Solim left the pyramid and reached the outermost part of the labyrinth in less than half an hour. He knew that less than 20 meters away from him was the auditorium, but under the influence of some magic, he could see nothing but a gray mist.

There were no living people left in the labyrinth, and Solim, the only surviving one, naturally attracted everyone's attention.

"What does this kid want to do?" Calvin looked strangely at Solim, who was standing on top of the wall at the edge of the labyrinth.

"He seems to want to get out of there. Kent rubbed his chin, "He must have gotten some clue from that pyramid." "

Solim wasn't prepared to follow Kuchoc's rules. Vanessa hit the nail on the head: "He went to the pyramid with a bunch of magical creatures such as the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider and the Rune Snake, and there is no reason to put them there, he obviously gave up on the original plan." "

"And what is he going to do now?" Calvin put himself in Solim's "three-one-three" situation, only to find that he didn't seem to have much choice.

"I've just sent a message to my family, and if something goes wrong here, we won't be killed by Ku Zhuoqi. "

Vanessa was also a little nervous, she was afraid of a conflict with Ku Zhuoqi.

Solim didn't know how many people were staring at him now, and even if he did, he wouldn't care. After a few trials, he realized that the magic in front of him was beyond his comprehension.

The gray fog outside the boundaries of the labyrinth is not an illusion, but a real one. He even ventured to use the Patronus to break into the gray fog to investigate, but he didn't get any valuable feedback, even if he flew hundreds of meters, he didn't break through the gray fog, and he didn't see the familiar scene in the original arena.

According to Solim's own understanding, there are two explanations for this situation: one is that he is no longer in the arena, but has been transferred to another place through magic, and what he remains in the arena is nothing more than an illusion. The second explanation is that he is still in the original arena, but because of this unknown magic, he is completely separated from the "outside world".

In the first case, Solim has nothing to do for the time being, the phantom shift here can't be used, and the phoenix can't sense it, and there is basically no means to "break the trick with force".

In the second case, Solim has a bit of a resistance ability.

This is the same as his chest that can hold all kinds of things, this arena is also a "box", Solim is now inside this box, and if he wants to get out, he has to find an exit, but the problem now is that Solim can't and can't be sure if this so-called "exit" is a trap, he doesn't dare to gamble, and he can't afford to lose.

The field in the labyrinth obviously has the ability to shield perception, otherwise the Dementors would have sensed the spectators in the stands. Solim needs to break this shield, at least for a dozen seconds, and he needs to summon his own phoenix.

A human skull appeared in Solim's hand, a "legacy" left by Dax, derived from the Skull-Shrinking Spell and possessing spell-casting abilities, which could be seen as an alien wand. It not only imprisoned Dax's soul, but also sealed the anger he was full of when he died.

This was Dax's dying anger, a pure emotion that could be used to trigger a spell.

That's right, Solim is going to use the Fire Charm again. No way, who calls this magic too easy to use? Powerful fire can destroy any substance, and it can also dissolve the magic on items. Solim couldn't find the exit, but he could fill the labyrinth with fire, and the fire would find the exit on its own.

Holding Dax's skull in one hand, the fierce fire catalyzed by anger erupted from his mouth, and a large mass of fierce fire gathered to form various biological forms: fire dragons, basilisks, thunderbirds...... The raging flames were so vast that the flame forms formed were all large magical creatures.

It was the first time Solim had used the Fire Spell so recklessly, and if nothing happened, the spell would eventually get out of hand, but he was sure to save himself.

A large part of the raging fire spread into the distance, while a small part was controlled by Solim and surrounded by him for protection. If no one comes out to stop it, then the fire will burn everything in the labyrinth into nothingness.

Solim noticed that the fire only spread within the labyrinth, and did not come into contact with the gray fog outside the labyrinth, even if he consciously controlled the fire to burn into the gray space outside the labyrinth, the fire would quickly extinguish like a candle held by a cup.

This is Solim's blind spot, he has never encountered such a situation, the fire will be actively extinguished when there is still magic support? The burning of the fire does not rely on oxygen, its burning is completely dependent on the magic power of the cast. Theoretically, as long as Solim's magic power as a spellcaster has not been exhausted, as long as he does not actively cut off the supply of mana, then the fire will not be extinguished.

But now his fire was extinguished with the support of his magic power. The burning of demonic fire and the burning of nature cannot be generalized, but there is always a reason for this situation.

Solim directly reversed the direction of his skull, pouring the fierce fire into the gray mist. There are already a lot of fierce fires surging in the labyrinth, and a large part of the original towering wall has disappeared, and now this group of magical creatures composed of fierce fire is spreading in all directions of the maze, there is no smoke, no smell, and even no ashes after burning, everything has turned into nothingness under the raging fire.....

The labyrinth is finished, and it is only a matter of time before it is completely destroyed. Solim now wanted to see what was going on between the grey fog and the fire.

It had been less than ten seconds since Solim pulled out Dax's skull to unleash the fire, and then the group of ferocious magical creatures made of the fire wreaking havoc in the labyrinth, and most of the people in the stands had not yet reacted. Solim was also a little uncomfortable at first, thanks to Dax's anger, which he had been so pure before he died, it was a distracted anger that made the fire even more ferocious.

The anger was like an accelerant, and it immediately caused the fire to explode. The speed was so fast that the exclamations of the audience were not yet uniform.

Calvin's big bald head was stunned, he thought about a lot of possible means Solim might take, but he didn't expect to set fire directly, it was still such a ferocious fire.

"He probably wants to burn everything and come out, right?" Calvin poked Vanessa in front of him with his finger.

"If this can achieve the goal, believe me, this kid will definitely do it!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Kent looked around, and the staff members in red robes were no longer concerned about maintaining order. They were scrambling to the edge of the stands, trying to reinforce their magical defenses.

From Solim's 3.6 angle, the fire was scurrying aimlessly in the empty, gray space, but in the eyes of the spectators in the stands, the fire was just walking frantically against the edge of the infield, not even 10 meters away from the front row of spectators. Once the fire breaks through the magical defenses and burns outside, it will immediately cause chaos.

At this time, the audience was ready to slip away, and the surging fire without warning brought not only visual shock, but also chaos.

The audience closer to the exit began to cry and flee, and some even crawled over the other audience members without hesitation......

"Enough! I said enough!"

Just as Solim sensed a change in the gray mist, the fire he had used to protect himself suddenly dissipated, and a red-skinned wizard suddenly appeared in front of him.

"You damn bug! You messed up everything! I'm going to punish you! I'm going to make you repent!".

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