On Sunday morning, the Quidditch House Cup, which is almost the anticipation of the whole school, will begin.

Wizards' entertainment was lacking, and the only thing left was Quidditch, except for the spitting spitting stones, the exploding catch-to-match cards (Crackle Punch), and the striking-to-be-a-game chess (Wizard Chess).

Quidditch is a game with no specific time count, and as long as the Seekers don't find the Snitch, the game never stops (the longest is usually three months).

Compared to football and basketball, there are only seven players on either side of the Quidditch team, and unless there are very special circumstances, these seven players must hold out for the entire match.

Although the number of people is relatively small, there are a lot of balls that Quidditch needs to use.

Each of the two teams playing Quidditch has a Seeker, who is usually the quickest, most responsive, most eye-catching, and most agile person in the entire team, and needs to find the Golden Snitch to score 150 points to end the match.

Before the Seeker can find the Golden Snitch, all the points are scored by three chasers, who pass the Quaffle to the basket and get 10 points for each hit.

Goalkeepers understand that they need to stay in front of their own goal to make sure that the Quaffle doesn't land on any of the three baskets.

There are also two batsmen, and the team in this position is responsible for shooting the Bludger and hitting it around the opposing player.

The Bludger has a magic spell on it, and when it is released, it will start hitting people like a mad dog, so it is necessary for the batsman to deal with the Bludger.

Conno himself didn't know much about the rules of Quidditch, but he sat next to Flitwick.

The head of Ravenclaw, although he is not suitable for the sport of Quidditch, has a good understanding of the rules.

This is also somewhat similar to the style of the Ravenclaw team, who are the best of the four academy teams at using the rules, and sometimes even fouls that the referee does not notice are pointed out by the Ravenclaw players.

Conno and Flitwick sat at the back of the viewing platform, chatting with each other.

Conno couldn't help but smile when he saw Professor McGonagall with an expectant expression on her face, "I thought Professor McGonagall wouldn't like such a fierce confrontation, she should wish that the group of lions cubs would always be in order."

Flitwick waved his hand, "She usually treats students seriously, but it is precisely because of Minerva that the Gryffindor lion cubs did not blow up the school."

"But when it comes to Quidditch, she wants her house to win more than any Gryffindor player. "

And this kind of thing?" Conno was slightly surprised.

After all, if Professor McGonagall usually violates the school rules, then the lion cub will definitely deduct a little more points.

Strict self-discipline is her consistent rule, and it is also the standard she disciplines the students of her college.

Well...... It was a stark contrast to Snape.

Flitwick leaned over and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "This was told to me by Pomona, and Minerva was a member of the Quidditch team in the first place.

"When she was in seventh grade, she had a Quidditch Cup match that would have resulted in a foul on a Slytherin player that resulted in a concussion and several broken ribs.

"There was no suspense in losing that game, so whenever it was a Gryffindor and Slytherin match, she would pay attention, just hoping to see the Gryffindor team crush the Slytherin team.

And since she was out for a foul, she only wanted the Gryffindor team to play Slytherin in a dignified way.

Conno touched his nose, "Then I actually suggest that Professor McGonagall stop watching this game, and the blood pressure will go up."

Flitwick raised an eyebrow, "Is it because of the question Slytherin asked you?"

"It's Professor Flitwick, I'll guess it right away!" Conno complimented.

Flitwick let out a long breath, "I've read all of your textbooks, and there's a lot to study in them. Especially the knowledge about acupuncture points made me feel a sense of enlightenment.

"By the way, isn't it a standing pile? I think that's probably the most conducive part of flying, I'm afraid that's why the Slytherin team was ugly after training last month, right?"

Conno smiled: "They're too anxious, if they weren't in a hurry to achieve something, they wouldn't have strained their crotch." But looking at the way they are playing now, the training effect is very good.

Ms. Hodge came to the center of the court with a broomstick, and the two teams quickly approached her.

As Ms. Hodge blew the whistle, the two teams immediately pulled out their broomsticks and flew high into the air.

The Weasley twins' best buddy, Lee Jordan, was in charge of the day's commentary and didn't shy away from favoring the Gryffindor team during the game.

This is where Professor McGonagall comes in, always speaking out when Lee Jordan goes too far.

As Flitwick said, Professor McGonagall just wanted to see the Gryffindor team beat Slytherin in the most righteous way, rather than resorting to all sorts of tricks.

The game was in full swing, and whenever the Gryffindor team scored, Professor McGonagall would immediately show her passionate side, cheering and clapping her hands.

Except for Harry, who got the latest Halo 2000, the Gryffindor team used the old model from more than ten years ago, and the quality of the broomstick was not as good as that of Slytherin.

Conno could see that the little snakes were very attentive during this time, and they had already surpassed the Gryffindor team by a whole level in the control of the broomsticks.

Whether it's the "Parkin pincer tactics" that require duo cooperation to complete, or the "double 8 round fly" that can be more efficient in goal, these are professional moves that should be practiced by professional players, and today's Slytherin teams can imitate a 60% similarity.

Conno didn't understand the terms, but Lee Jordan, who was in charge of the commentary, knew it.

"Wood stops the goal, Arya catches the ball and don't lose it! The Ghost Fly Ball comes to Angelina's hand, bypassing the big Slytherin man and preparing to throw!Bletch actually uses a double 8 to fly in a circle, and Gryffindor's attack is still in vain!Merlin's broomstick! Is this the same Slytherin that walked sideways like a manticore-like last month?".

This black brother's racial talent is very good, not only to tell the game clearly, but even to make a single bet, the commentary can turn him into a rap.

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