Solim gave Kuzhuoch a corpse, and he returned a corpse. Moody's body was mutilated, not only the leg and eye he had severed, but also a forearm.

"It was just shattered. Mourinho, who was in charge of the handover, said: "It was actually an accident, he was following a couple of vampires and Death Eaters, and he was chosen when that stupid guy Schuvitz was choosing someone to participate in the lucky game." "

Mourinho shrugged his shoulders and looked helpless.

"That idiot obviously just wants to see the excitement - you know, this is the teacher's territory, and we all know who is here, who they are, what they might do. "

"So Moody's death was just because he wanted to see the fun?" said Solim frowned.

"Let's just say that. Mourinho took out a small box of "Seven Seven Three" and opened it, inside was Moody's magic eye, "I see that you also practice black magic, you should know that the brains of guys who are in extreme emotions are ...... Not very bright. "

Solim took the box, and the magic eye inside was silent, no longer with the eerie energy it used to have. It will no longer be sloppy and put psychological pressure on people - its owner is dead.

"Nice little thing. Mourinho commented: "It should be the work of some master alchemist, referring to the relationship between Alastor and Dumbledore, and considering the good friendship between Dumbledore and Master Lemay, this is probably the work of that person." "

The MONOCULUS is a good thing, it has helped Moody, a top Auror, but it is likely to be buried with Moody, and even if it is really NicolaMay's work, it has little practical significance.

"Now that you're done, are you going to leave now?" Mourinho looked at Solim.

"There's no need to stay. Solim took Moody into his box and looked at Vanessa.

Before Vanessa could speak, Calvin began to chatter: "Hurry up, my beautiful vacation can't wait to linger with me!"

"What the hell do you mean?" Vanessa motioned for Kent and Calvin to go out first, but left Solim behind.

"I don't understand. "

Mourinho said that he didn't understand, but his face was full of "I know, but I just want to say it", and he didn't hide it at all.

"Even if Schuvitz is really crazy, he will not provoke Selwin for no reason, and he is specially selected Solim. Vanessa clasped her arms, "and then the maze that never existed...... What the hell is your teacher trying to do?"

Mourinho looked at Solim with a strange expression, a tangled expression of anticipation and rejection.

"My teacher ......" Mourinho tilted his head, as if wondering whether to say it or not.

"Well," he sighed, "he just wants to take in another student." "

Solim looked at Mourinho and then at Vanessa. Considering Ku Zhuoqi's "wind comments", Solim doesn't want to have anything to do with him at all, let alone be his student, let's see what happened to his last student. Schweitz was also wrapped in a large ball of glass as a work of art.

"He's Selwyn's man. Vanessa's tone was serious, "Those old men in the family will naturally teach him. "

"But you didn't teach him anything, did you?" Mourinho, apparently aware of Solim's situation, "since he left that crazy concentration camp in Skuller, you have ignored him, or he went to Hogwarts on his own. "

“...... And as far as I know, even though he showed a very high talent for magic since he was a child, your family doesn't seem to pay enough attention to it, and still let him live in a cramped basement. "

As soon as these words came out, Solim also began to look at Mourinho seriously.

Even if Solim lived in the basement, it was in the interior of Selwyn Castle. This information can only be revealed by the Selwyns who are eligible to enter the castle.

Seems to have noticed Solim's vigilance. Mourinho smiled and said, "Don't think that you Selwyn are impregnable, you have long since become a sieve, just like those other ancient and prosperous families. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"You may not know it, but there are quite a few people collecting news from you right now. Mourinho gave him a meaningful look, "Your behavior at Hogwarts, your relationships, your food preferences...... And, of course, where you live, like the house you have in London, and the safe house on that island...... Someone is collecting all your information..... You might as well guess who's so interested in you. "

"I can't think of anyone other than that bunch of Richie's bed bugs. Vanessa walked over and patted Solim on the shoulder, "Don't worry, those old guys in the family won't let them get away with it easily." "

"If I were you, I wouldn't be blindly optimistic. Mourinho shook his hand, "Here I can give you a very expensive free message - eight people died in order to deliver this news, and it is not complete, it is a conspiracy against you." "

"What price do I have to pay? And how do you prove that what you say next is true?" Solim looked at Mourinho silently, unmoved.

"You don't need to pay anything, as for the truth of the news, I can't guarantee it, after all, it's incomplete, I can only say that there is such a conspiracy against you. "

"Richie has already done something to a student at Hogwarts, and he should be a student who has access to you. "

Mourinho's news made Solim's heart skip a beat.

"It won't be a low-level technique like the Imperius Charm, after all, it's too easy to spot—"

"When?" asked Solim, the timeliness of the news was also something to consider, now that he was about to graduate, find a Hogwarts student to deal with him, who do you think he was?

If he had just entered Hogwarts 0.5 Watts, Solim might have had a headache with a skilled senior student, but now he still had to worry about the Hogwarts students playing tricks on him? He didn't even go to the Great Hall to eat. []

"It's been a few months, right?" Mourinho scratched his head, "I don't remember exactly, that's why I said I can't guarantee the reliability of the news, but it's always right to be vigilant, right?"

Be vigilant......

This reminded Solim of the "mantra" that Moody always had to be surprised by when he was in class, even though the Moody at the time was fake.

"When you graduate, you'll find that the path of magic is just beginning. "

Mourinho held out his hand.

"That's when you might realize that you need a real teacher, and I'd love to see you here again – I mean really. "。

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