "We don't even have a single nat in our pockets right now. "

There are three types of wizard currency, the most expensive is Galleons made of gold, the next is Sico made of silver, and the cheapest is Nat made of bronze.

One galleon can be exchanged for seventeen sicos or four hundred and ninety-three nats.

"Since it's for me to buy a wand, I'll just pay for it. Conno waved his hand, "You go and hail a taxi, and when you get in the car, you can talk to me about Diagon Alley." They

came to the side of the road, and Williamson raised his wand.

It wasn't long before a purple eighties three-story British-style bus appeared in front of them with a deafening bang.

The door opened, and a gray-haired, purple-uniformed wizard put on a stinky face, and said in a vague voice: "Welcome to the knight's bus, what to say on the bus!"

After the three of them got on the bus, the door immediately closed, and the old wizard swept over the three of them, his face became strange, "The two Aurors also need to take the knight's bus?"

An unhealthy flush appeared on the pale faces of the two Aurors, and when they were about to defend themselves, Kong Nuo spoke first: " How much does it cost us to go to Diagon Alley?"

the old wizard said quickly, "Three people...... One person is twelve sicos, plus three more gives a piece of chocolate, and four more we provide a thermos and a toothbrush.

Conno threw out three gold coins, "No need to look for them! "

Good guest!" said the old witch laughing as the glittering gold coins took his hand, like a withered chrysanthemum, "please find a bed to sit down, and we will be there at once!"

There were only six bronze beds in the carriage except for a row of ladders that went up. The surface of the copper frame is a layer of greenish black rust, and the bed looks yellowish.

Kong Nuo stood directly beside the bed, looked at the two of them and asked, "I have been practicing in the mountains before, and it is a martial arts branch under the druids, you tell me what Diagon Alley is for." The

knight's bus started, and a huge inertia caused the two Aurors to lose their balance in an instant, and their heads hit the copper frame.

After what happened just now, and then seeing Kong Nuo's clear eyes like a child, as well as his immobile posture, the two of them believed at least eighty percent of what Kong Nuo had just said.

Williamson clung to the brass frame, "Diagon Alley is the busiest commercial street here in England, and basically anything we need can be found in Diagon Alley.

Prout added: "Yes, England's only wand-maker is in Diagon Alley, and his craft is definitely the best ...... in Europe".

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