The helmet is ready, the Red Flame Sword has been repainted, and the next step is the exterior features.

His chest rose and fell, and he began to breathe, stretching his body, and his muscles and flesh made a crackling sound like chaff.

The original height of two meters shrank by twenty centimeters in an instant, but the body swelled up instantly, the inner lining was tightly propped up, and the muscles were clearly and towering, like hard stones.

"Ahem......" He began to control his throat and stretch inhale and exhale, and his thick voice, which was originally slightly hoarse and magnetic, became even more harsh and louder, "Hehe...... Click...... "

Well, that's the voice of a classic villain, he nodded with satisfaction.......

Kong Nuo checked again, and after making sure that everything was ready, he took out a windbreaker that was also purple-gray from the martial arts golden pill and replaced his original white windbreaker.

These trench coats are custom-made by the Tailor-Made Clothing Store, and all kinds of magic are added to the weaving process, and after a rapid change on the body, they have perfectly matched the body shape.

When everything is ready, let's go!

Conno Edgeworth quickly approached the beach, but the moment the tip of the Red Flame Sword just crossed the beach, the Red Flame Sword, which had been flying at a high speed, suddenly stopped, and then fell to the ground.

At the same time, Azkaban appeared with countless beeps, which possessed magical powers, had no effect on the physical body at all, but tortured the human spirit.

"Hey, magic. Conno looked into the distance, and two wizards in gray hats were rushing to him.

The two wizards ran back as they pulled out their wands and held them to their throats, warning them to drown out the buzzers.

"The wizards in front of you stop advancing! Hands up! Give up resistance! Any resistance you put in now will increase your punishment in Azkaban's prison!"

This ensures that passing Muggles will not discover the existence of wizarding buildings, so only wizards can enter the areas protected by the Muggle Expulsion Charm.

Seeing that Conno didn't say a word, they stopped talking and began to raise their wands to attack as they ran.

Waves of magic light drifted past Conno, smashed on the sand, and landed in the waves, exploding in a splash.

"What kind of human stroke master ......" Kong Nuo was a little puzzled.

Do these two men think it's very visually appealing as they run and cast their magic, or is it to create the illusion that the attack is fierce?

As he strolls around as if shopping, the magic of the two wizards on the other side is getting more and more outrageous, and there is a tendency for a two-person fireworks display.

The reason is that the two wizards started at the gate of the prison wall, trotted all the way to chant incantations, and when they really approached him, Conno found that their lips were white.

Conno sighed, "Shouldn't this janitor be so powerful?"

Actually, this was due to the fact that he didn't know about the Ministry of Magic, and didn't know what it meant for Azkaban to guard the wizard.

Compared to being in the Centaur Liaison Office, which is already on the edge of the Ministry of Magic, coming to Azkaban to guard the gate is the real torture.

The wizards who are usually sent to Azkaban to guard the gates are basically people who are not very proficient in magic and have made mistakes in their original positions.

In addition, the Dementors would occasionally want to open a small stove and soak up the fresh pleasures, and they would fly out of Azkaban and onto the beach.

They will engage in some unhurried interactions with the caretaker, swapping between happy and negative emotions, and are very friendly.

And these caretaker wizards who lose their happiness and gain negative emotions will make their already unproficient magic even more regressive, and the magic power in their bodies will also decay simultaneously.

Seeing them approaching, Conno suddenly raised his wand and shouted at one of the wizards......, "Stupefy!"


Before the caretaker wizard could wonder why he didn't have anything to do, a fist the size of a casserole suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Immediately after that, there was no more, and the caretaker wizard's eyes went black and he fell directly to the ground.

The other caretaker had arrived by this time, and when he saw his companion fall to the ground first, he seemed to be frightened, and let out a strange scream and turned to run.

Kong Nuo found that this caretaker wizard actually turned his head, and immediately showed joy, directly took back his wand to the martial arts golden pill, kicked his leg like a gust of wind, and caught up with the fleeing caretaker wizard.

"Stupefy!" he shouted, giving the wizard a brain.

After dealing with the two caretaker wizards, Conno looked up at the sky, and at this time, several slender figures wearing rag cloaks appeared in the sky.

The elongated figures seemed to have no body in their cloaks, tangled and tangled with each other like indescribable filth.

At the same time, the already gloomy sky became even more gloomy, like the scene before the imminent storm, and the clouds seemed to be splashed with a layer of ink.

"Whew...... Hiss...... Call...... Hiss...... "

The beach where Azkaban is located, the beeping continues to cause harsh disturbances.

Above the tower, more and more elongated figures poked out half of their heads, then squeezed out of Azkaban's newly appeared window.

This scene looks quite like the terrifying atmosphere of ghosts opening wide and ghosts walking at night in movies in the previous life.

The dark clouds in the sky seemed to be affected by these figures, and began to fall one snowflake after another.

At the same time, due to the lack of dementor restraint in the tower, more intense shouts and wild laughter were heard.

"This one doesn't look good...... There are too many scars on the hands...... I can see that my scalp is numb......"

"Hmm...... Why is this one so rotten, I'm afraid I can't wring out the juice when I catch it......"

"Hiss...... Why is this one's mouth so unserious!It's really nasty, how the hell are you guys?"

The Dementor floated around Conno, opening open the hollow that could barely be called a mouth full of folds, trying to suck all the positive emotions of pleasure and pleasure out of him.

"Hey...... If you're not too young, I'll pick you.

Conno continued to critique the Dementors as if they were showing off their own round after round, and eventually picked out a Dementor that was barely to his heart's content.

The Dementor's cloak was broken regularly and the size was perfect, and the scabs on the outside of the cloak weren't very noticeable, making it the best-looking one of all the Dementors.

"It's you!" Conno stomped at his feet, leaping into the air and grabbing at one of the Dementors.

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