Elena must admit that Hogwarts is more magnificent than Ilphamoni. Nothing else, but this hall alone is not a little stronger than Ephamoni as soon as he enters.

"It's so high!" Elena craned her neck, marveling at the barely visible ceiling, "is it really that tall, or is it magical?"

"Hogwarts is full of magic. Solim said, "Shall we take a stroll around the first floor first?"

Since it was still daytime, the huge torches surrounding the walls around the hall were not lit, otherwise it would have been quite atmospheric to walk into an old castle under a circle of blazing torches.

Directly opposite Elena was a sumptuous marble staircase leading upstairs. To the right of the foyer there is a double door that leads to the auditorium. From the foyer there is also access to the Hufflepuff common room, kitchen and dungeon. The foyer is located on the opposite side of the auditorium and there is a cabin where Professor McGonagall will have first-year students waiting for the new year's sorting ceremony.

Solim walked slowly with her, muttering, "That's the entrance to the basement, but there's the lounge that leads to the kitchen and Hufflepuff, and our Slytherin lounge is at the other entrance." "

"There's the Sorting Waiting Room, where the freshmen wait for each year. "

Solim pointed to a small room diagonally across the Great Hall.

And then ...... This is the Great Hall. "

Solim raised his arms and opened his hands in a "praise to the sun" pose.

Elena was stunned.

Anyone entering Hogwarts Hall for the first time will absolutely, absolutely be overwhelmed by the huge stained-glass glass directly across from them – there's no surprise.

"How's it going?" Solim turned around, admiring Elena's expression.

"I ...... I don't know," Elena looked a little dumbfounded, "Sylna told me about this, but I didn't expect it when I actually saw it......"

"Shocking, right?" Solim nodded understandingly, "I was the same, though...... Well, maybe it didn't show much at the time'. "

Solim is not lying, his own experience is completely different.

It's like being a person who has never seen the sea and has only seen it twice on TV, and this feeling is two very different experiences from standing by the sea in person. One relies solely on sight, while the other feels it with the whole body – the nose smells the sea breeze, the sand under your feet, the sound of the waves in your ears...... This is much more three-dimensional than just a vision.

Elena had only heard a little description of the Great Hall before, and all the images existed only in her imagination, but when she saw the grandeur of the place with her own eyes, her imagination immediately highlighted her own barrenness.

"That's right!!" Elena thought of what Sylna had said earlier about the ceiling of the Great Hall. So I hurriedly looked up and saw a blue sky.


"It's a bit of a contrast, isn't it?" Solim also raised his head in cooperation, "The effect is not very good during the day, let's wait until the evening." "


"Magic, of course. Solim knew a thing or two about this, "Professors can change it, all kinds of weather." You can even create a clear night sky when the clouds are thick and there is no starlight in the evening. "

"Ephamoni doesn't have it, right?" said Solim's tone, full of ostentation.

"Not really. Elena finally fixed her eyes on the candlesticks floating around the Great Hall, "Those candles...... Won't they drip wax?"

"Have you ever seen our candles drip melted wax on a table or floor—I'm talking about the one on Fair Island, of course? "

Solim looked strange, "Are your Greif candlesticks going to make wax dripping everywhere?"

"I ...... I never paid attention to those. "Elena is a bit embarrassed, it's really easy to overlook the little details.

Although it was daylight and it was not time to eat, there were still many people in the auditorium, and Professor Slughorn and Professor Flitwick were setting up the banquet for the evening, but the long tables of the four houses did not move due to the noon meal.

"We'll eat here at noon today, and we'll give you a taste of the house-elf craft. "

After saying hello to the two professors, Solim took Elena and prepared to go to the second floor. Slughorn, the fat man, wanted to be close to Elena, but he was too embarrassed to leave Professor Flitwick alone, and he would have talked anyway, so he didn't rush over. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There are a total of one hundred and forty-two staircases at Hogwarts. Some of them are big and wide, some are narrow and small, and they are wobbly, some go to different places every Friday, and some of them go up halfway up and a staircase suddenly disappears, and you have to remember where to jump over.

In addition, there are many doors that will not open unless you politely ask them to open them, or if you poke them in the right place, and some of them are not real doors at all, but just solid walls that look like doors.

While looking at the portraits hanging on the staircase, Elena listened to Solim's complaints about the Hogwarts staircase:

"Every year, yes, without exception, there are new students who arrive late on the first day of school because they get lost and can't figure out the stairway - but mostly in Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, and we in Slytherin and Hufflepuff are less likely to have that concern, at least we can avoid the central staircase. "

"The portrait was empty. Elena pointed to a table and fruit in a painting and said, "I just saw someone in it." "

"Let's go to the door, it's very common. Solim replied casually, "Doesn't Ephamoni have magical character portraits?"

"Yes, but very few, only in some specific places where you can see them, I don't know much about this. "

Elena had seen the appearance of those little wizards from No-Maj when they first went to Ifamoni, and she felt that she was not much different from those who had never seen the wizarding world.

Ephamoni may be the premier wizarding school in the Americas, but compared to Hogwarts, which has been established for thousands of years, it seems to be a little lacking.

Maybe not "somewhat", but rather inadequate. []

Magical portraits are not something that can be found everywhere, nor are they something that wizards can make the characters in them move and speak by casually. This is a rather special profession, and a skilled magician painting a painting is not an expense that ordinary families can afford.

Only famous alumni of Ilphamon can leave a portrait, and Hogwarts is everywhere. Although it was only the second floor, Elena had just looked up the central stairwell, and the walls of the entire stairwell were covered with magical portraits, densely packed, and she even suspected that the entire Hogwarts magical portraits could cover the outer walls of Ilphamoni Castle.

After cleaning up her mood, Elena thought that Solim would take her to visit some historical monumental places, no matter how bad it was, it would be a classroom for regular classes, but she didn't expect that Solim actually took her into a women's bathroom.

Although it was large, it was indeed a women's bathroom, and Elena also heard a suspicious movement from the innermost part of the cubicle.

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