Three days passed quickly, during which Moody's funeral at Hogwarts was reported in the Daily Prophet and took up five pages detailing Alastor. Moody's life, including his contributions to the British wizarding community as a whole, and how he filled most of Azkaban during the war.

Of course, the Death Eaters, most of whom have fled from their lives, have not yet completely dissipated the fear they have caused. With Moody's death, the names of these people were mentioned again, reminding many of those who lived through the last war the horrors of the time.

It wasn't until the Daily Prophet that many people realized what a wizard like Moody's was up against. Out of gratitude and respect, a large number of wizarding people sent letters to Hogwarts, hoping to attend Moody's funeral.

The British Ministry of Magic has caught it this time, and it has used the prestige brought by Moody's to slash a wave of public favorability. They even instructed the Daily Prophet to publish redacted Auror documents as a reminder of the Ministry's covert operations.

Of course, these reports about the Aurors have been polished, but the results are surprisingly good, and it is said that many young people with fiery hearts have already submitted applications to the Auror office.

If there are positive, uplifting reports, then there will naturally be contradictory reports.

The same Daily Prophet also published some of Moody's "black history" in a special edition the next day, including his past failures, and even reported how his eyes and legs were broken...... But these are all petty fights, and it's Moody's neurotic personality and his vicious behavior of pulling out his wand at every turn to cast a curse on anyone who passes by him.

Solim looked up at the signature, and sure enough, it was the woman again. She seems to have a soft spot for destroying the image of others, and in her words, "people have the right to know what they are."

It didn't matter to him, though, but according to Sylna, Harry and Hermione hated Lady Skeeter's behavior, and they were ready to teach this woman a lesson...... Again.

It seemed that it was impossible for a small bottle to make Harry vent this time.

The whole school was closed on the day of the funeral, and although it could be arranged until there were no classes, Dumbledore obviously didn't want to wait too long.

Solim re-found his black robe, the one his grandfather had given him when he went to the United States. After packing himself up, he made his way to the foyer with his sister and a modestly dressed Draco, where the students were to meet, before heading to the meadow in front of the Forbidden Forest, where Moody's funeral would take place.

The students were silent all the way, and there was hardly anyone talking. The Gryffindor students are no longer in the way they used to be, and today they will witness an old Gryffindor senior laid to rest on the ground. The Slytherin students had even more mixed feelings, and while some of them wished Moody dead, none of them would be stupid enough to show it. The Slytherins, who were good at observing the situation, did not provoke even on the day of the news of Moody's death, and it was even more impossible to say anything on this occasion.

Today is also a big day for Hogwarts, which has a thousand-year-old history. A lot of big people with heads and faces have come, and the British Ministry of Magic is just an addition to the head of the snake.

In addition to Dumbledore, the head of the International Liaison Division and the Office of the International Aurors, the International Liaison Division, and the Sir Merlin Regiment are also here, and they will award Moody today for his contribution to the fight against evil.

Solim was rather dismissive of this. Why did Moody go when he was alive? Now that people are dead, they want to come and join in the fun?

The French and German Ministries of Magic also sent corresponding personnel to the corresponding departments, but it did not look like a formality, because Solim found that the circle of people was all gathered around, and the people of the International Federation of Wizards were arguing about something with a serious face.

In addition to the official institutions, there are many shamans who come in the name of individuals or families. There were even many parents of the students, such as Solim, who saw Neville's grandmother and uncle, as well as the Weasleys...... That's right, they all came.

When Draco saw the red head, he muttered to Solim that the Weasleys must have come here to eat.

Not only these people who came to the funeral, but also the Daily Prophet sent a note. Solim noticed that Harry's group was looking around, as if they were looking for someone.

"Just stay here and don't run around!" Professor McGonagall again stressed to the students, "there are a lot of outsiders here today, and I don't want you to show your indecent side, Mr. Creevey, I'm talking about you—why did you bring the camera out again?"

The arrival of the Hogwarts students attracted a lot of attention, but most soon stopped paying attention, and only a few eyes lingered among the students.

Through the layers of people, Solim saw Moody's coffin, pure white, with delicate patterns and patterns carved on it, and gold threads, but now the coffin board was open, and a ceremony needed to be completed at the funeral before the coffin could be officially sealed.

This is also the difference between wizards and Muggles in their customs.

Wizards are required to place the wand of the undertaker in the coffin at the official funeral before the lid is closed, but Solim thinks that Moody's coffin will not only contain his wand, but perhaps his famous magic eye.

After Dumbledore appeared, the crowd quickly quieted down. In this respect, these foreign guests are no different from Hogwarts students.

"We have lost a dark exorcist, an evil undertaker, a great Auror......"

“...... The darkness never leaves, it is only temporarily dispelled by the light......"

“...... His sacrifice was worth it. "

Solim listened to the eulogy intermittently, and there were quite a few people who needed to speak today. The Minister of Magic of the United Kingdom, the head of the Auror Office, Moody's former colleagues, the representatives of the Order of Merlin, guests abroad, officials of the International Confederation of Wizards, and finally Dumbledore.

It's long and boring. This reminds Solim of some secrets buried deep in his memory. []

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