Compound decoction is already a pediatric thing that Solim has at his fingertips now. In order to verify the standard recipe in the textbook, Snape's improved formula, and the formula provided by Gilves, Solim was frenzied and boiled 12 pots of compound decoction at the same time, divided into 3 control groups, just to distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of these 3 formulas.

Nearly 2,000 Galleons were spent on potion materials alone, with more than half of them spent on bicornus horn powder and African tree snake skin. Every year, there are not many African tree snakeskins on the market, this aspect depends on the faces of African suppliers, and the trade is mainly for the major potions associations and pure-blood families, the number of African tree snakeskins that can enter the market is very small, and Solim has almost used up the stock that Gilvais gave him at the beginning.

As for the horn powder of the bicorn, it is even more difficult to get it, which is a serious first-class contraband. You can't find it in the world, and there are some that are sold in Tumbledown Alley, but they are scarce and the asking price is extremely high.

Solim had even written to Gilves in order to get enough bicornus horn powder—after he had used up the stock in his chest.

Such a huge cost will certainly pay off.

Solim ended up using the recipe provided by Gilves. It's not that Snape's recipe is bad, it's that the two recipes have different emphasis.

Gilves's recipe is the kind of perfect 290 beauty formula that takes into account all aspects, and the compound decoction with this recipe and boiling method lasts at least 80 minutes, which is the conclusion of Solim's experiments.

Snape's recipe is simpler than Gilves's, and uses fewer ingredients, but the potion takes effect in 80 minutes at most. Solim calculated that according to Snape's method, the material could be saved by one-seventh, and the boiling time could be advanced by four days.

These two recipes and their respective recipes have their own merits. In general, those who are not short of money can use Gilves's one, and the effective time of the compound decoction can generally last for an hour and a half.

Solim was going to use this, and Slughorn would provide all the materials anyway, so it was polite.

As for the textbook recipe......

Solim could only say that if he copied the methods in the book in the seventh grade Potions class, he would only get a "good" to survive. Not to mention the cumbersome steps, the specific amount of various materials is not clear, and there are a lot of vague terms such as "a spoonful", "a little" and "moderate", and if you really follow the methods in the textbook, you can only get a pot of slimy and unpleasant garbage.

This is not to say that the textbook approach is wrong. The methods provided in the book are indeed possible, but it takes a lot of practice to confirm the vague descriptions above.

For example, when stirring a crucible, the textbook will give an approximate time, but it is rare to specify whether it is counterclockwise or clockwise, nor will it tell you whether the stirring should be fast or slow in each turn, let alone give an opinion on the selection of the stirring rod.

Solim never wastes time researching such details, he can always get the recipe he wants anyway, and since his predecessors have given a perfect method through their experience and efforts, what he has to do as a latecomer is to follow the steps.

He had never wanted to achieve anything with potions anyway. For Solim, a pragmatist, the goal is to be able to master the brewing of various potions, and to improve the recipe or something, it is up to the wizards who are interested in it.

Solim single-handedly chose a No. 9 crucible, and the other students used No. 7. His move caught Slughorn's eye.

"Oh, my dear Solim. Slughorn squeezed from behind Sabini with a shy stomach, "I'm sure you won't do something meaningless, you didn't choose the 7th crucible like everyone else, you chose the 9th crucible, can you tell me why?"

"Nothing. Solim tossed the flowleaf grass he had already processed into the crucible, "Just to save some time." "

As he spoke, he broke up two more bundles of two-eared grass and pressed them on the preparation table to prepare for cutting.

"Oh, it seems that you have mastered an improved recipe for some kind of polyjuice potion?" Slughorn saw Solim's movements, and said keenly, "I will also cut the ear grass and put it in the cauldron while the polyjuice decoction is boiling. "

"Yes, Professor. Solim clapped his hands, he had just thrown the processed two-eared grass into the cauldron, "But as far as I know, there are quite a few improved recipes for the Polyjuice Potion. "

With a snap of his fingers, a stirring rod made of fluorite began to stir counterclockwise at a uniform speed.

"I don't think I've ever seen anything like this. Slughorn looked at the half-exposed fluorite stirring rod in the crucible with some confusion, "I know it's made of wood and quartz, but I've never seen one of fluorite. "

"Did you improve it yourself?" Slughorn was a little excited.

"Professor, you think too highly of me. Solim shook his head, took two lacewings in front of him and threw them into the mortar, picked up the bowl and pestle and began to work, "I don't have the complicated recipe for improving the compound decoction, I just have to learn the same." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The cauldron was stirred for 40 minutes, which was used to process the rest of the material, and the students in the classroom were busy at this time, but a few near Solim would glance over from time to time. But it was clear that they couldn't get any help from Solim because of the different methods.

Slughorn spoke a few more words to Solim and began to check through the other students' progress. Seeing the fat professor leave, Draco hurried over.

"Which one do you use?"

Draco had also received a lot of improved potions recipes from Solim, and he was quite interested in this, after all, potions were lucrative, and many pure-blood families used potions to make money, and a good recipe was worth a fortune. Draco was clear on that side.

"The kind that works best. Solim finished pounding the lacewings and began tossing the African tree snake skin again, for which he fetched a new mortar.

"I used Professor Snape's one. Draco looked around and whispered, "This one is the fastest, and it's easy." "

"Then you'll be like Harry's, do you believe it?" Solim raised his chin to the left.

Harry's movements were a little rusty at this point, after all, it was the first time he had officially brewed a polyjuice potion, but thanks to the textbook that Solim had given him, it was not too difficult for him to complete the class assignment.

Draco stared at Harry for a long time, finally making sure that he and he were using Snape's method.

"Damn, I would have ...... if I had known," Draco gritted his back molars, but before he could finish his sentence, he saw Weasley beside Harry, who was stretching his neck to read Harry's book, but he was obviously not as skilled at recognizing Snape's earthworm-like handwriting, which caused him to go awry in the third step of the first stage, when the Weasley's crucible was sparkling, apparently with a fire on fire. []

A foul smell spread through the classroom, and many students had to stop the boiling process.

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