The appearance of the Evil Spirit Manifestation Charm marks that Solim has officially stepped into the ranks of high-end wizards, although he is currently a small shrimp at the bottom at this level, but he has opened up the essential gap with ordinary wizards.

They used spells, and Solim had been exposed to the real "magic". It's like slashing with an iron knife with a high carbon content and a real steel knife, and it's clear which is better and which is worse at a glance.

The Demonic Manifestation Charm needs to be mastered as soon as possible, but there is a more pressing issue to consider now.

Solim's defenses need to be updated.

Although defensive spells such as the Iron Armor Charm and the Deflection Charm are useful for dealing with ordinary spells, they are still not powerful for powerful wizards. If nothing else, look at how Voldemort and Dumbledore fought—the Dark Arts used the Reel Charm to contain and attract attention! This thing can only be hidden, and using Transfiguration to make a strong shield can indeed block it, but then it will miss the first move, which is a last resort.

Solim needed true defensive magic, one that could withstand the vast majority of lethal magic, and one that protected his soul and consciousness.

"Actually, there's no need to look for other magic, the Evil Spirit Manifestation Charm should be able to do something similar. "

The idea came out of nowhere. Solim was stunned for a moment, and soon realized that this 010 was the guy in his heart who was reminding him.

But then again...... Over the years, how many issues have I been influenced by the guy in my heart, but he is right, the Evil Spirit Manifestation Charm and the Patronus Charm are the same kind of magic, and what the Patronus Charm can do, the Evil Spirit Manifestation Charm can also do, and of course, the reverse is also true.

The reason why the Patronus can protect the wizard is because of the will infused in it, and the evil spirit manifestation spell is also infused with the will of the wizard, but not the will to protect, but pure malice.

Just like when facing a Dementor, some wizards' Patronus will be defeated, that doesn't mean that the magic can't work, it only shows that the wizard who uses it is not good enough.

The Patronus Charm and the Evil Spirit Manifestation Charm are magic that evolved from the same magic pattern, and although they have different tendencies in terms of protection and damage due to the difference in infusion, it still depends on the skill of the wizard.

After pacifying his sister, Solim was left alone in the basement, where he needed to continue to familiarize himself with the magic. With the security in place, there was no need for Sylna's Patronus to get involved. In just a short period of time, (CDED) Silna was hit hard and needed a break.

The power of the Evil Spirit Manifestation Spell has been vividly manifested in this short period of time. Sylna, as a good wizard, under the protection of the Patronus, still can't hold out for 2 minutes, you know, this is still under the premise that the evil spirit does not have any attack, if it is in a real battle, how powerful can this magic be?

"Why don't you find someone to give it a try? "

As soon as the thought came to mind, Solim was immediately alarmed. He hurriedly suppressed this dangerous thought, he didn't know if it was the thought he transmitted in his heart, or the influence of the evil thought itself. Regardless, Solim wouldn't have used the Demonic Manifestation Charm on anyone else in the name of experimentation.

Even if you practice the Imperius Curse and the Dementor Mind, you are a prisoner you have captured, and if you go to someone to test it for a magic, you will be truly depraved. He doesn't rule out experimenting with magic on his enemies, but he never goes to find a test for a spell, these are two concepts.

After adjusting his mindset, Solim cast the Evil Spirit Manifestation Charm once again. The oppressive darkness struck again, and this time Solim finally experienced Sylna's feelings.

It's kind of scary.

As if he had completely changed himself, thoughts that he had never had before came up one after another, either longing to kill or seeking self-relief in despair, but fortunately, these mood shifts frequently, and in the absence of Solim's intervention, the evil thoughts themselves show their power in a disorderly way.

Closing his eyes, Solim silently recited the incantation of the Patronus Charm in his heart, in order to mobilize his own will to protect, and use the will of the guardian to block the interference of evil thoughts, which is the first prerequisite for manipulating evil thoughts. Otherwise, in a matter of seconds, the caster's mind will be corrupted by his own evil thoughts. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Warmth and peace of mind filled Solim's chest once more, and while he hadn't summoned his own Phoenix Patronus, some of the Patronus's effects had taken effect—an advanced application of the Patronus Charm, which few wizards could master, even among wizards who had learned the Patronus Charm.

The darkness in the room dissipated, but Solim's entire vision became even darker, as if a filter had been added, and the tables, chairs, and cabinets in the basement room exuded a strange despair - it was the effect of the evil spirit after it officially began to move.

This magic ...... It's not so much magic as a realm that belongs exclusively to Solim. The reason why he was able to control the evil spirit manifestation spell so easily and quickly was because someone helped him. The creature who dwelt deep within him, the broken soul who became one with him, controlled this power.

Solim shared a soul with him, and even his consciousness was blended, and he would, and so would Solim.

The gray room changed again, the gray tones disappeared, the oil lamp hanging on the roof gave off again, and although the basement still looked dim, it finally returned to its normal scope. []

Instead of disarming the spell, Solim gathered all his evil thoughts on his left hand. Now Solim was looking at it under the dim oil lamp:

Wrapped beneath the dry, gray skin was a fleshless hand that was now a spell in a way, and anyone it touched would be attacked by the evil thoughts attached to it in an instant, and in an instant lose their minds, becoming a puppet of Solim's evil thoughts, and he would be driven until Solim was willing to mercifully let him go.

It's a willpower occupation, far more effective and damaging than the Imperius Curse, but the effect of the control is far less subtle than the Imperius Curse. After all, a person who has been occupied by evil thoughts can see that something is wrong if he is not blind.

"Another unforgivable curse. Solim knew exactly what kind of magic he had in his left hand. To put it bluntly, even if Dumbledore was touched by this hand, he would instantly fall into inner grief and despair. He would be forced to recall memories he least wanted to face, such as Oriana's death, such as his break with Grindelwald......

The Manifestation Charm is not a magic spell designed to kill, but that doesn't mean it's useless in combat. In Solim's opinion, the Demonic Manifestation Charm is a great form of battlefield magic that can affect the minds of people in battle on a large scale, so as to achieve some kind of control.

When faced with a wizard who has lost ground and is no longer able to use his combat wisdom, Solim can handle them at will.

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