Conno opened his eyes suddenly, and in front of him there was a large, black, furry spider fluttering in the air with its teeth and claws.

He turned his head slightly, lest he really be caught by the hairy legs, and his body drifted, casting a sunflower point acupuncture technique, and freezing all three of them in place.

"Yo, good afternoon. He smiled and looked at the three people who were frozen in place, "I have a lot of ideas, and I started to play tricks on the teacher before I arrived at school." There is a future!"

all three of them looked like thirteen or fourteen-year-old children.

Two red-haired, freckled boys. He was half a head taller than the dark-skinned boy, and he looked much more handsome.

Not only that, but the two red-haired boys are twins, as if carved out of a mold, and even the panicked expressions are exactly the same.

"Teacher, we were wrong! It was all an accident just now, let us go"

The three of them were startled by Kong Nuo's sudden opening of his eyes just now, and his mouth opened slightly in panic.

Only their tongues and throats could move, and their haras dripped down their mouths and onto their robes.

"Walk the process. Conno clasped his hands to his chest and shook Erlang's legs to look at the three of them, "Name!"

"Percy." "

Charlie. "

Lee. "

Oh?" Conno smiled, "Do you know what you have done?"

One of the red-haired boys gasped, "Why do you look like the Aurors are interrogating the Dark Wizard?"

Conno raised an eyebrow, it seemed that the two red-haired twins knew quite a lot, and these questions happened to be the same questions that Williamson had asked during his interrogation.

"Yes, I'm a retired Auror. "I smell a lie among you, let me guess which of you is lying......"

"How so?" all three laughed at the same time, "We are all good Slytherin students, and we never lie."

Kong Nuo touched his chin, and one sentence destroyed all the small abacus in the hearts of the three of them, "Tut-tut, interesting!

He pointed to the two red-haired boys and said, "You are Fred, you are George, Percy and Charlie are you?"

Fred and George had panicked eyes in their eyes, and they said in unison, "How do you know so well! Have you seen us?"

"Aren't we meeting now?" Conno smiled evilly, "Trying to attack the retired Aurors, I wonder if I need to contact my colleagues and put you in Azkaban?"

"Don't! Don't!" the three of them couldn't move, their faces turning pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course, the black man named Jordan couldn't see the change in his face, but the thick lips turned gray and gray at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hmm. Conno was satisfied with the expressions of the three of them, "Now...... Can we have a good chat and be honest with each other?Name!Full Name!"

" Fred Weasley. George

Weasley. "

Lee Jordan. "

Which house?"

"Gryffindor." The three of them answered in unison.

Conno blinked, "Looks like Slytherin is your enemy." "

Most of the information about Hogwarts, he knows from Newt. In Newt's mouth, although the four colleges will compete with each other, the relationship is not bad.

At the very least, Gryffindor and Slytherin are opposites, so it's best to get some questions from these students.

"You're not a native wizard of England?" asked George.

"Yes. I'm from abroad. "

Professor, can you undo the spell on us first!!" Fred begged, "you don't want the three of us to drool while talking to you, do you?"

Conno pointed into a sword, connecting the dots on the bodies of the three men.

The three people who unlocked the acupuncture point fell directly on their seats, took out their wands and pointed at each other, eliminating the traces of saliva on their robes.

George sat there upright, "Professor, I don't know your name, what should we call you?"

"My name is Conno, you can call me Professor Kong." Conno continued to shake his Erlang leg and said.

Fred's performance was not as regular as George's, he sat in his chair, leaned out halfway, and asked with some eagerness,

"Professor Kong, what kind of magic did you use just now? It doesn't look like a wandless spell, but it has the effect of a full-body binding spell, how did you do it?"

Kong Nuole smiled, "Martial arts understand, right? This is a university question, you will learn about it later." "

Oh!" "Look at me, I'll look at you, "So you're the professor of that new subject!"


You're welcome, let's get down to business!" Conno waved his hand and said, "In your opinion, who are the four Hogwarts houses?"

Fred and George's eyebrows fluttered, and Jordan, who was united on the side, gave a general overview of the situation at Hogwarts in the past two or three years.

Before I knew it, it was already afternoon, and a food truck passed by on the way, and if it wasn't for Fred and them to stop him, Conno was going to buy all the food on the food truck.

"Professor Kong, let's just eat a little bit! and save my stomach for the opening dinner, those are the food!" Fred took a bite of the crucible cake, and his words were a little slurred.

George patted his chest and said, "Yes, I promise, Hogwarts cooking is the best in England!"

"Yes, yes, especially the lamb steaks!" Jordan's eyes lit up, and his eyes were full of yearning.

"Is it that exaggerated?" the Fred brothers glanced at Jordan, "as if they hadn't eaten."

Jordan had tears in his eyes, "You don't understand! I was traveling to Africa, where Muggles and wizards ate bugs and lizards.

"It was pretty fresh for the first few days, but if you eat the same thing every day, and it's all bugs and lizards, you'll know how I feel!" The

Fred brothers patted Jordan on the back and comforted, "Good work, brother, we won't forget your contribution to Fat Tongue Toffee!"

"A food desert, what can be delicious. Conno sighed inwardly and began to miss Rolex.

It's all to blame Newt for being too stingy, he just wants to pick up Rolex for a few days, but he just won't let him live or die.

He opened a pack of chocolate frogs, a snack that didn't have much cooking skills, but it still tasted good.

Feeling the rich fragrance and silkiness between his lips and teeth, Kong Nuo coughed lightly and said, "I'll summarize your evaluation of the four academies just now." "

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