Hogwarts can also be seen in Hogsmeade, and you only need to look beyond the Black Lagoon to see the majestic castle. Even here you can clearly see the four towers that stand tall,

"Maybe we'll be able to go up and have a look later," Solim said, "and the view up there is great, but we can only go to the Astronomy Tower." "

"Why? can't you go to the top of the other three towers?" said Elena, holding a glass of butterbeer in her hand, a light layer of foam on her lips.

"Hogwarts has four towers, one is the Gryffindor common room, and the other is the small library and stargazing platform in Ravenclaw, and these two places are considered the territories of their respective houses......"

"I see, just like our Ephamoni, the students of the Thunderbird Academy will never go to the basement of the Goblin Academy. Elena explained with her own knowledge.

"Pretty much. Solim and the passing Greengrass sisters nodded, "Ravenclaw doesn't object to anyone entering their break room, ZeroThirtySeven, provided they answer the question of the doorway." "

Elena looked at Solim, waiting for him to explain.

"It's a bronze knocker, and when you knock on it, it will give you a question, and if your answer satisfies it, you can go in. "

"What if you can't answer?"

Elena drank the butterbeer in her hand and tossed the glass on the floor—it was conjured by Solim using Transfiguration, and it wouldn't be long before it would disappear.

"I'm sure that's going to happen. Elena pulled out a handkerchief and wiped it on her lips to wipe the foam away.

Indeed, many Ravenclaw students have experienced the embarrassment of being shut out. But the good thing is that when one person can answer, the rest can go in one go. "

"That doesn't sound like much, but what about a tower?"

"That's the cita prepared by the owl, and it's where the owl rests. It is surrounded by large windows that are not glazed – to make it easier for them to get in and out, and also to ventilate. "

"Lots of owls?"

"Yes, it smells a bit big and there is owl droppings in the shed, so I don't recommend going there. "

Solim and the others turned a corner, and a straight uphill path appeared, at the end of which was a black gate.

"That's the main entrance to Hogwarts. Solim pointed ahead and said, "Every year when students return to school, they take a Thestrals' carriage there, and new students take a boat across the Black Lake. "

"Why are freshmen different?" Elena only had a fairly limited knowledge of Hogwarts, and this kind of historical involvement was certainly not clear.

"It was a ritual, and that's what the four founders of Hogwarts did. Solim looked to the right, which was in the direction of the Black Lake, "Don't underestimate this ritual, it's still a bit dangerous." "


"There's a huge squid in the lake, and every year a new student gets into the water from a small boat and goes to the sorting house soaking wet. Solim gestured to the size of the squid, "In addition to that, there are Grindillo and merfolk in the water." "

"That's where the Triwizard Tournament took place, right?" Elena was a little envious, "Ifamoni has never held this kind of event, and my school life is very boring. "

"But at least it's not dangerous, isn't it?" Solim noticed that Elena's shoes had changed slightly, after all, more than two hours had passed, and the Transfiguration had almost ended, so he took out his wand and touched up.

"When it's ordinary, it's passionate, and when it's ordinary, it's hard to take risks, but when these things really come, many people can't stand those stimuli. Solim shook his head, "Hogwarts hasn't been very peaceful in the past few years, and last year it was beaten in by some miscellaneous people from outside the school. "

Filch was no longer at Hogwarts, and Dumbledore didn't seem to have any plans to find another one anytime soon, and it was Hagrid standing at the door, who made a temporary cameo appearance as a janitor.

"Is that a giant?" said Elena, surprised to see Hagrid's unusual height.

"How did you learn magical creatures?" Solim looked at her in surprise, "Giants are on average twenty feet tall, and the short ones are no less than fifteen feet......

"Okay, so he's a half-blood giant?" Elena's mind spun quickly, after all, Hagrid's eleven-foot height knew he wouldn't be a pure-blooded human no matter how he thought about it.

"Well, half-blood giants. Didn't Sylna talk to you about him?"

Elena shook her head, Hagrid felt oppressive as she approached, the instinct of the creature told her that she should stay away from here, but reason told her that there would be no danger, but the tension could not be eliminated in a short time. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Feeling the harder and harder fingers on his arm, Solim reassured, "Don't worry, Hagrid has a very gentle personality, as long as he ...... Well, as long as you don't speak ill of Headmaster Dumbledore. "

"Oh, Solim, you went to Hogsmeade?"

Hagrid seemed to have been inflicted a permanent "loud voice" by someone, and his voice startled Elena.

"That's right, isn't there a banquet tonight, I'll pick up my female companion. Solim raised his hand in a greeting.....

"Well, I'm a little unlucky, it's my turn to watch the door to-day, or I'll be able to stay a little longer at Rosmerta. Hagrid's urn muttered, but it was still loud. []

He glanced at Elena, then gestured to the table next to his leg.

"Sign up, and then I'll see your invitation. "

Naturally, Slughorn's invitation could not be sent to Neasto, and that invitation was here in Solim. While Solim and Hagrid were talking, Elena took a pen and signed her name on the registration form.

"You probably shouldn't have gone to Ephamoni in the first place. "

After leaving Hagrid and officially entering the confines of Hogwarts, Solim's pace slowed down.

"Why? I have to go to school there, and my family won't allow me to leave the United States. Elena said.

"Maybe you should try Beauxbatons. Their headmaster, like Hagrid, is a half-blood giant. Madame Maxim was even taller than Hagrid. You won't be so scared if you stay there for a few years. "

"I'm not afraid...... It's just the first time I've seen it—" Elena stumbled in a vain attempt to deny.

"It's okay, I understand. Solim smiled, then leaned into Elena's ear and whispered, "Do you want to see the real giants? Hogwarts has them, although they can only be considered small in the giants, but they are real giants." "

Is there a real giant at Hogwarts? taller than the one named Hagrid?

Elena didn't think Solim was lying to her, but Hogwarts ...... Giants? Won't the students have an opinion? Giants are synonymous with brutality.

"I didn't lie to you. Feeling Elena's complicated gaze, Solim said with a smile on his face: "It's in the Forbidden Forest, you know, the best way to eliminate fear is to face it, come on! Ollie ......"


Suddenly a shrill scream interrupted Solim's attempt to have fun, and he and Elena quickly turned their heads to look at the place where the scream came from, and the students around them reacted in the same way, and they quickly converged towards the place where the screams came from.

Soon, Solim knew what was going on.

In the direction of the Forbidden Forest, there is a very piercing tree, which is the beating willow, and now this tree, which has witnessed countless historical events, is frantically beating the ground with its branches, and there is a girl with long hair who is struggling to hide in the place where her branches are shrouded......

The corners of Solim's eyes twitched, he was ready to go over and save the little girl who didn't know how thick the sky was, and then turn around and beat Evans down - yes, it was Evans's niece who caused the trouble.

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