Solim walked carefully, he had to keep an eye on his step, otherwise he might fall straight into the air with one step. He actually wanted to fly up directly at first, but he thought that this was someone's territory, and it would be rude to do so. So he thought about being lazy and just let Ash take him up, but then he realized that something was wrong.

He couldn't feel the connection between the ashes and him anymore.

Demps had left, and Solim had to follow his previous instructions and honestly follow the path he had dug into the rock face through an extremely narrow path.

It was the Clermont family's settlement, but to Solim, Clermont was more of a clan tribe than a wizarding family.

As he walked through the small building, Solim met several people who were wearing things that didn't match the wizards outside, and their hair colors weren't uniform, though they weren't necessarily representative of blood.

The natives looked a little surprised to see Solim, but they didn't seem to want to communicate with him, just stood there and watched him until Solim walked up the path of the rock face.

It's not easy to walk, it's really hard to walk......

Solim is sure he's never been so attentive to his ankle control. The path on the rock face was so narrow that in some places you could only stand on the forefoot, and Solim was really worried that he would fall off without his balance, because the terrain was getting higher and higher.

Suddenly Solim's cold 203 sweat came down...... He took out his wand, ready to use magic to make it easier for him, but he found that he couldn't seem to use any of the spells.

Solim leaned against the rock wall, motionless.

Although he had walked hard, he had no burden in his heart, even if he was getting higher and higher off the ground, because he was sure not to get hurt even if he stumbled and stepped into the air.

But this certainty was based on the fact that he could use magic.

Now suddenly I find myself a Muggle...... At the height Solim was at right now, it wasn't a problem with the fall.

The unbeliever tried again, and Solim was 100% sure that he couldn't use magic anymore, not even a simple levitation charm.

Do you still have to move forward in this situation?

Solim's expression grew strange as he stared at the narrow foothold beneath his feet, and then he closed his eyes and felt ...... The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Solim reopened his eyes. Then he moved his neck......

Truth be told, Solim hadn't used his Animagus in a long time, but this magic was learned when it was learned, and there was no question of forgetting.

But Solim still had a problem.

The road on the rock face is narrow, but it is not a problem for snakes. But the problem for Solim is that he's molting......

This is the biggest difference between the snake Animagus and other types of Animagus - the snake is to molt.

Solim is feeling very bad right now, very bad. It wasn't that he hadn't molted before, but this time it was particularly bad, and he knew what was going on—he hadn't molted in the form of Animagus for too long. Now, if an outsider were on the side, they would find that Solim had been molted by snakes.

If it were a change of environment, it would have been very difficult, but Solim could still break free, but where was he now? On the narrow rock wall, this place where snakes can crawl, but if they want to molt here, there is only one result - to roll down from here.

Everything that happened here in Solim was watched by the two men standing above him.

"Didn't you ask him how long it had been since he had been transformed?" the owner of the voice was a little dissatisfied, but it wasn't directed at Solim.

"No, I think he'll confirm his Animagus form before he comes, after all, our conversation has explicitly mentioned his Animagus, and judging by his usual way of doing things, he will-"

"But he didn't come as you thought, did he?"

"Maybe it's the duel that has taken too much of his energy, it makes sense, do you want me to deal with it?"

"Go on—wait, did this kid really kill his big brother?"

"That's what the madwoman said, using a skull-shrinking charm that I didn't know where I learned, but I didn't ask for details. "

"Well, go ahead and bring the snake back. "

Solim was extremely uncomfortable (CDFG), he wanted to break free, but there was no way at all, in this case he didn't even dare to disarm his Animagus form, one was that he didn't dare to guarantee that disarming Animagus at this time would not affect his human form, and the second was that he was worried about falling from here when he regained his human form, after all, there was not much room for error here.

Just as he was thinking about how to get out of his predicament, he noticed that the snake that was bound to his body was being stripped away layer by layer, and using the snake's unique sensory organs, Solim noticed the people around him.

"Go up on your own. "It's English, but it's so close that snakes can still hear their poor hearing.

Unrestrained, Solim began to snag his way, using the muscles in his abdomen to lead his body forward — really, more than on two feet.

By the time Solim had taken on his human form again, he had made it to his final destination: the man-made structure at the top of the cavern.

There were two people in front of him, one was Demps's uncle, and the other was a little silver-haired old man about five feet tall.

Seeing the snake at their feet, Solim knew it was his own.

"The Selwyn family's ......" Solim was a little unsure of the path of the old man in front of him, but it was normal to make a salute according to the etiquette of the pure-blood family.

But people didn't pay attention to this set of "standard procedures" at all, but said extremely impatiently: "Okay, okay, don't Selwyn, I get annoyed when I hear this name." "

Solim couldn't answer that. []

"Okay, boy, listen up......" The old man didn't mean to introduce himself, and seemed to be the kind of person who likes to get straight to the point. But as soon as he began his words, he stared at the top of Solim's head with a serious face......

Then he grimaced and slammed the wooden staff that appeared in his hand to Solim's chest as he stared at him in shock.

Very peculiar feeling.

The feeling of being pricked with a needle is completely different from being poked with a wooden stick – the type of pain is different.

Although Solim was poked in the chest, he felt a stinging pain all over his body, like a pinprick pain. But this sting is different, if you have to say it...... It's a sense of distance.

Solim could feel his body at this moment, but the tingling was not happening where he was standing, as if he had two bodies, one standing here and the other suffering the tingling pain all over his body.

Instinctively turned around to look, and then Solim looked incredulous—he saw himself.

Solim is no stranger to this "self" behind him, he has seen a lot of them at Hogwarts, it is a ghost, but the "self" he sees is more solid.

The silver-haired old man stared at Solim's "ghost" at this time, and said in an extremely disgusted tone, "This is our family's secret, are you preparing to break the contract?"

Solim thought that today's events were too incredible, as he saw a smaller "ghost" emerge from his "ghost", and that face was familiar to him - Cadmus.

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