The Brawnighen forest covers an area of 846 hectares. The longest point from north to south is 3.5 kilometers, and the widest point from east to west is 2.6 kilometers, and it is under the jurisdiction of the City of Paris. Along with the Bonné de Vincennes southeast of Paris, they are considered the two "lobes of the lungs" that absorb oxygen in Paris. The forest is crisscrossed by roads and lush trees, with the Seine flowing north to the west and the wealthy district of Paris to the east.

Since the 18th century, the Bourne de la Braigne has been open to the public. In the early years, it was the royal garden, the king's hunting ground, and in the time of Napoleon III, it was built in the style of the king's favorite London parks, with boulevards and artificial lakes built here, and later a zoo, amusement park, racecourse and football field and other entertainment facilities were gradually added. This beautiful place has always been a place of relaxation for Parisians.

Since 1961, the Braunie Forest has hosted the world's largest mass obstacle course, the Figaro Cross Country Race, for almost 40 years.

It stands to reason that such a lively place is generally a place that wizards avoid, but vampires are not wizards, and neither are werewolves. Compared to pure-blood wizards who deliberately keep their distance from ordinary people, they are more "close" to ordinary people.

More than 800 hectares of land, not too big or small, according to the "lively" level of the Bouloune forest, it is almost inevitable that vampires and werewolves will be discovered by ordinary people, but it can't stand the vampire casting a spell here - a very simple spell that Solim will use: the Muggle Expulsion Charm.

Of course, as a vampire family and a large colony of werewolves, there must be more than one Muggle banishment charm, and according to Vanessa, there are also the Undrawable Charm, the Lost Charm, the Ignore Charm, and two contracts that work together to defend vampire territory.

Under the spell, Solim and his party swaggered along the forest path, not caring about the occasional ordinary person noticing their "weird" costumes.

"A contract is for an outsider. Calvin said, "People like us who don't have markings on our bodies, once we enter a certain range, will be detected by the vampires inside. "

"So there's one left on the inside?" said Solim.

"It's not hard to guess, is it?" Calvin scowled towards a Pyrenees who were crouching on the side of the road watching them, and he even stretched out his leg to kick it.

"Hold back!" Vantha turned her head from the front of the line and glared at Calvin.

Solim found the eyes of the Pyrenees, who were tilting his head to look at them, and gave him a dementor.

They only used an improved Neglect Charm to make sure that the average person turned a blind eye to them, but for animals with keen senses, they were still able to detect this large group of people.

Of course, there are also wizards.

After feeling the slightly chaotic emotions coming from the Pyrenees, Solim terminated the magic. He could be sure that the dog was not an Animagus.

Kent sensed Solim's movements.

"While prudence is a virtue, and your vigilance is commendable, it is best not to read the emotions of the animals in a rash manner. "

Kent whispered, "Beware of being plotted. "

"Plotted?" Solim wondered, "What kind of scheme?"

"There used to be a guy named Bradley who loved magical creatures and used his dementor to communicate with animals when he had nothing to do. Kent told the story, "His detrimental reading is said to be remarkable. "

"And then?"

And then he went crazy. "


"yes, crazy. "Someone did something to his favorite dog-tail, injected hysterical madness into it, and covered it up with the dog's usual emotions, when one day Bradley communicated with his beloved pet as usual......"

Kent gave Solim a "you know" look.

—in Bradley's unpreparedness, hysterical madness captured his heart. He briefly regained his senses at considerable cost to his friends, reportedly for less than a minute. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Completely consumed by madness?" Sollim scratched his head, "There must be something else, even if the mere emotional shock can temporarily dissipate and suppress the wizard's heart, it won't last long without replenishment." "

Solim began to habitually look at things from an academic perspective.

"Is this what Kent is bringing your attention to?" Vanthasa listened with her ears pricked up for a long time, and hurried to lecture him when she heard Solim completely distort the point, "Didn't you tell you not to use the Divine Mind on the animals at will?"

"Don't be too harsh. "

At this moment, a male voice that sounded a little flirtatious interjected. []

"It's a good thing for young people to have the courage to try. There's a spell and a time to fire back, right? You can't stop him from using a spell, right?"

"Shut up!" Vanessa immediately turned around and got into an argument with the wizard.

Ricardo. Greco - an Italian wizard who speaks English in the same way as he does in Italian, pronouncing every letter, which makes Solim feel awkward when he listens to it.

But this guy comes from an amazing family: "respectable" Greco. Anyone, anyone, including Muggles who don't know magic, can turn to the Greco family for help when they are in trouble.

Of course, they don't do it without returns. They will help you first and then charge an "equivalent" return. If you're asking for money, the Greco family will ask for money in return, and if you want revenge, then the Greco family will help you get revenge, and then they'll ask you to help you when the Greco family makes a move against their enemies.

Equivalent exchange, Tong Su is not bullied.

At least on the surface. They never had any news that tarnished the family's reputation, which made quite a few people flock to the members of the family. Because they want to get the "(of) friendship" of the Greco family.

Vanessa is obviously the one who has the "friendship" of the Greco family, otherwise they would not have directly sent five "professionals" over.

Unless these five people are all great wizards who are good at fighting, what use can it be?

Solim had thought so, after all, the disparity in numbers was here, but Kent told him privately that the young man named "Ricardo" had single-handedly destroyed a wizarding family, a pure-blood family with two great wizards.

This is not a small family, even if it is a great wizard who is not good at fighting, this kind of record is already quite terrifying. Solim felt that he was useless compared to this man who was not much older than himself.

"Lift your spirits!" Vanessa snapped reminded, "they've spotted us!"

Solim flicked his wrist and took his wand into his hand. He took a deep breath, knowing that the situation that followed would be a considerable test for him.

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