Dax was very aggrieved. If it weren't for the limitations of the venue, what would he do with this powerful fire spell even if it burned vigorously? But the reality was that he was trapped in the arena and couldn't go anywhere.

He knew very well that he had no room to dodge, no time to extinguish the spell, and there was only one thing he could do now: hold on.

The Fire Spell requires a spell, unlike many spells, because once the caster doesn't care about it, the Fire will quickly get out of control, which is extremely dangerous for the caster himself.

In fact, many wizards who are not skilled enough can't control the fire for a long time even if they hold a spell, or even can't control it at all, and as soon as they release it, they will lose control, and then burn everything around them. But for Solim and Dax, it wasn't a difficult task to control the fire, it just depended on their magic and whether they were disturbed while holding the spell.

The Magical Defense of the Duel Arena had been activated, confined the monstrous flames in the arena to a semicircular space, and the boundaries between the black flames and the magical defenses were clearly defined at this time.

A lot of people in the room couldn't sit still.

The Fire Spell is not a clever spell, and it is not difficult for pure-blood wizards to learn, but the power of the Fire Spell lies in the flames that can burn everything - if it is burned even a little, the object will be burned in the blink of an eye, and not even a trace of ash will be left.

Elrond also raised his ass a little uneasily, he, like the others, was completely obscured by the black flames, and could not spy on the specific situation in the field.

"Don't worry, it's not over yet. "Levits is not in a hurry, he is not worried at all that the two little guys can break the defense, the fire is powerful, but it also has to be burned~ to come.

Solim was already sweating on his forehead, this was the first time he had used the Powerful Fire Spell with all his might, although he had practiced sporadically before, but he was afraid that he would always rein in his strength because he was afraid of losing control, so he did not have a comprehensive understanding of the mana consumed by this spell. He was able to hold on, but hard.

Dax was a chicken thief, and he had his back to the defense of the dueling arena, which allowed him to have no worries about the fire burning from behind him, but he was still struggling because he was also controlling the fire—his own fire.

He did have a protective charm that could completely resist the fire, but he didn't use it due to the excessive consumption, and he used it now, but instead of instilling magic as recklessly as Solim, he tried his best to control his fire in front of him. Use the Burning Flame trait to consume Solim's fire.

Dax wasn't a wizard who excelled at the fine control of his magic, at least not compared to Solim. He needed to keep his fire in check with the defensive magic of the field behind him—or else Solim's fire would flow through the gap. At the same time, he can't push his fierce fire outward, because this will not only increase his mana consumption, but also increase the contact area of his fierce fire defense and field defense magic, making it more difficult to control.

Solim's fierce fire is like a wave, constantly washing away Dax's defenses, and the strength is getting stronger and stronger, causing Dax to also have to adjust the fierce fire under his control in time.

It's like two inflated balloons squeezing each other, and Solim and Dax are the two needles in the two balloons, and whichever one touches the balloon first and pops it will lose instantly.

You know, even the caster's own control of the fire is untouchable, and the nature of the fire does not show mercy to your men just because you are its controller, and it will burn you to ashes.

Solim couldn't see Dax, but he could get feedback from the fire he controlled. He could clearly feel that Dax's control of the fire was inferior to his own, and when his fire hit like a wave but temporarily faded because it did not break through, Dax's fire would expand outward because of the excessive defense before.

Armed with this information, Solim began to change his attack, no longer charging back and forth to attack, but like a wrestler, he stuck his fire on it and began to add force violently.

Dax was caught off guard by this blow, and his fierce defense almost stuck to his nose! When Dax's living space was squeezed smaller and smaller, he also began to exert his strength, slowly but firmly pushing up his defense.

Solim clearly felt the strength of Dax's defenses, and he began to throw his magic into the fire spell desperately.

The sudden stress and crisis convinced Dax that Solim was ready to break through his defenses in one fell swoop, so he no longer cared about his mana drain.

At this time, Dax was like a big man with tense muscles who was about to slam the door open with his shoulder, both physically and mentally prepared, just waiting for the shoulder to collide violently with the door...... Sadly, he slammed open a hidden door.

Dax's fierce fire erupted violently, and Solim's fierce fire was swept away, although a lot of each other's fierce fire and Dax's fierce fire were annihilated during the period, but there were still many fierce fires belonging to Dax in the field.

After a soft "snap", Solim appeared to Dax's left, as Dax was holding the staff in his right hand, and his left side would have the advantage.

"Out of body!"

Through the fierce fire that had not yet dissipated, Dax saw Solim's face close at hand......

The Imperius Curse was all too familiar to Dax, a graduate of Sculler, but even if he could break free for a short time, it would not help, and in the few seconds he could break free from the Imperius Curse, Solim could give him what he wanted.

At the last minute, Dax did break free from Solim's Imperius curse, but all he could do now was look at Solim one more time—one last time.

Dax had a splitting headache and could no longer stay awake, only moaning meaninglessly, and soon these sounds disappeared like the previous fire......

The wizards watching the battle widened their eyes as they looked at Solim, the only one standing in the field. And...... The shrunken skull he held in his black hand bones.

Dax's headless body lay at Solim's feet, and it became clear who the winner of the duel was.

Black hand bones, white skulls...... The two stark colors are particularly striking in the scene at this time.

In full view, Solim defeated his eldest brother, and no one will ever compare their strength again.

"Solim!win!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

The referee's announcement ended the duel six.

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