Conno stood in the shadows, ignoring the conversation between the two Aurors and the security captain, intently scanning his wand.

Originally, the wand was one, and it was impossible to see where Ollivander had stuffed the core into the wand.

The wand was now covered in cracks, and the filling could be seen through the cracks, a substance the size of a little finger and resembling a rubber tube.

This rubber-like substance should be the dragon heartstring that Ollivander just mentioned.

He pinched the ends of his wand and easily split it in two, revealing the dragon's heartstrings inside.

The translucent fire dragon heartstrings are bright red on the surface, and the feel is slightly warm in addition to the Q bomb.

He could feel the energy contained in it, which could be summed up in one word: Supplement!

The reason why Kong Nuo entered the magic world was that he wanted to use various magical animals in the magic world to nourish his body and consolidate his foundation.

Because he found that although he was already in the Grandmaster realm, he was completely unable to use his Gang Qi.

Gang Qi is a sign of entering the realm of a martial arts master, but he has always been able to use only dark energy, Gang Qi is like sleeping in his body, and he can't find it at all.

And the moment he held the wand just now, the sword light that burst out from his body was Gangqi.

Only after leaving the body, the internal force that can also cause great damage can be called Gang Qi.

Not only that, but he also discovered that there was a trace of flame power in his qi.

Therefore, he speculated that it should be the core of this wand that was the heartstring of the fire dragon, so that the power of the wand core itself would be attached to his qi.

If it was a wand made from another wand, would there be the power of other magical animals attached to his qi?"

"Merlin's beard! What have you done!" Ollivander suddenly screamed.

The security captain had left, and the two Aurors were cleaning up the damaged wands on the ground.

Only Ollivander stood in front of Conno, his fingers trembling at the dragon's heartstring that he was holding.

"The quality was not good, so it broke. Conno said calmly.

He looked around at the wand box, ready to pull out another one to test his suspicion.

The two Aurors picked up the wands scattered on the ground and held the damaged wand in their arms.

Williamson hesitantly said, "That'...... Mr. Ollivanders, a total of damaged...... More than a hundred wands.

"Drink ......" Ollivander almost rolled his eyes and fainted, "Merlin's flower pants! Merlin's briefs! What the hell did you do!Why did this happen to me!"

Prout looked up at the ceiling, his voice tinged with a sense of disillusionment, "Mr. Ollivanders, pay attention to the influence, you are a craftsman, can you be a little colder?" I can't stand you so lively.

"Seven hundred Galleons. Ollivander's voice erupted from between his teeth, "Seven hundred Galleons, can you pay me!" Conno

had already found two wand boxes of his choice, holding a crooked, twig-like wand in both hands, and once again used his internal force to infuse it into the wand in his right hand.


same sword groan sounded, and at the moment when Ollivander noticed the movement and was about to stop it, another silver-white sword with a red light flew out.

Like a streamer, the sword flew straight towards a wall, as if the wand on the wall was about to suffer again in the next moment.

A more rapid sword roar appeared, and a silver-white sword with an orange light came first, resisting the sword light in front of it.

"Protego!" the

two Aurors dropped their wands and immediately cast an iron spell in front of them to ward off the wind caused by the two swords canceling out.

Ollivander just wanted to stop Conno from using his wand, and before he could react, he was blown up by a strong wind, and his back was about to make close contact with the wall.

Fortunately, the two Aurors were quick-eyed, and one of them pulled Ollivander into the protection of the Iron Charm, which saved him from injury.

"Demon King, you are the Demon King!" Ollivander was visibly broken, his eyes wandering, he had lost his highlights, and his mouth kept repeating this sentence.


As expected, the wands broke again, but this time the gap was much smaller than before, and it took some force for Conno to get the core out of it.

This time, in addition to the dragon's heartstrings, the core of the rod also had a feather that burned like a flame.

Conno scratched his ears with the warm feather, "Mr. Ollivanders, what kind of feather is this? "

Phoenix feathers. Ollivander swallowed, "Can you leave? I don't have a wand for you here."

Conno pulled out his wand box and took out a milky wand from it, "Relax, I'm in control of my internal force." I found this wand to be magical, and I loved it. The

wand in his hand appeared again, and the silver-white sword light was more pure, with a moonlight-like texture.

This time, Kong Nuo's internal force was well controlled, and he just condensed an inch of sword light without harming the wand.

"Interesting, it doesn't seem to be suitable for this kind of internal force for attack, try it with some blood circulation and stasis removal exercises?"

Kong Nuo muttered to himself, and after the condensed sword light on the tip of the wand disappeared, a round ball of Gang Qi reappeared on the tip of the wand.

He ran eight steps to catch the cicada, and instantly came to the overly frightened Ollivander's side, and poked at the bamboo hole on Ollivander's brow.

"Kong ......!" he

moved so fast that the two Aurors had barely even shouted when the tip of the wand was already poking at the center of Ollivander's eyebrows.

"It's a place to calm down, I'm professional, no problem. Conno comforted.

"Oh......" Ollivander blinked, the horror and confusion in his eyes had faded considerably.

He rubbed his eyes, and found that the wand in Conno's hand was not broken, and he couldn't help but sigh, "Merlin's beard!

Kong Nuo raised the wand in his hand and asked, "Mr. Ollivanders, what is the core of this wand?"

Ollivanders, who had regained his senses, immediately showed his professionalism, "Ash, unicorn hair, twelve and four-fifths of an inch, ash is the best match for unicorn hair."

Conno pinched the tip of his wand in his left hand and began to bend, "Ash is indeed a good material, hard but not hard, soft but not broken, and it is especially suitable for making a gun shaft." "

Mr. Ollivanders, your craftsmanship is really good, this piece of wood is very elastic! and the hardness is just right!"

"Wonderful...... It's really amazing......" Ollivanders' eyes lit up again, "Mr. Conno, it's amazing!"

"Why is this happening? Why does every wand seem to accept you? I've never encountered anything like this!".

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