As a member of the Selwyn family, Tóth is not well known, and even many of Selwyn's people are unaware that there is such a person in the family. He's low-key as if he's cast an Oblivion Charm on everyone, and the reason for all of this is that Toth is interested in only one thing: magic.

Power, power, women, food...... Everything that ordinary people desire is unnecessary for Thoth, and he even sees this pursuit of life as a terrible burden for the vast majority of people. There is only one thing in his eyes that needs to be valued and worth investing in.

Thoth was a very pure wizard, and Solim felt that there might not be any other wizard in this world more pure than him, and it could even be said that this man lived to study magic.

Toth was very old, so old that the skin on his body was like cracked porcelain, and it could shatter at any time. Obviously, in order to have a longer time to study magic, Thoth chose to use the Philosopher's Stone. This also reflects his true status in the family from the side.

This inconspicuous old man does not participate in the family's decision-making, and is never responsible for a specific external matter, let alone go out to shoot spells with others because of some conflict...... For many years, he had only done one thing, and that was to sort out the magical information collected by his family, and to compile and weed out the fallacies in it.

According to Solim's understanding, the old man was a living library. Any classification of magic you can think of, any known spell and its evolution, is stored in Thoth's mind.

The opportunity to learn from such a living library is hard to come by. He didn't need to prepare for the lesson in advance, and Toth was busy with his own business with his eyes closed, and he could answer the "shallow" questions that Solim encountered on the path of magic accurately and thoroughly.

Where is the gap between wizards and wizards?

In addition to the gap in "hardware" such as magic talent, it is more from the gap of "technicality"~.

In the same way, why are some wizards who are not very magical able to show amazing results, and can even make the person under the spell himself unaware of it, so that he cannot resist?

Even if he is as strong as Voldemort, his Imperius Curse focuses more on "strength" than "skill", otherwise how did Old Barty escape?

In Thoth's words, most wizards are substandard in the use of the Imperius Charm.

A qualified Imperius Curse should not be detected so easily by the Curser, as once the Imperius Curse is detected, it will inevitably cause the Curse to rebel, and most wizards like to use violence to achieve the effect of the spell when using the Imperius Curse.

The same applies to other forms of magic, where wizards nowadays prefer to use their abilities roughly.

After those gifted wizards deconstructed and simplified ancient magic, the wizards of later generations seem to have lost that exquisite ability to cast spells, because they no longer have the worry of dying on the spot if they fail to cast spells, and they can squander their innate magical power at will without worrying about the punishment of failure, at most the spell fires, but this is a matter of changing a wand compared to the life of a wizard.

The improvement of skill is the same as the growth of a wizard's magic power, it cannot be achieved overnight, it must rely on the accumulation of time, and Solim is inferior to those wizards who have been famous for a long time. His magic is strong enough to at least support a high-intensity duel, but he can't match the art of casting spells with the true masters.

Toth's presence can save him a lot of time, but it can also save him a lot of detours. Tricks for this kind of thing...... There are so many experiences summed up by predecessors there, and it is a waste of life to have to bite the bullet and explore it yourself.

How to judge the application scenario, how to choose the corresponding spell casting technique, how to make your magic 120% powerful...... That's what Solim was going to learn from Thoth.

Solim even learned from Toth about a different way of dealing with Schuvitz at the time, a more concise and quick way to win.

"Any spell with the nature of ancient magic needs the resonance of the wizard himself......"

There were at least eight large books on the table in front of Toth, and eight quills were writing on them, and he himself was constantly flipping through the other two books he had to compare.

“...... The reason why ancient magic is always easy to fail is that this state of spell resonance can be easily destroyed. The wizard who duels you...... What's his name?"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, according to you, he was actually in a state of resonance imbalance at the time, and what you did at the time accidentally destroyed the fragile balance he was trying to maintain, so he naturally failed. "

"You actually had a more secure and labor-saving solution at that time, so you might as well use your little head and think about it. "

The common sound of ancient magic depends on the relevant knowledge and corresponding magical control of the wizard himself, and finally the will of the wizard himself. At that time, Solim had already learned in advance that there was a problem with the alchemy array depicted on Schultz's body, so he naturally thought about attacking his body, although it succeeded in the end, it was not the best solution.

Schultz was in control of "anger", and at that time he was clearly on the verge of losing control of his emotions, at this time, he only needed a gentle push in his heart, and he himself would play himself to death.

The Imperius Charm and the Dementor Mind can all achieve the above effects.

"But my cast range isn't that far......" Solim figured out the key, but his ability wasn't enough to exert a psychic effect on Schuvitz at that distance, "If I had realized it earlier, maybe I would have had the opportunity to do it in the first place." "

"Stupid!" (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Toth looked up and scolded.

"Language! you've got a mouth!" Thoth looked at Solim as if he were looking at a hopeless troll.

For such a third-rate wizard who controls his anger, it is more effective to provoke him with words than any spell! Especially when he is already on the verge of losing control, a taunt, a dirty, word directed at him can make the brain of such a third-rate wizard boil. "

Solim was speechless. Ordinary people will not clean their mouths when they fight, but wizards have never had this habit, they are used to chanting incantations during fights... Then....

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