Just like Tumbledown Alley, there are similar places in Ba Noville Square, and in fact all wizarding bazaars have this "gray area", only the difference is in the size.

Even if it's just the first time you're there, anyone with long eyes will know that it's definitely not a good place. Tattered wizard robes, muddy black nails, malicious eyes, and blatant dangerous objects hanging in shop windows...... It's easy to raise your suspicion and decide that this is a place of lawlessness.

But Nordlingville Row, though not as wide as the main road, is hard for outsiders to judge from the appearance of the place - it is no different from the serious shops on the main road, it is also clean, and there are no suspicious people on the side of the street.

If it weren't for someone like Vanessa who knew the way well, it would have taken some effort for Solim to find the way.

The alcoholic is a church – from the outside, with its tall round dome and religious symbols everywhere, but it's actually a bar, and it's quite a lively one.

Where the church pews should have been placed were dozens of tables of Italian-speaking wizards who were drinking and talking, and the tables near the door continued to drink without paying attention after glancing at Solim and the others who had come in.

Solim forced his sleepy eyes to look around as he followed Kent. There were no waiters here, and the wine was flying in the sky, and he saw a guy raise his arm and grab a glass of amber liquid from mid-air, and throw the empty glass up, and the empty glass flew to the bar on its own.

The cups here follow a certain rule, with empty cups having a special route to the bar, while drinks of all flavours follow a fixed route in mid-air for customers to take at any time.

"How do they give money?" Solim poked with his hand ~ Kent in front.

Solim had obviously never seen such a scene, after all, he was a "country wizard", and there was no such high-end "flowering" in British pubs, and they usually paid for the wine with one hand.

"You'll find out later. "

Vanessa took the lead and led them to a booth against the wall, and after driving Solim to the innermost part, she took three glasses of wine from her head, Solim didn't have much research on such things, he used to drink only canyon water.

"What do you drink?" asked Vanessa, looking down at him.

"Canyon water. "

Immediately, Vanessa, Kent, and Calvin looked disdainful together.

"Canyon water?" Calvin sat down across from Solim, "there's something wrong with your kid's designation. "

They sat for nearly five minutes before a glass of canyon water fluttered over Vanthasa's head and she knocked it down.

As soon as Solim took a sip, the people from the Greco family came, and the leader was still the same Ricardo from last time, but the people around him were replaced by an old guy.

The group of wizards is similar to that of Chinese medicine, the older they get, the more powerful they become, after all, magic and experience take time to precipitate. It can also be seen from here how much attention the Greco family attaches to this time. The last time I worked with Vanessa, I just sent a few young guys to make up the numbers, but this time I came with an old guy.

Guaranteed is a great wizard.

Solim thinks so.

As soon as Ricardo came up, he was still not at ease, and asked Dumbledore about it again, and Solim naturally gave a positive answer, anyway, he was just a messenger and errand runner, and if something really went wrong at that time, they would also go to Dumbledore instead of themselves.

The group wasn't here to chatter, Kent and the others were thinking about their vacation, Greco couldn't wait to fulfill Dumbledore's promise, and Solim wanted to get rid of the curse he was currently holding on himself as soon as possible.

Leaning his neck to pour the last bits of canyon water into his stomach, Solim followed Greco's men to the back of the church with his sleepy eyes wide open and his cane.

In a fairly empty room, two people were napping in their chairs, and Solim and the others couldn't even get them to get up and take a look. Ricardo took the lead and walked towards the burning fireplace in the room.

The green fire flashed and he vanished.

Then the old man, then Kent and Solim, and Calvin the last.

As soon as Solim emerged from the fireplace on the other side, a pungent smell of blood and a strong stench mixed with the smell of rotting something rushed into his nostrils.

He must admit that in this moment the Sleepless Curse seemed to disappear, and his eyes widened as he quickly scanned the chaos around him:

It's a bar, too, but it's a different extreme than the one that came before.

He saw with his own eyes that two big-shouldered and round-waisted men were fighting with their sleeves rolled up, and then a somewhat thin woman picked up a bottle and gave it to the back of the head of one of them, and before she could make any next move, she was hit by a stool flying from behind, and fell under the table with a wail. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Following the woman who had fallen under the table, Solim realized that there were already many people lying on the ground, many of whom had mutilated limbs, those who lacked arms and legs were relatively lucky, and unfortunately some of their heads were missing.

Now he knew where the pungent smell of blood was coming from.

"Is it so exciting?"

Solim felt something foreign in his right hand, and when he looked down, he realized that he didn't know when he had pulled his wand out. This was clearly his instinct, and even when the Sleepless Curse made his brain less bright, and the Thirst Curse made his concentration less focused, his instinct was still able to make his body react in time when something unexpected happened.

Solim is quite happy with this, which proves that the hard training he has been training has not been in vain.

Blinking, then licking his lips again, he realized that the curse on his body really seemed to be invalid.

He turned his head to look at Vanessa and Calvin who had just emerged from the fireplace, only to find that the two had no reaction to the bloody chaos in front of them.

"Keep up!" Vanessa nudged him, "don't look around. "[]

Solim shook his sleeves, hid his wand, held his cane in his left hand and pinched it in his right hand, tensed and followed in the direction of Kent.

"Haven't seen it?" Calvin leaned in, not at all worried about the bottles and stools flying around.

"That's it here, those who lose are given dinner on the spot, and those who win can drink for free. "

Solim stepped over a corpse that had been half gnawed off and into the dimly lit hallway. He could hear it clearly, and there was a distinct chewing sound in the darkness of the hallway, "clicking", like gnawing on bones.

He moved his nose, a familiar fishy smell.

If I'm not mistaken, it's a werewolf.

"If you don't want to stay for food, go out quickly!"

Vanessa kicked the corpse on the ground into the darkness, and the chewing stopped abruptly, and Solim felt two eyes on them.

"If you dare to get in the way, you will be killed!"

With that, she waved her wand, and there was the sound of two heavy objects falling to the ground in the darkness.

"There are not so many rules here, the guy who dares to do it to you will be killed directly!"

Vanessa crossed Solim.

"This is not the outside, hurry up and adjust your mentality. I'm not kidding you. "。

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