A week passed in the blink of an eye, and it was about to usher in Conno's first weekend at Hogwarts

, and he had not wasted a week in vain, and he had learned a lot of teaching methods while visiting various floors and classrooms.

Severus Snape, the Potions professor, was the only one, and his class was the most torturous of all the teachers.

It can be said that except for the students of Slytherin House, the experience of the other three houses in Snape's classroom can be basically equated with those prisoners who are imprisoned in Azkaban.

This class atmosphere also has the advantage that the students are very obedient, and after the whole class, the students are immersed in boiling potions, and they rarely even talk to each other.

As the dean of Slytherin House, Snape not only favored his own house, but he was even worse to Gryffindor's house than Hufflepuff and the two houses.

As a very simple example, every time a Slytherin student adds points, it will inevitably be accompanied by a Gryffindor student's point deduction.

In particular, the new student named Harry Potter in Gryffindor House had asked Harry several questions in Potions class on Friday, causing Gryffindor to lose points again.

In this regard, Kong Nuo can only call the insider.

Of course, Snape's behavior would also make other teachers unhappy, and few teachers would take the initiative to speak to Snape except for the necessary communication at work.

However, with teachers as extremely indifferent as Snape, there would be two extremely friendly teachers like Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout.

Flitwick naturally didn't need to say much, since Dumbledore introduced him to Conno at the beginning of the school year, the two quickly hit it off, and Flitwick would take the initiative to explain a lot of things about Hogwarts to Connor.

Sprout is also very good to say, she has a ruddy face, a smile all day long, and is a very kind witch.

On Monday afternoon, Conno visited Gryffindor's herbology class with Hufflepuff.

At the end of class, Sprout held several potted pots of magical lavender for him to keep in his bedroom.

This magic lavender has a delicate taste and a soothing magic in its scent, making it perfect for sleeping.

Sprout's knowledge of herbalism is so profound that it can be called an encyclopedia of herbalism. In this regard, Conno and Sprout also have a lot of common language.

Those herbs that Conno didn't know would go to the greenhouse to ask Sprout for advice. Sprout also knew everything, and would tell him all the effects of various magical herbs.

There are so many subjects at Hogwarts, and not all teachers are so interesting.

For example, Professor Binns, who is in charge of the history of magic class, the only ghost teacher in the whole school and the longest-standing Hogwarts teacher, is very boring.

Obviously a ghost, and teaching such a rich subject as the history of magic, two such interesting things combined, but...... Why did the history of magic become a remedial lesson?

Professor Binns taught it in the same way he existed—lifeless.

Whether it's a bloody history like the Goblin Rebellion, or a historic event like the International Confederation of Wizards Secrecy Act, Professor Binns is able to say every word without emotion, like an emotionless rod reading machine.

Conno seriously suspected that Professor Binns would have worked at Hogwarts from its founding to the present, and that it must be because Professor Binns was a ghost, so Hogwarts did not need to pay him a penny.

To sum it up in one simple word: cheap!

and Professor Trelawney, who is in charge of the divination class on the top floor of Hogwarts Castle, is also a person who is not very easy to get along with.

Trelawney was thin and wore a pair of large glasses with a high prescription, which made Trelawney's pupils protrude.

She has all kinds of jewelry on her body, and with a head of unkempt hair, she looks nervous.

One thing to say, this temperament is quite in line with the positioning of the professor of divination.

When Conno saw the various necklaces around Trelawney's neck, the rows of bracelets and rings on his arms and palms, he suddenly wondered if these decorations would crush Trelawney's fragile body.

But when Trelawney greeted him in that soft, indistinct voice, all of Conno's worries swept out of his head.

He still remembered that during a divination class on Tuesday, Trelawney grabbed his hand and said, "Professor Kong, it's terrible! Why are you still in this world? I can see the hole in your forehead! And the terrible phantom from hell, from that which is not of this world! You should not exist in this world!"

Conno's face darkened, and it was the first time he had ever met someone who greeted him with a "You're already a dead man."

At the Friday night party, he shared the story with Flitwick and Sprout, and they both laughed from ear to ear.

Flitwick took his wand to clean up the tea that had been spilled on the table, and comforted: "We have heard similar things from students before, don't worry, you are in better shape than everyone else, and nothing will happen."

Sprout bowed his head and said, "Yes! Professor Trelawney often prophesied to new faces, all of them about death. But I ...... Hahaha...... It was the first time she had said such a thing to a teacher.

Flitwick patted Conno on the shoulder, "Don't worry about Connor, maybe it's because you're so young, she thinks you're still a student! We haven't had a young teacher at Hogwarts for almost a decade." "

Hey!" Sprout sighed, "the young teacher is just Snape, but he's really too hard to get along with!" When I go to the lounge, the little guy often complains to me, and when he doesn't do anything wrong, Snape deducts five points from him.

"It's the same with Ravenclaw. Flitwick nodded approvingly, "My students are usually pretty well-behaved, but occasionally they get deducted points for minor mistakes. "

Say. Conno touched his chin, "He can deduct the scores of other houses at will, wouldn't it be nice if you deduct them from the Slytherin students?"

Flitwick shook his head, "It's a matter of principle, and if we retaliate, it's easy to make the relationship between the four houses worse!"

"Yes!" Sprout chimed in. Because of the mystery man, the relationship between the four houses is really too tense now, and Slytherin House is almost completely isolated.

Flitwick gave a nostalgic expression, "I remember when Dumbledore was a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, the relationship between the four houses was still very good, I really miss it!"

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